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Chambers's Encyclopedie. 15 Vols. Over 13,000 Pages. Price During July, $6.25. Among the wondcrful tilinga whichjhave been accompliahed for lovers of good bonka by the " I,iterary Itevolution," peThaps the moet wouderful is the reproduction of tliis greM Encyclopa'dia at a merely It is verbatim repriDt of the last Eiifrlish edilion, in 15 beautiful volume, clear nonpareil type, kfcndsomelv bound in c loth. for 17.50: tbe same printed on flner, heavier paper, wide martrins, and bound in half Russio, gilt top, piice S1S.OO. The fircc ten TOlumea aro ready for deliver. Vol. 11 will Vm ready July 10. TLe renjaining volumes will be connileted by October next $6.25 An Amaxinf O 2E The more widely and rapirtly tbese volumes a-e aeattered, the greater their influence in indueiinr ther pnrchaaera of tliis and uur niany standard publicatious. Accordintily we (jivespecial terms to osrlj To all, whoae orders and tnouey arereecived dnrintr the moiiOi ot July, we will auvply the IS volume Utcloth. 0.25, and In half Htuais, gilt top, for S19.SO. Toanyone leuding fnmi auy place, wheri V Imve nonweial agent (usuuliy tbeleadlag bookselleiof the lown), elub cji üve order, ie will alluw a eonimiasion of lü per eent. Tho voiuiuee itbutd wül be tent ut once by eïpreys.and the remuining folluuwi wht'i) eomple'd A npeeiinen volnme in clotli wül bc sent, p id, fbr 50 ueuts, huif llussi, gilt top, for 81.00, and inay be retnrni 1 ui once il do1 Btiïfactory. The " Ch-vmbkks's Kwcyi hoi ..tua " comprisea the flret : -r) volumes of our lfcLibiary of UniTersal Kuowledge,"aud the remaiaiDg voluuiea, complete in thempelves, will be sold stparately wheu publiahed lilbrary of TJniversnl Knowledge, 21 vols., $10.50. Storien and Bailad 's, by F,. T. Alden, illus., 10 cent. MünnuVa (iKltoii's Rome, S vol . . 'J.")0. Acnie l.ibiary ot Modern Classics. 5-' cents. MacaulayV History of Eniflsud, Svoll.,(1.50 American l'atrimiüiii, S eents. Hacaulay'a l.ife and Letter, 60 oenta. Tainp'a History of Kngli h I,itrature, 76 cents. Maooubiy'a Baaara and Poema, 3 vola., 1.80. Cecil1 Bo k ..t Natural HWury.íl. Obamber'aCyclopaMliaof Eng. l.iterature,4vols.,$2. Plctorial Handy toxican, 2' cents. Knight'a History of ICiiL'land, 4 vols., $:i. BaylBff by anllior nl Si:.rrowrrass Papers, 50 ets. BlutarehV Lives f Iliustfious Alen. ' vol., Í1.50. Mrw Hiraanti Poëtica! Works, t)0 reuts. tteike's Lif and Words of Christ, 5U oeste. ! Kitto's Cyclopeedia of RiUe Litirature, 2 volf.r$2. "üiounifN Bible Coticordauee, ;ill,00u reiernees (pre Ftoilin's Aï:cient History, 2 2ö. pariija). Smith's Dictionsry oi the Bible, illus., 00 cents. Acrne Lilirary of Hio?rii]ihT, 50 cents, Workaof Klavius Jomii1iu, (2. Book of FiiblV, .Jviop. etc .illoa., 50 centa. Cumie Hi.'ory o( the [). s ,, illu., SO cents. Hllton'a Complete Poëtica! Worit, M cent. i Health by Eiereise, ïn (ieo. H. Tayloi, cent. Shakespearo'a l'oni[)lete Works, 7 c -ntn. ! Heult b for ■ omen, Dr. Reo. H. Ta lor, :!5 cents. Wurks of Ditnte, tranalated by Cary, 40 centa. I.ibrary Magazine, 10 eenl s N'o., $1 a year. Workhnf Vlrgil, traii-il i'.e'i by Dtydon,40 icnts. Llbrary bound volume, 60 cents. The Koran of Mohammed, by Sale, 35 cunta.. Leavea IVmn the Diary of an okl Lawyer, tl, Don (uixi.te, illus., 10 oenta. Each of the above bound in cloth. If by mail, Arubian fiHirht illua ,5Ooent.. poatig extra. Most of thebookaareedaopubluhed Hunyan'fl l'i!?i-im's PMcreaa, illua., -lO cents. fn fine editionl and fine bindinprs at hiu-her prieea, ]{ Wii.s.u Unrao?, iiius .. Meaato. Ucsciiptive Catalogues and Terml to Clubs MunohausiMi and Gullivei'sTnivels, illus, 50 eeuts. ent tree on request. Remit hy bank draft. money order, registeved letter, or by Kxprüss. Fraetions of one dollar may b &ent in DO.staKtí stainns. Addrets, JOHN n. ALPEN, Manager. Tribune Building-, New York. A P "PTSTHTTC! i Boston, H. Ij. Hastine; ï1lnlnrtp!r''i". T,ary & Co.; Cincinnati, Robt. Clarke & jHJLjIN UlJüO ■ Co.; IodianapollB, Bt.wen, Stewsit & Co.; ili'vcland, Ingl.ain, Clarke & Co.; Toledo. Brown, Kügcr & Co.; Cliicaijo, Aldeu & Chadwick ; id emaller towns, t)ic leading BookBeller, oul onein a place.


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