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Growing Old

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Yes, we are all giowing oíd, though íiiconsoiously, aud the toot of time dis aa sottly as ever, aud ihe current ov lile Üows on as siuooihly as ever - udeed, tlie fu 11er theeurrent, the more loiseiess its flow. And nionths and ears are, after all, sü very uiueh alike hut ihej pass away without special observíUion, aiid we begiti to get oíd wtore we think oí' it. Aud when we sit down to a simple sum iii arilhme,ic - the subtraetion ot' the year of our jirth liom tho current year- we are asionished at ihe answer, and are so luubtiiil ot its eorrectness tliat we go over it asecond time, butalways with the saine resul t. Cüildren gtow up ■ound u, but we gei used to ihat, and iré so busy that we seldom stop to compute theii' ages and realizo the swiu flight ofyears. Tiie wiie who ías Siooa lovingly and fully at our side nevur changes, and is always tlie air yoimg briue of tne oíd and happy lays. Tnough his hair may have rown gray in some way that we do 10 1 understand, and his step may seem a littlo less elastic aud lirm tliau it was, tlie husband Uoes uot seem to lave changed ruuch afier all. lie is, to us, iiio same stroiig, inanly one vhoni we loved so mueli and to whom we conliUed so niueh jast alittle while tgo. To ue su re, ihe lew triends of our youih tliat reinaia aie all ray leaded, but we do not tliink mach ot' Umi, lor we all seem to be using the fcame tasluou.iblo hair dye. bonie one hassaid that if we doubt v ..etiior we are really growing old,we should look in tlie lace Of ♦ur iriend whom we have not seeu iii twcnty veáis. The preacher tried that a í'ew 'ears ago. ile dúl more; he looked n the iace of a friciid whom he liad not seen lor neai ly lorty years. What hÍ3 riend thought of him he doea not now, We were both too polite to expieos our thoughts. He knows that ie kept wonderiug, aiul WoiKlering vet, wliat liad happened to his íriuud .hai he shouhi look so very oíd. ]lrs. Harriet Girard Ulart's, wldow of tlie late Jolin Yeanlley Clark, aud he last surviving nieeo of fcteplieii jtirard, founder of Girard college, iirst uisband was Uai'OU llcnry Lallemand, . general of anillcry uuder Napoleon. While Napoleou was at !St. Helena ihe allemands, who were very intímalo with tue Bonaparte family, were ex - les iii America, tíen. Lal Iemand died a number oí y ears ago, and after hia widow was niarried to Dr. Clark she ivea wilh heisecoiid husband inl'aris 'or a long time. Sae kepl up her inimacy with the Bouapartes tbruugh ile. It is estimaied tliat the money paid for Texas cattle during t lie past live years amouuis to $iöO,O0U,UU0.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus