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DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. For President- WItfFIELD S. HAN000K, of Penn. F&r Vice-Pre:'lt it - WILLIAM H. ENGLISH. of Indiana. EI.KCTORS. At I.arge- PETER WHITE, ARCHIBAI.D McDONELL. First District- V .I.T.IAM FOXEN, Second District- I! IR AM J. BEAKES. Third District- JAM ES S, UPTON. Fourth District- GER MAIN H. MASON. Fifth District- HOR ACE B. PECK. Sixth District- JEROME KDDY. Seventh District- WILDMAN MII.LS. Eighth District- WILLIAM R. MARSH. Ninth District- JAMES DEMPSEY. STATE NOMINATIONS. Govemor - FREDERICK M. HOLLOWAY. Lieutennnt-Governor - ■ tUWARD H. THOMSON. Secre'ary of State - WILLARD STEARNS. Attorney-General - ■ HENRY r. HENDERSON. State Treasurer - ■ ISAAC M. WESTON. Auditor-General - RICHARD MOORE. Commissioner of State Land Office - JAMES I. DAVID. Superintendent of Public Instniction - ZELOTES TRUESDEL. Member of Board of Education - ALBERT CRANE. CONGRESSIONAL N0MINAT10N For Renresentative in Congress - WILLIAM H. WALDBY. LEGISLATIVE NOMINATIONS. For Senator - DAVID G. ROSE. For Representatives in the State Legislature-First Dist.- EDWARD KING. Third " -JAMES S. GORMAN. COÜNTY NOMINATIONS. For Judge of Probate - WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN. For Sheriff- EDWIN W. WALLACE. For County Clerk - EDWARD DUFFY. For Register of Deeds - MICHAEL SEERY. For County Treasurer - JACOB KNAPP. For Prosecutinrr Attorney - CHARLES R. WHITMAN. For Circuit Court Commissioners - PATRICK McKERNAN. HOWARD STEPHENSON. For County Surveyor - CHARLES S. WOODWARD. For Coroners - MARTIN CLARK. CONRAD GEORCE. KATIE J. ROGERS, ÜPortrait 3?ainter. Portrnits pninted in Oil from lifeor smal] photoeraphs enlari-od and painted life-size. Other sizes ïf destred. ChaBfr nuule in clothinfi if neeessary. Studio, No. 1 North División, corner of Anu St. Lots íor Sale. I will eell 10 lots in Block 2 north Range 13 east, in the fourtb ward, citj of Ann Arbor, very cheap. Title perfect. Terms reasonablc. For particular address E. U. STILE8, 39-4t Whitmore I.ake, Mieh. 50,000 COT7FO2TS GIDLEY & WHEELER'S 22 East Huron St., Ann Arbor, To every person purchasirii; goods at onr store to the amount of FIFÏY CENTS, will be glven nsi coupon, which entitlea the holder to one shar in the articlcs below nientioöed, to be drawn by holders of 50.000 cmpons. The distñbution to bo lottde by impartial judges, aceording to correspunding nuniberB placed upon each article. 1 Clongh & Warren Orgn, at Prof Wilsey's. ...S110 1 Estey Prol. J. K. Sage'i 100 1 Bedroom set at Muehüe & Bro.' 6.ï 1 Silver Tca set, at J. C. Watts' 40 I Ladies' Gold Watch, at J. Haller &8on's 86 1 Silk Dresa pattern, at D. F. Schairer" 40 Complete stock of Millinery and Ladies' Fnrnishng Goods, also agenís for Mrs. A. M. Clark'u perect-li tling tailors systera. Real lisíate for Sale. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Wíishtenaw, es. In the matter of the estáte of Louis E. Buchoz, deceased. Notice is hereby riven, that in pursuanceof an order granted to the undersiKued, administrateur of the estáte of said deeased, by the Hon. Jurtge of Probate for the couny of Washtenaw, on the twenty-eigbth day of 8epeniber, A. I. 1880, there wül be sold at pubio vendue, to the higheBt bidder, at the cast front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, n the county of Washtenaw in said State, on 1'CKSHAY, THK SlXTEKNTH DAY Oï NoVF.MBEK, A. }. 1880, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon of that day subject to all encunibrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the death nf said deccased) the folio ing deecrlbed real estáte, towit: The west half and the west half of the east half of ot No. one in block No. four also lot No. 2 in ilock No. 4, all iu range 6 north of Huron street, heing the same preinises formerly occupied by Dor vellogg) aecording to the recorded plat of the vilage (uow city) of Ann Arbor, excepting a part of ot No. 2 aforesaid, commencing at a point on the noith line of said lot eighty-flve feet went of the northeaxt corner of said lot, running tlience east o the east Une of said lot, thence gouth on the east ín e of said lot siity-one feet, thence northvcsterly o the of beginning, heretofore deeded to Willard Rowh, also excepting and NMiriog for he use of the naid city of Ann Arbor for purpose of a etrect all that portion of said preroiftes above described wbich is now covertd hy Detroit street. Also, the following pieces of land in Iota ü and 4 n block 3 nortb of Huron street and in range 6 east. Tl e flrst is bounded and described as follows: Conimen Ing at the nortbwest corner of lot No. 1 of he subdivisión of said lot 3 and running thenee nortbeuterly along the easterly line of Detroit treet thirty-two feet to a point sixteen feet northeasterly of the north line of said lot No. 3, thence at riiíh't ancles to Detroit street one hundred feet, henee non h twenty-four deirrees eant forty-eight eet to the norLh line of said lot 3, thence east on aid line to the north" ast corner of said lot 3. thence outb flfty-three foet to the north line of said sublivision, thence west on said line oue hundredïind orty-seven and one-fourth feet, thence northwesterly at rieht anales to Detroit street seventy and -12 feet to the place of beginning. The above decription is a part of the same land as deeded frora Snoch Teihune by Circuit Court Connnissioner to ouis R. Buchoz and is recorded in liber 47 of deeds on rage 496. . . Also, the following: Commencme on a point ixteen feet northeasterly of the Bouth line of said ot 4 in said block 3 north rang 6 east running henee northeasterly along the easterly line of Dproit street forty-six feet, thence southeasterly at right anglss to Detroit street eighty-seven feet o thesouth line of Baid lot 4. thence south twentyour degrees west forty-eight feet, thence northwpsterly at rierht angies to Detroit street one huodred ieet to the place of beginning. The ahove decription covers a part of the land deeded irom Terhune to Bnchoz and a part of a pieceof land eeded from Joseph Collyer to Samuel J. Button, aid deed i recordtd in liber 5, pnge 650. Also, lot Vn. 7, and the westerly half of lot No. and all of lot No. 8 (excepting the part of said ot 8 lying southwesterly of a line sixtcen rods outhwesterly from and parallel to the center of he Gorham road orMiller avenue) aecordinfr to tbe plat nf lots on thesonthwest quartor of scotion 20, nd in the city of Ann Arbor, recorded in the Repit'i, Office of Washtenaw county, in hbiT P of eerts at p. -37. A leo, theeast thirty-two rode in length of the north ooe-third of lot 2 in block 3 north of range 6 ast in the city of Ann Arbor. excepting tbe bnek arn on said land. All the above described lands leinglocated in the oity of Ann Arbor, county of Vashtenaw and state of Michigan. Doted, Ann Arbor, Sept. 28, 1S80. ALFltED J. BÚCHOZ, Aduilniniatrator. TNtHte of Oonvernenr Dnike. QTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUJíTY O of Washtenaw, BS. At a sesionn of the ProImte rourt for the county of W?a;Oitermw, holden at the rroratp Office in Ihepityof An Arbor, on Mondsy, the twenty-ieventh rtny of Pept-mher, in the yeaf one thousand ight huiwlred and t'! 'itt y. Present. Willlam D. HnrrlmHn,.Tudirer.f Prhte. In thematterof the estáte of Gouverneur Drake, deceaflcd. On readinfiind flline the petition, dnly vriflp1, of -Tob A. Marnhall, prftyinp tlmt a CPTtain instru ment now on file in thiü court, pijrportinff tn be the last will aml testament of said deceel. my be adniiltcd to probare, nnrt that Philip Bach may be !ippoint1'1 T''in'nr tliereof. TherenKm it is ordered, tbat Monrlajr, thp twenty-fitth dar of October npt, at ten o'clook in the forenr.on, be assiirneíl fnr tlie hearing of aid petition, and that the dovisees, leñatees, and lieirs ut '"■ otsaid dewased.and 11 other persons in teroeted IhshM estafe, are requireJ to aproar ata session of nid court, then to be holden i the Probate oftíp.e in the city of Ann Arbor. and shn cause. If ar y Ihnrebe.why the praver of the petitioner should nol betrranted: And it i further orclered that aid petitloner ?Ive nnlice to the persons ntnectea il aid etate, of the pendency of sald petition. nd thehearinu cauaine a eopy of thi order to bepubliihd in the Ann Arpob Ahais. a newipaper orlnted and lirenlated in id oounty. th'.e suepessire weel previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM O. IT.VHlitMAN, f A trnepopT.) Tndiip of Probate Wm.ö. Dott. Probate Heuistpr. llial Enlate for Sla Ir. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY r íf Washtenaw, s. In the matter of the estufe oT Mart. Ford, deceaned. Notice is herehy riven, that in pMi-snan-c of .-in orrl eraran tod to the nnriericriKvJ. adniinistrator of the estnte nf lid Mari Foro, drocnsrd. by the ITon. Juñep of Prut.ute for ! untjrol Wnahtennaw. on the elevontli (Ilth) rtay nf.I,:ne, A. JJ.ISSO, therewill he wild t pnbllo v nfluetothe húrhest biodpr, ut the soutli front lwof theTourt Hoh-.m'ii the citv of Ann Art.or m itiero"ntv of Waahtramr, in sai itate, on Ratr,;n.y,THF SKCONn DAY mrOCTOBER. A.TV 1SO, n t. 'f o'olock in the forenoon nf that ilay fuhjprt 1 1 'ncrniliranceshy mortgas or ollierwise Vii- iiiL' ut (he time of the death of snid deceiwd) ! thxfollnoingdparrlhpd rn] estáte, tn vit: A cTl:iin pie-c orporcel of UM oiltia-od in the city of Ann Arbor, In Waslitcuwronnty. Mii-lii"an heirt'lot mnnhcrthree (3)in Work two (2) south ol Hnron streel in rnRe flve (5) ent. Dated, Ann Arbor. Aiin'nat 17. 'Ron CHARLES H. KICITMON'P, Admiuivtrator. The above snleis postponed t Thursday, October 7th, ut 10 oVlock a. m., at the name tilace. Sept. 27th,188O. CHARLES H. RICHMOND. Adminwtriitiir. JOTICE OF DISSOLITTION. Tbc ï.'aw flrm of Cramer, Froonuff & f'orbin, is this day dissolved hy mutual consent and by expirnt ion of the time agrced upoii lor said partnership. Messrs. ('rnmer & Corbin will continue tbelaw aod colW-ction husfnfH rs heretofore. (Vtober Int, 180. 40-6t CRAMER, FRÜEAUFF & OORBIN. The dump weather and chilling winda of thf approaehini seHSn ubjects alt. to expnBnre, no matter how ht althy, we are none the Jes susceptible to an Mtack M Cot'OHS. rOLOS. BRONCHITIP, PLEUKI8Y, Spittino or Blod, Cattabkh of the heno1, which if not properly attended to end. -4 iu CONBUMPTIOK. Towk'i HitocniAL Ryrüp is a PO8ITT7K CURK. Wlth but tho nominnl oost of 75ceuts you propurp thia truy tnrt.reiyrt renifdy. BROVCUIA1." SYÜUP m gnarantt.d hy aJl dnteintM RTíñ fipnlers in medicino to give kntibe BATtsFAcrroii. Try it and be convineed of ite hkal UCU1T. MARCKAUS LÏVKR and Anli-Biliono COMPOTTND cures uil Liver and bnion dineaaea, purifie the blood, equalizer the circulution and reatorea to perfect healtb the enfeebled system. FA BRAS D. WILLIAMS & CO., Agenta, DETROIT. For ale by H. J. BliOWN & CO., Aun Arbor. Hítate of Seth Smith. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ot Wsiblnnw, ü. Ata lesaion of the Probate CounfortheCuontjrof Wwhtenaw, holden st the ProbuteOffieem the city of Ann Arbor, os Wednediy, tlic twcDty-niDtli duy of Septamtorr, iu the yenrnn tboilsnnd eirht humlred and ciuhty. Present, Wlli:im D. Harrimaa, Judfreof Probste. In the mntter of the estáte oi Seth Smith, ncased. 1 'Noah W. Cheever, adrainistrfitoT de bonis non with the will annexed of faid ewtate comes into court ml repimi iitJ that hc is now prepnred to Tender his :imi!i;il acoiuit as such adminitrator. Thercupon it is ordcred. tliat Sulunlay, the oixteenth day fOctotxtr noxt. at ten o'cliick in the fnrenonn.lieassigned for cxaniining and allnwing such account, an-1 thut the derisces, leñatees, and heirs at law of aaM ácoeMed, ftnd a!l oihcr persons interested in said eatale, are required to apocar at a ges1on of said Court, tlien to W holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor in saitl f"untv. nnrt show cause ï" an y tt'fre lie, why the SRid account hould nnt he nlloñ-ed : And it is further ordered thatsaid administrator sive notice to the persons nterested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account and the hearing thereof, by causine a copy of this order to be pul.lished in the Ann Arbor ARGfs, a newipaie.r printed and circulatingin said couniy. two suecessive weeks preTious to said day of hearing. WILLIA.M T). Tf AlïKIMAN, (Atruecopy.) .Tudge of Probate. w.a. Diny, rronnte P.egister.


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Ann Arbor Argus