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Keep The Blood Pure

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I will now tcll yon, w rites a phvsíclan in Harper's Weekly, of a few things wliioli tend to ronder theblood puro and liealthy. Rising in ihc mornJng at a reasonable early hour,and goi 1 1 out f'or a ahort walk bofore breakfast, (loes, prcviously having batlied anti dressed without unduo baste. Tho walk need not be a long one, and a glass of pure cold water can alvrays be taken, just befo fe starting, with advantage, or a cup of milk by thoso who are wrakly. Seven o'clock, or earlier in sumiller, is a good time to get up, It isjust possible, however, th:ii when called yon may be enipjring a sound sleep, not having rested veiy well in the nrst part of tlio niglit. If such be t he cise, are get Up? Ye3, g.itupall tbe sanie; you will s'eop better next night. Secute yoursolf being aronsed at a certaiu hour every moruins by au alarm or otlierwisc. Eai-ly riiing is a habit tbat is not by any Hieans dillicult to icquirc, butit really is a blcs#l one. The walk, 100 bet ore bivukfust may not be relished for a lime, bul it will sooii be found to have impi'oved tbu appetite. Tho bi-eakfast on the live-by-rulo principie sliould be a l'airl y substantial ono both in quality and qu uiilty. As to the latter, be gniiled by your own judgmeut ; there ouglit to be a seuso oí'satiety aftereating, but no feeling of iftllness and no depreasion of spirits or slcepincss. Tho morning meaf, and indeed all meáis, ought to bc taken at tlie same hour every day. By getting up soon you g-ain nuuiy aiU'antages, two of wliicli are these : you have not to hurry through with bieakfaet - due niastioaiion is the very lirst act in tho manufacture of he ilthy food - and you eau spaie half an hour alter the ineal boforo going to work or business ; this gives the slomach a fair starr, and enibles it to do its work properly. If yon have inore thaii half au hour to spare, and lettei-s to wriuv by ali meaus writc tliem, for the evcuiag beiore retiring lo rest should be a timo of perfect peace of miad and repose of body. Oonnocticut has discovered a truo and only íeniedy for chills and fever. Soatter cayenno pep per in your shoes. The leader of tlie rcvolutiou of tho Albanians is Bishop Pooter, a Germán, lie is a JesuLt, and is 79 ycars oíd. Mr. Dickey Lliigard Dalzell has a now ]ili cnlled "Torturad to Death." Tlie audieuoe lakes the leading part. - ♦ - A lady calledata store on Winter streot, tíio other day, and iuquired of a polite salcsman who was nieasuring lringe : '-Do you kcep butlons?" "üpposite, nía ain, if yon picase," said he, as he pausod in bis work, and shouccl a ro w of very white teeth. To bis lüsmay she walked deliberatoly out of the door and crossed the street to a rival establishment. Tho young man did not lose li is situation, but he got a blowing up that made him think Fourth of July had come again with evun more tlian its wonted cxplosivejiess. When anybody asks for buttons uow, be bars the passage to the door ■with liis yard-stick, and poiuts cnergetically while he. exclaims : "Opposite counterl" with a special emphasis on the last word. He is determincd not to be caught again at the game of button, button, who's got the button? Ql' to Suffer Ixouu a counter movcaieut.


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