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Charles Lever And Fishing

Charles Lever And Fishing image
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Fisliiuí' wlie i it Inigtioge, Lever pructicnd bcciyso everyboly ti-hel, mul dn' N'.in; running throuü was iin excellent tnmt and limón aire mi, bui lic never 1 i kol it, atuined no skill, nu I uoi oven bnngler'ti luck. Uu wm, iii I rul h, too sociil an -111111111 fui niiy solitary Riniisninents. T.j Lover's I ok ot interest in fUhiujf, thero were iwo oxeoptlons. O. in of these wiia loually callo. i buit fishinr. Tlia li lul 1Í iv of Ihe rivci'Sure seldom rcachoH ftbovn Inisliogo bridge, and bclow it lor soveral miles to w.itors are uicrely thrown uaok by tho i' i i 1 1 4 I ï ie, fin miiig a water pond, deur, mul cürruniics. Tin; rapidt where tho Itifc trom Iovo lo lio üeliin I rooks, mul conwjftle I iu wei; Is, beoomo (mii-('(uciiI.I v dcadw.ilor, nu L the astonlsliU' i li-!i iiiuví: wililly iibdllt, llepriVi!ll ot'lllt.'il' llsliul Iiidili4-;il:ic('. Tlio iviitoi ijlauts wlhc'.i kiyilii iiinU'r thu cui'it'iit liso i'orpi'ii iioti üti'í y IVoni i!i'ir steun, c iuiny Hn entiro c'iairjfü in the nppeunwio! ol' ihe buUoin il' ibe riv..r. Absolute silriwo and slillif-s is hocensni'y as tiie buit is droppol amonta pupuhitiun so uiuch Unou c)io uiort. F rum tho ule.irtiws ot' Uio vnter in ibis natural iju uium evcry mo venion t of the tin.! iribe is vWibio. Tho buit is cxuniiuuJ by the lish trom allsidt's; soinu will vis,t ir, aseo ni oí' tliiiil t i int; ; SKino, upparently in roiiteuipt, will 1 isli it vvii li tli'ir wils, bui i luí i' jicu.'i'al inovumuni rcsuiuoluii niolhs flyingroliud :i lani, iintil onu moro rookk'ss or more c'tnriu ; tluui the rest will soizj tlie bait. In all tlu.s Lover took an innnonso interosi, aihl porh 1 1 1 .s : 1 1 1 the kno.vle ige ho acqniied ot' the luibiis oí' irout was learnud tueuan I thoro. lleoamo to knovv that iish, thoiih unliiriiishoil witli oxtcrii:i.l ear liuve reinurkably sliarp porcaptioc at' sound. A shunt, evon at n disliiiico, will startle thein; i shot a Lundred yar s awtiy will causo ihoin lo vanish. Thore, ion, was visible the apparatus by whiuh air was uxtracted froui the waier,oiiabling those breathing liniiuals to live anj iuovo and have tiioir bi.'in,;'. Tlioro is anothor species of fisliing oí yearly occurronco at Inislioxe, iu wil ie 11 Lover was an oigcr participant. ïnere is ihe ohad or shail tüs.iiug, coming olí late iu April, or in the eaily days ot M ly. li is a sea lish, averayiug about a pouud in weight, and on thu highest tides of the spring iu favorable se-isoiiS they arnvo in such mullinnles as to literally cover llie botlom of the rivcr, an.i they mako a most v.üuablo addition to the foo 1 of the villagCl'S, at tliat time a coninniuity oi' pótalo oators. Tney aro taken by cvery possible do v ice, íroni tlie seine nel to the rough and simple one of kiiockiug over with stick or stone. Wheu shoai presses on shoal, tho early arrivals are torcd into the shallows, whon a scène boaring soniewhat the aspect of a vil lage fe-aivil occurs. The juveuiies of the cuininunity exCCUto a Dank mownieiit inio the water. When, by these tnotics, the siioal of fish have' boon depri vod of all chancos of escape, an oruer to alvance shorewards in close array is givon, and tho motloy group move accjivliiuly, beating tiie water with polos and branches, and shoutingaud j elling ftiriously. The irighteuoa lish, witll such enemies behind, dash forward,somo Icaping inlo tht air, soine on sliore, all into the hands of the seniors of ihe village, who receivo the troasure with cries of "Thank God." In these inaliOBUvres Lever was an active leader, " and th 1 li ii was lieihtened by the cheers that lollowod au import mt capture, and the laugiitorana seiveching of the splashers and the Bplashod ran loud and long.


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