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A New Brand

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One day whcn trade was diül, greco r y ctei-K prooured a piece oí' soIb lc-aher lïom a shocmakcr, paintcd it black and luid it aside Cor futuro use. Williiu a fow days an oíd chap from back in tlie couinry carne iu and iuquired lor a plug of ehjBWing-toUoco. 'i'hü pieoe of sule lcallicr was tied up, paid tbr, and Uití yiuchascr siarted i'oi1 home. At the end oi" iho sixth day ho rctui-ncd, looking dowucasl aud dejuctea, and vvalking inlo the itora Ue nmuirod lor the clei'k. Xiie clei-U was callea and carne up smiliug. j. ,, As boon as hc cast lus eyc 011 the okl man. he rocognizod at unce lus shoe kMUlwr custumcr, and comincucod to tuel quita waak iu the kneus. he kept a sober laoc aud awaued uovwopmeitta. . akl the okl man : 'MoMiber iliat lerbaeker I got liere the jl1u v d-iy 't" "Vos, s.r." '■ n all, was tliat a ncw brand ?" "Yes." 'Uvular torbacker wasit?" " Well, ihen, it's me. It's right hcre in ïuy jaws," sadly wplied the okl man. " "1 kiiowed i was gettin' putty okl, but i was alias haiuly on bitin' plug. I iiyver scuil a plug ai'orc tiiis oiuAhat 1 couUlu't tcar to piucos at a uhew. 1 sol my leetli on tlns onc and bit uid pulled and twi.iLed like a dog at a rooi, and i'vo Uept biLin' and pullitt' BIX days, ului t.üar slio ani now, tUe sainu as Üio day you sold lier to beeins to be a good ping," reraarked the clurk, as he smelt of ihe couuterShc'sall riglit; it's me that's failin'l" exclainiud the old man. 'Tass ne out boniü fine cul, and 111 ge home and dut-d llie farm to the boyi and got ready the gravo ïoysclf. '


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