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MEDICINAL. iERVOUSDEBILÏTY. GBA.V8 SPECmC MEDICINE. RADEMÍRK.T. „ ,Pn TRADE MRK„.'hJk il ísh Kcini'ilv, J$t3m jíf matorrhea trapo $& Ü3r Jefore TaldogLoóf iíiory! .ffeer Taktog, ■ 'nivual Liissiiihlc, l'ain ni ibv Uncí . Dimito i t'isiOTi ['icilKilii i-t Olii Afc,:ii!.: miiilj i tïn i IÍSGjiS ■$ ihüi leiid to 1 n.sani!, roiisii'í.v' nu md n Pi - oatnrp i i rTe. #'' Ful) partícula in ourpampbléts, whicli wi 'esirf M send fwe by mail to Ovrx 'n. 'f'tie SpecíÜe íorÜcn-ií wttá hy ail h h pet packHge,r sis pn,cka(reí for í5, i wíl! bí ent by innilon reCAip) "i the motiPy i y id Iríissinj. 'I'IIK UH A Y MKDH INÉ CfH; Nn lo iíéchünlca' Block, Detroit Micb. qyPoM m Ann Arbor by ill I'nt-it-, and bj irutryi.Htseverywhrrt1 scomn BLBOB Him S W, a peorless remedy for Scrofnla, White Swelllngs, Cáncer, Erisipelas, fíout, Chronic Sores, Syphills, Tumors, Carbnncles, Salt Klieiim, Malaria, Bilious Compluints, and all diseases indlcatine ar Impuro Condition of the Blood. This (Jrand Rcniedyisa compound of vegetable extracta, the chicf of whlcli are SARfSAPARILLA and STILLINUIA. The euros effected by SCOVILL'S KL00D AND L1V1ÜR SYRUP are absolute and their record is undisflirured by failure. For sale by all Mriiygrisis. MOTPS LIVER PBLLS. Th? tel fclhrtic TiHf Eegmlator. Thcy rerfif? torpitl:l ' o tito Jiver. Tirif (ve tona to the Si o mach They actt witltout (rípiny, upon the boicri.?. J-ft!f Jirmnvc bile frottt the blood. They purify, regúlate, ínviyorate the 'liiey cure all btliotts cotnpíaints. EB WORM SYROP ínstantly destroya WORT IS and is recommendod by physicïans as the bost WOO MEDICINE In use. for UdSJY and MS2J&&T. For Kxternnl and Internal Use. The greatest P:iin Reliever of the Age. n?" For sale by aM Druffeists. JOHN F. HESKY, CIIKKAN fc CO., sole raoPRlETons, iifL C'ollecc Place, Nevr York. -■ - i ui irmtCTim- nrariiBMi-wii BEST IS CHEAPESTI LIW1S' CONDENSEO STRICTLY PURE! We will ffive $1000.00 for rm Aluin or ether atlitltri-ation fnunil in this FOWJiiR. tK?!W Indorsed by the Brooklyn Board SÜf r Hcaltli, and by the bost ciienüsts TBSÍ& ia ttle United States. mttñja&' I' Is SVROBTR13H than KBUSV nny Teat Foirucr la W&Cñfh It KEVER FAItS to ' MFm&ïïri AA1"110 lSÏ1 bread wliea rWmrlX ■'u.ietl ns fllrected. JmMlIQ ItlsCorilMEMiiKDtyevCTy housekeeper wüo has flven lt a ÉPéM ItlsaneatlrelyNEWIirVEITifiUS TION, without ;my ot the bad quall8BBI tl09 of sot!a or s-ileratus, yeast or ïgvï otlier baHng powdera. KfBj It lias In ltself a tcrrtenry jjato mstaiii and uoui-Uk tua sybteiïL Good food malees pood tealth; and hrnlth i3 lmprovedorlrttiiiKl in proportion asvuo lood we eat 13 nuiiiiJoi'a or otnenvise. Lewis' IJ.vkinu Vov:ui.u ahmys makca f-oo-1 rood. Ons can oí thtó Is worth two of any other baking compound. ]t ma!:es bread -vliiior imtl rleiter. More Uian half tlo coiB'.'ii'L tsql 'cd flour arlse irom tho use of e. ■ ■■ i ft ; ; powdnrs, wlijcli oLten inal;e tüo bii oí licar'mru out darle bread. The mo;t doueate persons can eat íood proparcd wltli lt wiiliout isijui-y. Icarly every other baküüf poivder 13 adullerated and is absolutely lnjurlous. This la made froin Kiiiiiel Orape C'rcam of Tartar, and 1-i I'EUPBCTIiV PVliE. It niaUes the BiSST, liliiest, and nioat miti'ii ïons nBKEAD, B1SCUIT, CAKE, CKULLERS, BUCKWHEAT, INDIAN, AND FLAN&EE. CAKES. A sln"-'e i ;::1 wlll prove tue supcriority of tu;3 lüwdei. manüfactüt:ed onlt bt GEO.T.LEWis &, mmiiïn es. PHXLASE-LPHIA. roT.1 WIILIAM BEID, 'il Wholele & Retll 1.-1,t 1b ■■ AMBBICAN ifaj ;tj Window GEass, Piale Glass, Ribbed aud Rough PlRte ror J !S i fc'ïV H iAVi lï' eled Glus, Silver PmieJ '.■ ' , ■■ r: - J !', O Smh Br. PrCDcb Bd ;,r. ubBHteca&KUIÈia Q i i- Glass i'lv. A A i I B ! P TsC? Kuv 'IbI Leaíl nrl1 ' io!or8iuuí f Lf MnRKfGRMrS Ó T-'T' 'ii'jiuinjr, or i-i nt - J mulcs. ÍS & 14 Congress St. East, Detroit, Mich. IIOXÏ Tü AITAIJÍ SUCCESS. Without heaíth, Ufe s a failure. Yellow Kyes, Sallow C'omplexioií, Losa of Aiji'i-;titk, Dyïpkpsia, SickHeadachk, LSjmol'sness, and Constipa tiox, is the resul t of a cotuplaining Liver. MAKCEAU'S Livkk ÁND Anti-üilious Compound is acknowtedged as a sure cure for the enfbebled svstein. Posseüsing ' CASCARA SAGKADA," wiili oMer íncritoriuiís ingrediënt, miikea it an inl'allible reraedy ior Eqdaijzino tiik CiRcur.ATios, purifjiög the Blood, and restoring to PebPIOT the enfeebled system. 75 cents per bottle. Tiiwn's Broncliial Syrup cures all Lung, Tliroat and Chest diseases. 75 cents per bottle. Farrand, Williams & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Detroit, Agenta. lar sale y ti. .17 a , A i;o. A Kï EMPOE1ÜM And Artist's Supply Depct. 217 Woodward Avenue, Detroit ANDREW J. BBOW, Proprletor,' )ealer in PietQre Frames, Looking lassos, Oil I'iiintlns, EngravIuKS, Clu-oniDs, ArUsl's Materials, and Art i.H'Ciallles. OI.D ÍKAJII'S KIÍ-UII.UICU.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus