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_Tutapkin pie is ripe -The Öftys are Bhortttiing visibly. tirapos retail for G rents por pound. -Election six weeks from nextTuesI'a slight frost Visiled üüs city Mond!-Pr. Store contemplates removal to eokuk, Iowa. -Sherift Case lost a vahiable cow ruesday night. 100 guns vere fired over republican defeat in Maine. -Mrs. Êi A. Warren wlll address the teform club on Sunday. _-Ye vho have fal) overcoats to wear repare to wcar them now. -The anti-Jeff Davia alias hendentp-uty" died a-borning. V:ri"et at tlie oppra houH0 " Mon áay in the Shaksperean tragedy in six 6Ctn' J tlius Caesar. -Thirty pairs of chickenii property of Mpssrs. Fisher and Hammond are on bibition at the state fair. -Dr. Breakey is able to be out this neeY. after a conflnement oí three wedcs frorn asprained ankle. -Lniok Bros. have secured the conteict for buildinK of wood, a residence on Madison street, for A. W. Hamilton. -Owing to the fairs, this, noxt and tl;e week after, the Hancock and Eng,h olnh was adiourned to Saturday, -Wrvieeswill lie held at theUnitari„ ehureh on Sabbaïh forenoons only until Oct. 1, af ter which date títere will be usual service in the evening. - Remember and bring something to the fair. If you have a baby ander oiie mar of age perhaps yon can carrs off the premium on the beat looping baby. - Tn ooapHng care Wedneaday, F. H. Jones of Dentón, a brakeman, had the secon.l f.ngcr of the left hand mashed go that Hmptation bocame necessary. -Over 150 order tn this city tor J'Mson's Faturdl TTistory the great work whieh Prof. Winchell prononnces "the best of its kind for general reference and familv rendiiie." -Wm. j. Blackmore of Jackson was in town last week searching for an faithful sponst, wtio was auureu m" her home by the blandisbments of an Ann Arborite with whom she was temporarily livinGr. -Land belongiiiK to pstate of Morris Gres?, dpceasod, and situated in Hiscock's admtion to tiiis city, and sold on Monday, by the administrator, Mrs. Augusta Gves;g, was purchased by A. D. Seyler f or S400. -Mrs. Dr. Ilillon has gone to Cmcapo to practice medicine. Tbiq city does notappenrtobe a profitable field for femaie physicians as Mis. II. is the seconrl of her sex and profession who have removed lately. -A committee comprraing Aiehhrb. 0 W. E!n t, C. P. Carey. John O'Mara, Daniel Flynn and Peter McNally have irraned for i ball to take place at Annorv Hall on Friday eveuing, Oct. 1. Hnsir by Minnis' orcbestra. - MlssMaM. Bedson, whose death is notirci in the obituary column, died of bríiin disease aftet a protracted ÜV n'íss. 8!ie was a member of theUniT-sity sophomore clase. Her remaina we ". removed to Saginaw for in erm9 it. -A pnmmittee consisting of Prof. Ba ir. J. D. Baldwin, Dr. W. W. Nichols, E. Ií. Scott and Dr. Conklin, will report at the ïiext meetinsrof the pomologiciJ society, upon the '-best means of disposuig" and ufífizfiíg tlie péacB crop." - At a meeting of tlie junior class of the high school last week ttie following offlcers werp electrd: President, D. H. Bamsdell; viee-presitient, Miss lmiiu Brown; scretary. Miss Carrie; treasfirer, A. E. Jenkins; marshal, Mr. Smith. - For interest manifestad in behalf tlie reform club, particularly for the enterUinments he has arranged which resulted n tvdding a nice sutn tó its treasry, Frank Hanjterfer was presented ith a 2l(i cane by U;e dub at Friday eveninx's social, Trof. Wilaon doing the presentation. -The II imhlrtonian mare "Oulita" owned by Dr. Donald Maclean of this city to !; the ürst premium at the state fair VTedneaday in the race for speed and b uty combinad, five-year olds. Premi m $80. Thia mare bas been untler training of ("luirles Levris of Ypsilanti, and driven by liim at Detroit. - H. J. Iirovrn & Co., proprietors of the drug house on corner of Main and Hiiron streets, will open a branch store OcL 1 on State Btreet, in building adjoining Hendriekson'fl gtoeery. A competent person will be ngaged to take charge of it. ïhis will be an accomaoáíaiíon feo people on flie hill they ouglit to appreeiate. -John Barney is a colored resident of Superior, ninety years of age, and defonned in hands and limbs. Still a warrant against hiaa was proetned and he was beid to bail in 1200 to keep tlie peace. Mrr T. 15. Goodspeed f Saperior came to town oi Vedneslay, entered the bail, and the aswi darkey returns Home, it is hoped hereafter to make no more assaults. - At a meeting of the board of school trustees on Tuesday evening, tor tne election of oflieers for the ensuïng year, the following were elected : President, W. D. Harriman ; secretary, Wm. W. Whedon; treasurer, L. Gruner. The committees are : Teachers and text books, Messrs. llarriman, Mack and Smith ; buildings and grounds, Messrs. Gruner, Donovan and Whedon ; flnance, Messrs. Bach and Hall. . - The Eltnira N. V.) Cazctle greets Öse oyster month as follows : Four montlusof r-less name are gone, cheerful September now comes on! The oyBtwr&tM hla ocean bed now raises up 3iis Jhgply ttead. llis long vacation now ís o 'er; we gladly welcome him once more. Tiironsrh ftery trials ttaough he's passed, hTs sure of safe retreat at last ; and thongii t mavtyrdom lie go, no laek of ivamtli shall ever know. Too gladly we v,ili evet raise a welcome to September days; Cbey bring us midst the fruits of falL, the aoble oyster, best of all. -At the reform club saeial held in the tent on Fridiiy evening tliere vvere about one thousand persons present. Kot long after the program was opened seats on one side gave way under severe pressure, precipitating to the earth a number of spectators, but not with serious injury to those who were thus summarily and promiscuoiisly dumped. Later on and just bef ore conclusión, seats on the opposite side gave way with similar result, except severer bruiges. Those injured are Mis. P. Mead, Mts. S. A. Howe, Mrs. Garlinghouse, Nellie Seabolt, daughter of Moses Seabolt, Philip ÍSckuuiaclier aad ííxs. Drake.


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Ann Arbor Argus