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Washtesaw County Fair

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Voy tbirty-two years tlie aslitenaw County Aririiltuvtl Society lias held its aimunl fair in this Each year tlio display bas been good bnt ttaia year 11 far exoeeds that í ' fair lield in Uie past number of years. The flrst day Tuesday, was iincomfortably cool and attendanee of course llght. Wednesday the weatlier was sligbtty more favorable bnt too cool for people to tend in large numbers. The managers resolved to omit TnescTay altogether and date the four days roivtinnance óf the fiiir from AVednesday, and incliide Satórday as the last day. Weáther boina: more propitious on Thursday a larf attcndance was made equal to any similar day in the history of the associiition. The candidate for covernor on the repttbHcjm ticket Mr. Jerome was present and delivered aii address at 3 P. Jr. OATTT.E. The exhibition of cattle was a better one than for many years, embracing many fine specimens that took premiums at state and Ypsilanti fairs. A pevson wlio does not visit the fair has very little idea of the extent to which the farmers of the county are entering into the breeding of blooded caitle. A few years ago a farmer vho pald au extra price forWooded catUewas called extravagant byhis fellowa. But tlie beauty of the English cattle, the ease with which they are kept in conditioD, extra nnantity and qnality of milk produced have brought about a change, and now nearly every farmer nnmbers among his herd some full-blooded or grade oattle. Among those entered for premiums onr reporter notioed tl;at Phelps Bros. nf Webster township extensive breed ers ofblooded cattle exhibit one yearling bul] sired by Marmaduke of Kentncky; five calves, 't?otby 21st Duke of dale; three four-year olds, sired by ISth Dnke of Hillsdale; two two-year oíd heifers sired by same: one yearling heifer, by 21st Dnke of Tlillsdale. J. W. Benwick of Salem exhibits a twn year-okl bttll.short horn.which carried off ttièt premium at Ypsilanti last week; one pair steers, 5 yeara old graded,veigliing4,0o01bs.;oneco-w and calf, short-horn; calf eiglit months, 700 lbs. J. V. N. Gregory of Lima sliows a graded short-liorn cow. T. Sutherland of Pittsfield exhibits one fonv yeai old cow; one three year old heifer, one two year, one yearling, one calf all graded. Wm. Clemens of the same town, one three year-old cow, onecalf, gradea. Isaac Dunn of Ann Arhor shows a pair of handsome four year ola tfbite steers, as fat cattle; one pair of yearling steers; one tliree year-old heifer; one three yearold steer; all graded. B. L. Geddes of Superior shows one cowandcalf, short hom, two heifers, one yearling, one oalf. Tobias Holmes of Soio shows one two year-old Durham buil purchased of Phelps Bros. J.F.Staeblerof Ann Arhor town shows one graded cow of Jersey breed noted especially as good for butter; one shorthorn graded. SHF.KP. The display of sheep is also better thitn former years, every pen being occupied. IIoodandDorr of Sharon enter three three-year-old ewes; three two-y ear-olds; three one-year-olds; three ewe lamhs; one three-year-old ram bred by C. P. Crane of Vermont, ÏTo. 49; one two-year old ram bred by Hood & T)orr; one yearling ram bred by same; three ram lambs bred by same. This firm obtained three premiums at Ypsilanti last week. They purchased during the nast vear three ewes tb at took flrst mium at theEentennialasthethreebest ewes of any age exhibited. They have also of their own breeding 75 liead registered in 2d volume Vermont register. They show a fine ram of C. P. Crane No. 49 stock, pmchased at an expense of $125. They have just sold a half interest in a two-year-old to Dr. Raymond of Grass Lake for $50. One yearling in adjoining pen is sold at $100. Moore & Kelly of Ypsilanti show a display of 52 sheep, embracing the breed of Shropshire Downs and their grades of half nd three-quarter blood, headed by their imported ram bred by Favorite dam imported by Ilenry W. Lord of Detroit and a buck imported from Canada. Tliis finn received 19 premiums at state fair and 18 at Ypsilanti last week. John V. ÏTanry of Superior enters ten head of long-wooled Cotswold. Our report for this issue necessarily closes here. Other departments will be noticed in the next issue of the Argus.


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