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BUSlNESg DIRECTORY. „""rè. Anv., promptly and sattafaetortiy xecuted G'ndsStóioHnChane. lichrv . T-wroK, atto::n'!:y at i,aw, IJ. Chelsea, Micn. „„„"AnS. Office Im.uvs tr.,n tnfl frnm 1 to 3 p. - ■ 4.'r'ry.i,mArbor,Mich. A itered If desirid. ■ü.uiK'i, i-m i-.vvrr couwx,. Attorneys nt TfiTV. F, K. FluriiAOFF,-T8tlceoi the r All ím,ness'Hnrt 1 i... OIRcê ïto'. jut, Washington Street, Rinsey and Seabo HtsIock. HEÑB? li. HILIv, ttorney n ,t Tíxav, Dealei in Real Estáte arnl Insurance O'acc.No. 3 Opern ITousc lilock, AN'K ARBOR. OKEOKUICK KHAIJSE, ATTCTIOIS'EBIÏffillftttenfl to SnjáÓeí.o aliovt ttotiCB,t rnasnniblo. ohsrgec For furtker jiarticulara cal] at the Lauca iiktk-k. PUKOPJSAX HOTIÏI, Ypsilanti, Micli. New House, Firnl-Cbías Tnllc, Clean Bcñs, Luw Prices. W. ;i. Lbwis, FropriPtor J. H. NICKELS, DKAI.KK IH FRESH AND SALT MSATS, Hami, Susa;"s, Lard, etc, rrvTESTBEBT OPPO [TE I ''ORNliU OF ÚN1VKKSITY CAMP1 8. Orders prompUy fl'.leil. Farmers liavir.g meais toe'.lgive hiiü a cali. EVER YBODT.SATS THAT S. B. REVENAUGH IS THE Bosa Ptotograplier of Ann Arbor. Fourth Street, East of Cnurt ITons, 1-t fioorTflE ftím ABB0R 5AVIUGS BAÏÏK A1STÍ ARISOR, MICHIGAN. Capita Pid in - - - 50,000.00 Cpit ecurlty - - - 100.000.00 Transit general Hunkin Business; huyuand KÜsF.xrhangcson New York, Detroit and Chicago; iellnSúriit Drufts on all the principal cities of Entape. . ige Tickets U I.ivtrpo il, Loalou and Ola-sííon-, vía the Anchor l.ine of, whoso rate are lowertbau most otlier íirst;la-s liues. ThU nnk,alreaayhaving alarsebusiness.iriTlte iHTchants Jid oUiere to open accounts with thom, ilhthessurnccof moetliberil dealing consis:at with 5fe banking. n theSavinKS Department int?ri"t is paid semiiHDually,ontiiefirHi days of January nul ,luly,on llUumsthal weredcp.isitorttlir ■' vi-.ns .. days, thos attording the people of this city mdeounty a perfteUy safe depositar? tor their lu-ds, togotber witli a fair return ia interst for the '3 me. Money to I.oan on Approved Socnrit is. IHttKc'nms- Christi-.ui Stack, W. V. WinefcW. D Bn'rrlmaa. Dnlel Hlecook, B. A. Beul, Win. Ueubel. and Wiilanl B. Smitli. OFFICEBë : DHRISTIAH MAW, W. W WIN EB Preiil.-nt. iee President CUAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. emanuelTmáñím, Druggist and Pharmacist. SOUTH MAIN STBEET, ANN ABI5OK, has on hand a well aeleoted stock oí PUEE DEUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, CHOICE PERFUMES 'oilot Articles,S1mulr!"r riri"-. Tramen, c, whicli ie ' ffers forsale at in-icon to ■■itfflne timps. ar PhyaioUn' Pteseriptions cttrefully.rrcpared ; Ril bours. ""ËBEUBACH & SON, fruggists and Pharmacists, 12 Sonth Main St., ï.e on hand a larse and well selectcd stock" of 'mum, MEDICINES, CHEMICALa, DYE STUFFS,. rtists and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Art iclcs, Trusses, TAt:. PURE WINES ANO UQUOKS, Rnfedat att#ntImiTaid fco tlie farnishinir of Phy ■'■i,ns rhnmiit, School. etc, willi Philnsophlca il Chemie! Apparatns, BohemiaoCheraicalGIass Ware, Pure RenirentH, ilc. l'ljysic.ians' presoripHons c.areful'y preparod at v' ■ mir. Abstracts of Titlcs. Xllpnrtiea whn ro desirous of nscertnininirthe niitiim nf I pffTanffs, orpartie wlic ilhto lo-m mrnpyon i :ü dowellto lali :it ' he RefifiBteT otftoc and contn H a Onmpnrod Set of Abstract Eooks. Mbi ,ks r 11 fir 'Ivaneed that the Reg-irter 1Tl f nrnish nu short notice ft Porfoit Statement as to the TiÜ6 Wnny parecí of land in AVnshtenuw couuty as 'Wiiby the ovclnal records". ' (Ml. .MANLY, RegisfM


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