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Miss Perliminary's Companion

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Two single lnilie-i, Miss PrelimU nary and lier visitor, wnre seated in a Madison avenue parlón "My dear," snid Miss Preliniinary, "I uní actually niclancholy mj. louesome tbr want of comp-iny." "1 am ot'tun so niyseif." "I suppose, ïtiy deal') it ia oné of the results ol ri'finement, one of the penal lies we must pay tot living in a higher plañe thail the éornmoil world around us." , ...... "Bnt it ,will liever dó to lower oursclvca to tiieir level, so I suppose we must entertain each otlier or do without entertainment, ötill it ia a miserable íeelinjr to want lor syrnpathy, ai.d there are times, Uear. do you knoWj when I think I could actual ly love a nice - that is, reh-bred Jo." "TSpia nuiv vuil iii%-(; niciilioiiwl it, I'ni oiiiii to teil you that I have often tliought a haii.isoiiie dog, ono that is affectiouate; gooil-natiued anl iiiteresting, woultl le alniust - al most as coinpaniuiiable as a goiitloman. But papa is so opposeú to liaviny animáis in the house - he won't allow even a dear cat - tliat I am surc 1 Wouiüu't dure to let him knuw 1 liad a doy." "Ferhaps now il' you had a real intelüyent animal, one that uoulu do all those Hltle interes tuiif tricks, you know, your papa inight take au interest 1Ü llillli" "He inight, it is true." So, akled and counseleil by her friend, Miss Preliminary visited a dealer in canines ana bouglit at a hiiíh unce, a inisiM'ahln wip.tch which tlie young ladies, nowever prououuceu "a uariing." The animal was taken home, and Sarah, the house-maid, was cailed in to assist iu makiug tilinga sato and picasant tor lus dogship. The iirst twenty-four hours passed without iiuyiliing to disturb tue hannony or quiet of tlie Pieliminary man-don. Uut nature pronipted .Fidelio to comnience bark ui g at iirecisely niidniglit, wheii tliu household was ueep in its first sleep. Miss if. coinmafaded Iiirti to "husli up," but lic oniy barked the louuer. Óla Preliminar)' was disturüeu iu his best sk-ep by the barks ot' sonie neighbors' üo{, as he conciuded. lie sworeequal to ihe anny iu FlonUera. The sounas seeined to come lrom above, lie rushea up to the roof, revoiver iu hand. WlieJI on the roof tue sounds vvere below, and he rushed down aain and out on the sidevvalk, buL found no áo. tio for u. wliole week Miss Preliminary's pet made every nigUC au exciting iiinu for tlie peuce ot the liousehoid. 13ut just at this time the family doctor was sent for by Miss P., to pi'Cbcribo lor a sort of eruption she lound licrsoU' troubled witli. Tiiu oíd medical man cauie, looked wisu at flrst, then l;tu = hed; but prescibed for her aiimuiiL. "Wliat is the matter with her, soiuetliinji oatcliing?'' demanded the papa. "l've feit ui iniurnai iichiiijj inv(;t' lotnlit Haifj loot-, at UU), tiieru s soiiiciiiiiiij; Wrxyug." The doctor louKeil and smiled. "What is it, doctor?" "They are," pomtuig to the red marks, "only flca Uites." Then tliere was another explosión from tlie old inau. tóarali was calkd and qucstioned. 'Ii yon picase, sir," said the trema bling öarau, "ït's Miss Preliuiinary's companion that brought 'eui uud I ain'i to blame." 'Oompanion, the devil I" "No, sü-, it's ouly a small dog, p lease." ■ There is no need of going farther into the uetails of old Preliminary's bad conduci, but the dog and the otner annoyances disappeared iniinudiately ; wiiiie Miss P. has, if repons are tiue, arranged for a permanent coinpauion.


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