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- TTie Monïoe ïmocrat styles him ' Bobbine Frazpv." - A danghter of Pï. Dunster is seriously ïll with tvnhotd fovpv. - Fare on railroads leadingto tlipcity Will be rertuoed oiip-l-alf on circus dav. - T)r. and Mrs. Cocker will return to tlip c"ty this evcniüir, by the 9i8S exprps!. t)pv. Tr. P'poV Avili pntpr ïnion Ms rliiHp.; as pnsfor of the Ti-psliytcvian flinrclt on c"ii'lin-. - Owítkt to th rain on TuemHy, tlip ronntv ft1r i'l bp continued tbTOHgh to-TTWrow f PrstiirrTiiy.i Ttof. T"OopP orcupipd Ilie pulpit of 'tlip "Dptroit Woodvard Avenue Con.CTP'gationnl olnirrb pulpit, Pmiday. - Arrivnls at tlip Poolc ITousp "Nronday wprp so ploutv tliat twenty or more yiprsons Wre iniable to obtain accoinItindntions. -Mr. A. M". .'vitrlit of the Stn varo rPrP;Ve? L1,100 from thp T. and A. A. Pailroad for límd forrightof wáyfor thp pvtpntsioii. - .Tnlinsnn's Natural TTistory wi'i booh e rea1v for dAHvery. Tt bw lieen a rrarifl siippppp. 170 popí rs havingbeen ta1pn hy onr ritizeñs. - Thp anhimnal tiiifrpisppttlinfrupon foliaep, remirding; os of winter and lts accompanimpnts, sweet eider, hickorip?. and hnckwheat cakes. - Monthly meeting of pomolosrists at oiirt íiousp at regular honr,to-morrow. "RippninK Frnits of tlip Season" wili continue to he the topic of disrussion. -On and aft er Monday, Oct., 4, post offioe hours will be from 7:30 A. w., to 7: 30 p. m. The office is open on Bunday from 9 to 10 A. ., for the delivery of mail. - Miss Ella TC.rtariffhierof .Tolm Tiose, a resident of 8rd -ward, was nnited in marriafre to George E. "Wnterman of Pittsfield, on Tliursday evening of last ■vveek. - Democrats of Ann Arlor tovnsliip meet at Hip court honse to-morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock.toriioose delegates to attend the seeond district representative convention calied to meet at same place on Tuesday next. -On condition tliat t}ie TTnitarinn society raise S4.Í100. Sio.nro was piedgod at a meeting: of tho T'nitarian General Conference recently held atSaratoga, N. Y., for the erectlon of a church in this city. The olfl edifice will therefore be sold, the deficiency whatvei it may be, raised at once, and, npon another site a new VmildiiiR wiH be erected that -will be a credit to botli society and city. $500 was appropriated foralibrary. -The resillar monthly meeting of the, Anti Arhor scientiflc society will be beid Satnrday eveninfr, Oct. 2nd, at 8 oVlock, in the Zoolojrical lectnre room, university. The stfindins committee on physiolofO", zoolosry and botany will make their report on the advance of tliose seiences 3nring tlie past year. Tt 5s hopea that all wlin have Items of interest will present them to the association, or ftiat any Bpecimens either rare or having some peculiarity rnay be plaopii on exhiliition. -The Detroit FWï Prees oiight to, if it rioes not Vnow. tl at ;ts corvpsrondent in thïs civ is a radiral republicpi ■partisan, and fumishos what fewhrains arp put into the fifty cent reubHcan nevsparpr Kiiown as tlie uejrister. it is possiVilp s;id correspondent is able to ■write artieles one ñj almsinp; clemocrats, for the paper lie lias in cliavpe, and 011 ttie next, rleporiVie a political meeting at wbicb clemocnitic orators sppak, witli impartiality. It looks a little snisrnlar, aiirl is frequenlly commented npon by demoprats of ihis city. - Tlie birds-eyp view of Aun Arbor, for whicíi siibspriptions were tnienlast spring, is being delivered by Mr. Patchen. The yipw is pxrepdinsrly olieap and we feel that no citizen wil! regret liaving enconraged the enterprise, as it is sometliing we can not procure bvtt once ín a life-time. We are bound to acTtnowledgp that it is a deeided success both in point of accuracy and quality work. Mr. Patehen, in the lithocrrnpn above rnentioned, lias exceeded hia promises, ancl very rrmcli improved npon the original sketch. We are glad to leam that many of our citizens baving Telatives and friends abroad are taking advantage of this opportunity to mail copies of this picture to tlie absent cm es as it can be done at a trifling expense. TSvery citizen bdodM procure a copy and preserve a copy of it for future years. The time to Becure tliis view is when the agent is, as tliere are bnt few copies more than ordered by subscribers.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus