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Ways Of Living

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DofítOl' JohnflnTI i onrr1 vfiprcWi íivcn rvrl:iin íni vidual wiiTi tlie di5ronn'jilil" iii'Mi'ior in Wiiirfli Wfe wns anppnrfMT.1' hlmsftif, nnt tlio upl-rnidod ninn Nil in llfs rtfpffnè:! "Yon know, 7 muit live." '-S'.r." re)liï 1 lio dontor, 'T seo no Doces} ty fof lliní." Somö persons vlio ftve not piekpocKets, oí bnrglnrs, or highwny vol)bc;-=. áaopt Verv inríin vr&vs of crtfiiiï n, livinu'. Nobnnr'st tnpíovjnmii dpspwps tO le cailrd mcnn. bot tbore aro somfl wftyí of gotting a living which are ro without, qtiesüon, altliough in diffcr Ttífere is tbe framping lirs'snr tvIio sroèd'abont 'the coofifry picking np a livins; n nnv way thnt lio onn -vvhich does not oblifiP liim to do anv manual ■vork. aml Hiere is the operatorfiïutMf er lie be known as a garnbler, speculalor, npancjer, bul] or bgar. wbo conducís liis nfFriirs npon tlíe nnncipíe of never reifdcrlna; !in efjnivafent Eor fbo money t bit comes iuto bis bands, if lie can hclp it. Perhaps they mny as well be classecl togethcr, althoiifrfi tbey bave little in coimnoi). in tbeii' way of do'mg things, or iu tlicir out- ward aiiDcu-auce. The tramp is usually pomowhat conrso in his mnnnnr and dilnpirlated frinï VóíllÍHHYÍ.i. ffi%fi. 'A jmucmbunkncca and elbows; he lias no homo of his own, althoiigh lie may liavo tho facujty oínjakinjí hiniscli' vnry much at home anywhere - in any decent shcd or biarn or cfeserted limc-kiln ; hc travels on ibot, unless he can niíuinfre to gteal a ride ; he never patronizos hotell, nor any place whero a man is expectcd to pay lor what he cats; lio never gocs to cintren, nor appears up011 any public platform, nor takos any interest in politica! affairs, uhléss tliere is ft MMÏimiinL'O ■ritig on ; k has. of course. 110 voi and it' lie had, would nol giye it, unless melody paid -him l'or yoühk; lic will Hot dig, anti to beg lio ia not asliamcil. Tlie otlier party always dvesses wcll ; luisa suintuoua house, wit h perhaps a suniptuous mortkagc adöruïïig il ; lic tnivels first clara', staysat the bes( lmiels, and orders the lest wliicli the house ati'orüs ; fious to chuivh wlicn ho is at home, once every Sumluy - it lielps hia repuiation; soinelinies speaks at public liiéétings, epgecially il' i que-tion of finalice is to ie debated; generally voies, and ahvnvs on the pöpüutr sitie : it isnot ncee.-sivry Uiüt lic siiould dig or bea, becausc he can make nioney in anpther and easiLi' way. lle dors it by wliat is kuown as the pvocuss of fleecing, and ' goes up and down the lold. looking uut for üie richest sbecp, to whosö back hé applies the Slieaw, md oariiöi off exnltiug an ibiin. iiint erop ol wool. Tho sheep bc vciuds as iiis own rivnte p'rbjjerty-, aIUoJi lie ncvrr dia myUiing io' iielp llie onsiiurc, and novei' expwtsto. F leeciiig aüd Legging aro boih inean ways of getting i living) althougi.i ono may be regaruëdas a little BïÖre respëcttble Éhaii the oLlier. Tliere iire all sorts öt ways in wliich men manu-e to Uirivo by lakieg adyautago of tbe public yulliuiiityjdiujug stock.--, joiia-ülock coinpanies óf eyery desci;i)tiön, boiids, aaultei-te'd inods- vcry ch'èap, ind movo wcrlliLuss; patent ïiK.'diciiiCs- whiuli uuiüiLT kul nor Liire; picturuB - nonu ior ft tavcrn sign : ïieudles - that have liopoiiit; ra.ors - thal have no cago; Wiuclies- Una never kp time; glasses- üüU destróy tbc sight; hoisus- tlinL break down aller ilic lirst, tive unies; and tiaps that break down with th'em. Petiy lawyers gct a living by simple souls into th'u ruesbea 01 petcy euita ; and once iu a wiiilü nniuiei'.s gei a tolerable liv- jjig by preacliing otlier ïnen's sur- inoiis, 11 y o u cannot manage to live except by preying upou others, you had but ter Uiej ana be done wiili it.


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