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Specialties In Farming

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Ti'iH' mul no remote pnst, ■wht'ii uoarly evei'y fnriner in tho norilirni 8tAtes enden vorel to ruise uot only all tho articlos of tbod rcquirel uy lila l'ainily, with the exuoptiou of ftah, bul all otliee matcrials tor clothiiitf. He proiiuoeil nll tba food crops that thé nature of tlie soil nu I cliiuute rendered possible. Ee iaisert, liowever smnll I) ia t'irm niiulit In-, a few btishols of wIküU, rye, b:irluy, buckwlieat, potatoes, plumx, appfes niid pearst Ho Ucpt a snffleient ïiuiiiber of slreep to siipply tlio wool iKsecssiiry to make cloiii for winter clolhin:. Tbis wool waa tiwiufactiu-ud inlo cloth al lioine. Jle iia.l a littlc fluid ut' tlax, the Uure ot wincii wiis vvorUed vii'un tl ie place, The skins of lioniP.stic mámala were div-ed Ijv local turners on shures, aï l Cltt lúiii&er wu ëiv'wed at the inilla in the saine V;iy. Miuiy ïanni'rs raised tobncco au I liOpa tbr iloincsiiu nso, and all ut' thuiu uitiúe tliuir own Inittur au I uliuosé. - Tno object of' ev.TV fannor lo t&Ut eiluiiih of evorytliiiiji ho poulil to suppiy tlita wanis of liis taiuiiy. - liy aiiopiing Ibis eourse the npiiwiid lor niuimy W.-W excücdingly snwü. bonie was ri'quirei.1 tor jj.ij iu tuxes, hul tuxes wi.-re oliën talA Without money. Tite hiirhway tix was wurUliü OlU 01' pai I in material tur uoiisU-nciing' urides aihl eulvials. Odir Lftxed M-ru sonieiinies paid by üoaiMuig schuul U'acucrs, tuniishiug vo.a! i'ov y.inuin allooi fioaes, or jy Lakiiycaru oí paupers. Nuiiriy all he 1 1 - lü-; Hl tile uorthuru BUltdS ttiH (iaiiiestiü turnjing. 1(V'V erups veie [no lUced for tiie niarket. ia aet, the Uenmnd lor iann pio.iuets vas sin. il), suiêe most persona ere n.;a_e,i in tueir proauction, 'lvp oii'uuiustauces lavoruJ the kiml oi larnnng that lias büün elwsöi'i Ijud. L'heie vveie 110 meaus ui' uhoap li'aiiijonaiioii in portions of the country ■oiiHiie tïoiu me sea or lïom no lakes lid rivers. li' au arttole liad tu be lülilbd by oxen ovöl' roiigh im.kU, tlie iistauue of iiuy milos, iw priqe vfould tot pay tlio cool ui' U'unsportotiüii.- V.s a coiisGueuce, no aruclcs wcro coiiVL'yc.i loii;' aistanctis, uiiicss tliey vere of considera ble valuu. Fanns leai' iiaviyiiic waters wtre val üj ble, üccausu Lijo oiVnoi's colli. L soud liiuir Cl'op U distaut lUHl'kets, and tullid ublain in return arüoios ui' luod an I ciuLiiiiy tUiit yvere yroduued ut a diutanou. Fawiiera living in Liic hiteroi'j hoWovw, wci'i; uuligCtl to live and to oloilio tlienisotves Uy llio use oí sueh ártioles as taey oóuld. prdUuoe on tneir uslales. lt' tlicy wan led a variety U)uy must ruisx it. Wañt oi' ineai;.s was anot.ier circumSbiUüO tliat lavorod üomcslic laruung, i'lio proaiicliuii 01 Sjiucialties requises capiUl as WuU as íaoilitics lor translurtation." To pro, mee uut a éiiiglu trticie ás wool, Hops, heiup, tooauoo, or iruii,a lat'iuer must liave suili;ient capital Lo support nis iainily and ti cairy on lus uuoi'uess lor at least a ycar. Asconsi .eiMbie risk attends the uroductiou ot' one erop, a farmer sliould navu sulliuient nioaiis to curry lian over at least oue partial or cutiré l'aiiure. Ju iCiv ol tne uioaiid lor poruiioii uu i 1K5K ul cipiuil ure eoinniou ui most, nuw couutnes aud they werè especial. y so in tuis country. ln.uii.i, uil ïttUways wero coustruóted tliérc was greal uiffleülty in tiiuspurtilig he.ivy uirui proUucüs iu any coiuniy Liial wus runiutc livm iidviuule vvu Ler. Tno linie has íiow arrivud wlicn all the couüiuoiis aru must lavoraule lo specialuoi in BVery ueijarimunt 01 agricuiuiro. 'i'ne íiicüitíea iur traitó[joriaiioii ure aüuu.iiiiit aihi excullent 111 ahiiosL ev'ery jiarL 01 Luo couiury. l)uni pi'oüuow ürtu now bo uariiea li'oiu Ui-uii tu uv Yoi'K in less Lnne ana uu1 less m noy tliau tliey cuuli UilVti b.i-ii trsn3yoi'i.tíU t.iuua Uuudved niiluo suvuuty yeard ng'u.


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