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MEDICINAL. iÏRÏOÏÏS DEBILTfï GR.VY'S 8PECIFKJ MEDICINE. ■ RADEMARK.The Great Kn. J$g" ■ Kl'sli Ilemcdy, ■ire , _ ■minal uH iiniliii rh.ii.I -9 tcncy.'Ui'i y-XTi? bk eiwe Hial t'n! ■o r m i Feit Al ' . :;eiore raJnngLOBllOf Memory, Afear Takmg. iiivcral Laeaituda, )'.;in m khi - pP "f Vi-.Mli. I rfliliüar.' O] ,-- 1 .::;; n: ;! v otHer'dlseaSe-tliai Lead tq laaaity, U(w#amptkín and u Preiiiiiinc i i raye. Knl] ïiutu'iihirs in nnr püTnph.i'is, wlncn we 5 une. The Spectflc Werü prngeitsat 1 per [ki.U;.l'"i v poékatres Inr 95, 0 ïlllie tent bv in. in Iraaaiog Tliv: (il! Y MBDTciNE 'i.. :, Detroit Míen. aïiSol.'i'i in Viboi bj ull Pruggists, and by ; ;- Cures Celos, Pneumonía, Bronchitis, Asthnia, Cros;p,Thoi)inar Cöugh, and all dispuse of the Breathiflg Organs. Itsoothes and heals the Meinbrane of the Lungs, iuflamed aad poisoned by 9WPiusrai(l ifg'litncss aeross hc. cnest whk-h accompa n y it. OONSUMFTiON is not au Incurable malady. lí is only necessarr to have the right remedf, au! IIAIX'S BALSAM is tliat remedy. DONT ÜESPAIR OP RELIEF, lor this beniíiu speciflc wiíl cure too, even thoiigh professional aid faiis. HENRTS the Most Potverfut Itcalin g Agent ever Diseotwred, ïlenry's Carbol le Salva cures the tcorte . ores, Henry's Carboltc Salve allays the, pet in of' bwrns, Heitrtffs Carbol ie Sal re cims alt erupfloas. Hen rij 's Carbol ie Sailffe heala pimple and bloic'ies. Hetrf9s Carbol ie Salve triïl cure cuts una bruittes. Ask for Henry.'s, and Take ?io Other. ILar BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. _&Z TOWMsimrs ■ ■■7; CURES IN ONE ?IIMJTE. esgts n noem A SÜRP PRÉVENTIVE Coutaiotis ptseases, Co'ás, Hoaiseiiess, Diiihtheria, n.kJ Vi .2oopiiïg Co' J'i JOHN I'. HKNIIV, IIRKAS & ■!., 34 ('o!.. Vt.r:.. THE BEADY FARSILY SOAP MAKER: LEWIS' 93 PER GENT. PURE. (Pateuted.) FTNELY POWDEHED. HIGI1LY JPERFTJMED. The stronrest and purest JJye made. WI11 malie 12 pounay of tlio best Porfmned Hard Soap in 90 Bflinutos wiïïiout boilingr. The beet vfarei'-hofieuer niade. ïlio beet Aisinfectiutt. Tho followinii aro Romo of tiie adrantRfres obtainèd by uaiag1 Lewiu' 9S Per Coat. Tuwdered - Ffret. niBpakp-dinanironcanwith gftpa elip or rcmovable lid, easily takeu off JMUdL ai l 1 lea i uk the conteots exponed, tiiere■ TOrjS bj '■'■', aimnyance, and Safe ■ . flyinjr partidles), as UÊKf "with other Lycs, wkicli, b IVk - Bolid iu the can, mu&t be V' uJA - brollan with a hammer to got ïSK f Seoond. It being1 a fine fc Qf CAïpwvder, you can remove the Jf' ïïaff Il& "' aiIi' Vour out a 't'10 con3 B' tents, being always reiidy for i - Thïrd. A teaspoonf ui pr more can be mm fcwi Tif-'i1;!, ;:.-ï in water-flofrening1, Bcrubbinè1, S 1 the lid returned to the can, ana flaflB therüby payo the balance of contenta. ' ■ Hh AVitU other Lyen uil must bo diB at once and used in a short time, or the nfcrentyüï te groae. f ' aSSS Fourtli. Ahucíate purity. Froe " ' f 'V t1 iOIlS. Fifth. The bc:. mdoinfrom ten ' totw( 1 Lye, SixtSi. W in naakitif? Soap with tnm lVye wften tho t-iinpla directions givon aro folio wed. Seventh. One can of thls Powdered Lyo ia eqnal to twenty pouads of tio.1 Soda or AVauhing iiichth. One can of this ivill paponlfy nne Eund more of preiio thun any other Coiicentrated v1. . líall Potaah, or Sapo:1 Ninrli. This Ijyo ie '4 per cent. stronger tlian any other Lye or Potaah, Ten tli. One to two t-aspoonfuls will Boften a tnb of toe bardi rt water. Ëleventh. One teaspoonfnl will thoroug-hly deanee Sinke, Braáns, or Invaluablc for killing" ROache, Mtcft, Bats, etc. ïho best ariiclö lor wasbiag ïraus. MANUFACTUEED ONLT BY G.T.Lewis&MenziesCo, PHTT.A TIT.T.PHI A - 'ÍLLIAflI REÍD, ■■' nlrr in tTO A AMERICAN .■■jOiïElass, Piale Elass, . r;d 1-Jtiíiin. .■. Sílver Pi.uö'i , reneh and Gcr-.--'■■ ib Piales. . :.l Oil, Coloi-i, Putty I í.uilding, or in wam - -jjwi ■ ing, wrlte for esti12 & 14 Conpress St. East, Detroit, Mioh. II W TO AI'TAIJI M'CCESS. Without h a fttijure, YeI.Ï.(i'. l'LEXIO, LOSS OF Al-I' ÏITB, JJVSPKP.-IA, SlCKHkADACIIK, JílI.IolNKS-, il?)(l CoNKTIPAtion, is the ri sult i a coitipiairíing Livkb. MAKCKAU'ö Livi.n a.d Anti-Bii.ious Compold is ac'Unowledged as a sure cure for the en: ni. ■PóMtenriftg "CALCARA SAGRADA," with oíAer meriterioua inredients, nmkea it an iiiíaliililc rcimily for Equaljzino thk Circula tio.n', purifyiog the ÜLüOD, and restoring ia Pehfect JZkalth the enfn' i, 75 cente per liottle. Thwd'k Brünéhial Byrup cures all Lnng, Tliroat and Clieít diseuses. 75 cinta per bottlo.' Farbanti, Wiij.iams & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Detroit, Agents. lur huu l) H.J. 1UIV A VO. UT EMPO1UUM AndArtisi's Supply Depot. 217 Woodward Avvinu-, Detroi ANDKEW J. BEOW, I'roprletor, Dealer iu l'ieturc Frames, Luukm Glasscs, Oil Piiiiitlngs, Enravlofra Chromos, Arlist's Jlalerlrtls, and Ar Specialtles. OI.D ;i'RAÏ.'r.S RE' G1I.DED.


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