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- Remenyi, Pontiac, to-morrc-rtr evenngn - Detroit lias 206 éitizens wnó paL mora tliáh $500 6f táxes thü yoar. -Mr. áfid Mrfi. (;ov. Crosi-ell of Ádrin are absent six eekii on 8 GaliforrM ri{). -Adrián lias vacáted two sirèëts td give the iSutiei railroad mote ndvañtaRèons- depot frronnds; - There will be (5,000 briek osed ffl the willis of the new cliurch in ïompkins, Jnrksof! courtty. - Thomns A. Wilson, rrol'atfe jvörë of Jackson county, was renominaled b the democrats last week; -Thomas Green, Sr., of Ponliac, pnintiiiK his buildinfe feil tö thö KfOÜUa recéiving sefere injuries. -James II. Worcesteí, Detroit wliite lead woflís, marte an assigninent orí Sntúrday for the benefit of liis credit o; s. - Á rfianufacturifigcofnpany oí .faolcson shipped 175 ttágons to Sioux City for thè Indiatre, purcíiased by the goverment. - Onthe31st of Áugasftiieré frere 28 in tnates at the Wüyne eounty poor íiouse, and Í84 in the coúnty sjrlum fot the inpáne. -A fatal epidemie, commpñcingwitií acute colic hhd ending Svith iñfiámíiiation of the bowels, is ragihg ámong tbe FacksoTi horsex. - William VM of HamlnirR liñs Iieéíi nominated for reprefifehtative iii tbe state Ipgislature hy thé rephblfcanS 6f Livingston connty. - Berhni l'ixley settled in TTénrietta,.fafcksoil pounty 42 years ago, living on the Humt farm iiiitil SattiMay frM li# diëd,agêd72yëMi -The Öftfietith fttmual fèürion of ttffi Twpntieth Michitran Infaníry will be held at the llibbard house Jácksóri, orí Thursday, Sept 30. -Port Hm-ori íoika have hád á meeting and áppointed a committf e to go1 out and nuse $60,000 nceded 6 keep Uie' Grand Trunk shops theret -All but one of the candidatos at the Monroe éxamifiaüoh of the would1 ie U'est Pointers werë defiioorat; _Á detíiócríit v-cih áná oñirthér sf oöd secoñd best; - Gov. CrosAvell haspardóñed Andrew W. "VVilliamson, convieted ín Wiiyné' county of manslaughter and senteneed to state prison for 25 years, from Get.-f,1871. , . - Artlmr Davis, an bid seitlerin Oak land fcótiiity, tvvo terms sheriff and owner of one of thé best farfns nraf Pontiao, died In thát cíty, Fridáy atthíí age of 63. . . ■-The potato fcrop in this vicinity, says the Stürgis Journal, is bettèr thafi the average, and in many cases the yield will exceed 100 bushels per acre" for iafgè fiel ds. - The Ionia Sentiriel says that thé grape erop in that seetion wás never so badly dafnaged ás this season, the wet weather and höt sun háving causea them to mildew. - Knights of Pythias of Jackson givé an excursión to Chicago on Tuesday next. Tickets $4 for round trip and good until Sept. 27 on all trains except the N: V. express. -At tliê Cadëtaliip ëxamination at Monroe, for tiie appöihtiiient t)f a West Point cadet for that district, Charles Muir of Erie was the successf til Candidate. There were nine contestants. -Frank Cole, an old and respect ed resident of Wheatiield, Inghani ('., was fecently föund dead in hi.s barn.He had hung himself with a small cord.The iury returneft a verdict of - Fif ty-sëven Mexican veterans Michiganders rtiet iri Detroit Tuesday tof their annual r6-union. Tlie burden of speeches tnade related to the propriety of pensioning the soldiers of the wör ot 1847. -Thomas Claydon of Flint received a piece of a percussion cap in his éye while on picket duty in Petersburg, Va.,in 1864, and has carried it there until a few days ago, when a physician removed it. -The friendS of Mrs. Mavy Barketv of Jackson, who was on the biirned steamer Marine City, and lost her entire' tvardrobe except the clothes she wore,have prisentètd her with completé outfit -- AlWöil does not take kííiály tö pölitical honors. Her candidato for goyernor declined that honor, and nów fim citizen whom the democrats nominated for congress, Mr. Jas. W. Sheldon, has declined. - Geo. Royer of Deerfield, an old andrespected citizen of the place, suicided by taking poiscm and jumping into the' Siekness in his family and KOI accident that erippled hifiï had made hini desperately despondent. -A well-to-do farmer of Mnrenci1, Lenawee county, who is too poor to1 take a newspaper, took mstead the agency for a new kind oí waahing-machine,andisnotb:appy to fftid that hïs commissiofi Ís a note for $150'. -The Michigan Central company are1 erecting a large brick dry kiln at their' sho-ps neat' Detfoit Jnnrtkm for the purposë of drying the linriber used by tliem in the manufacture oY caffs. It has a chimney over 100 feet Mgli.-The Truthteller of ííetroit is no more, having been absorbed by the Grand llapids Lever itow the only tetrfDerance paper in The rriari who starts a tenfperarice or greenback paper should íít once begin ío fast a la Tanner. - Ex-elty tfeasurer Hall of Toledo, who absconded after beeoming a dfaiilter to that city in abont 910,000 ha returted awl assunrted charge" oí hi business aflairs in the interest of hi bondsmen. Ilis assets are niore than? sufflcient to cover the deïcit. -The Caro Citizen says it is a fact that every teacher -in the prnuary rtepartnient of the union school has won a htisbanil drinL her School service.aM if that iact beeomes gèneially known the school board wiö be overnuï yfïth fvpliciitions for positiolis in that department.-The' steamer G-arland fairfoús fot' running.into a yatfotfrom whichu nuiuberof persons wer'é (lro'iil, was sold' under seizure, tor S17.(MK) to the dry doek company of Detroit. The money was paid into court and will be held for the satisfaction of claims for loss oí life, &c., when proven. - Hon. Henry Waldron of Ilillsdale, died at 12 o'cloek Moiulay niglit, from the rupture of a blood vessel at the base of the brain. Mr. Waldron and wife returnêd Satrifday front 8aratoga and the east, and Mr. Waldron was at his bank as itsual Mon'day ííntil ñfearly noon. He was one of the most prominent business me in souUiern Michigan, and in politics had been a leadwirï the repufolican party for years past.


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Ann Arbor Argus