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July 14

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.Tuly 14 occupios inticli tho Mttic pTaóe in fhc béart of ;i Frenchinan j,hat Jnlv 4 does ín the Iieavt of m AiiKM-icui. Ou that memorable Jay the lalile feil, and its ('ft II was the rlse of lifoerty. lt is 110 pyroteelinical ex tra vanílico lo sa y that on tho rnitis oí that old prisoii was erected the tomple Of libei'ty tbr France and, larrely, the worl;l. That was in 1789. La Rasbilo was the politie:!] pn-i'son of France. Bohind its thick i'inl filiüost impeïiiM rabio Wttll, as wcll as in its dirk ,ind puti-id tliuiucons had Ihtmi buricd inany a Secreí state! iiinuy vicpm's of onmsivo royalty au l (':c-(i(il isin. Th:it, it were limked il pt:i a onGot'tlie most objóétioniijli' iMoiiuiiKinls to the ti'iio lovers of lilhTU' :iüd iii(L.:iC!ii iunt thoiights is nol to bc yVjOllut'VcJ ai. Öpeukiu of the l'all of H:atilu iiiid the French l..'clarüoi] oí' Hi'ihts (a coinpaiKon-piece lo the IX'claralion of IiiiU-pcndoncc), Laylayeitesaid: "Muy tuis gi'eac nioiiuluent rtiisuü to Liuerty servo as a les8OU to the opinesior und au exani))le to the oppressei." Taat jrayer, wortiiy ot' Liic jnuul frieiul of America iii lier hour of fiorest ncc;d, bas úeen more abundantly rol izotl than conld Illtve beul! autiuipated ihen. lt nitL'iesuiijf l" IKtC tlie viei.isittKles turouh wiiieu Liberty has passc.l in reauliiliy; its present fligh and secure position in France. ï.ie goud aceoiuplisije.l when Lilïiyeite wrole as above, was soon to De subvei'teil, and tlie eausu of jnstiee put to slianic I y the honors of the Uüiyn of UY'iTor. Had il not beun lor tnat out-ureak of fren.y, il s probable that the tirst lii.'public wou hl havo been as stuoiu as tau Aliluiican He [in olie. ft' the leaders of the niasses liad not given tree sway to all tiieir baser pasBioiisaiid prosuetite.l uniuercifuliy tlieir woru of venyeanee with blood tlnppiuy ; ïf tney haii shown more eouservatisni and goverued without lid ot the -uülotine ; in a word, if there liad buen no Kobcspicrre títere wuiikl have been nu .Napoleon. The cruel lies o Ihe lornier mulo possiule thc despolisai ot Llie lauer. Xho blood oí the guillotina was tlie seed oí' tlio wárs doyastutéd Europo ulular lie who ttibcl ai fet. lluiciiñ. - For n 10 re ihan huil' a cemury Frilircc had1 hule oixiasiaq tu eoieurate Uie 1-Uii ot July, ana ;i grwuur part ut' Uiat linie sty;h n celebra non huí lookea apon by uie Goveriiiuciil as a speeies oí livihuii. liú't liow Fr.aice is, a líi'public, vvitli no i'e.ison to upprclieiul B resioratioii ot'iHUicr the JJuurbons, tlie Oile.uii.sis, or Llu: l!oiiipirtirfLa. Tne i!'runcii iiopuoiic i.s liardly leas secare tlian tlie Aiuencau lí ■public. Tlie aiiuiesl y oi tlie Couuumnsts oí' the siege ot i'.iriá perio;l bespeaka tUe eonii .enee ot' tue Govermnent itsulf, aiiil tlio future is imn-ally uertíriil tojustiiy tliat eonñdeiiee. Tnere colihI be no. gnuulor sight thau this, ot' a urcat nation i'oreinost, roally, u all Europe, esta blisiiiny Uie principies oí' republicaiiiáiu iu tlie uiiiisLot iutrCnchetl despotisui. Franco is a litm t ot' liüerty íiiid law, not oí' law at tlie expense ot'liberty. This ltepuolio may be callcd a Tovvtu. ot the wiklerness, but the Krench líepublie had lo contend aaiast the most obstaeles. it was like íryiug to raiso corn iu a city to develop repui..íieanísiu ju oíd Frunce, lt took less than a ilecado to reach the degree oí' seeurity in growth here whielurequired nearly a ceatury there. Air. i'aine charged Mr. JUarke, and not without reason, vvitk pityiny the plumaje but forgetting- tlie dying bivd ; so múch iudi-c did he sorrovv lbr Mario Antoinette than íbr tlio oppresseil people; a:id the wol' ld has becoino accintoaied to tliink mora ol' tiie horrors oí' tha French ltevolutiou thau oí it.s beaelieeui'.e. JJut tlio glory oi' tho lutter vaslly outshiucs tlie lund Ilaui'js of tlie lonnur.


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