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- o. Wall lisw a Bne new horee and carnaje. -Miss Anna Dolan is visitíng friendfl at Detroit. __T)PXt(r was well represented vt tV.e Yps''Titi fair. - Opo. H. sipnfor of Alpena ishome -John Hughes vil! exhiblt his colt at tlip Aun Artinríair. -Warren W. TozeT i home from tota visiüns hifl family. - Afteíall he RratuitmH advertí sin i? R. P. Oqpeland hasconelnded toremain St homo. - Cpo. VinWe and W. O. YW6 (?ave a,rnpe walloücr exlubition at the Ypsilanti fair lust wwk. Solioitors forartfclpato P mfOml at tViOathni'o f-.t'r v Oeifp BÍiortH.were ín town Haturday and (lid remarlali]y Wetl. - tí.pv. W..T.CRmpV)en tbonewmetbodist m'listprha= arv'vprl. Tlis first sermón sppms to have given perfect factioti. -Chas. TT. ïïatcb vas married to MlBBjesBteM. Oalkins Thnrsday last. We wisli Chavlie unalloyed connubial felicito. - Theantbor öf theold sayittg that "everydoabas iteday" slioulilbavpíKlded for :ronvenlenco, t'bat every eut has its iiiglit. -On Pvlday eVening Ocï. 8tb. tbc Böasonic Order of Pexto.r will Rive a prand ball at Costellos hall. A delightful time isexrieoted. - The mepliitism arisinpr from o'n'r foni pond anfl cansins? so bniieVi malnria has prostrateci tbo wife of Kev. I). Í5dgar, editor of tlie Leader. - Mr. John Croarkin stopped off at Ñotre Dame on hts Way from Caucado má spenttwo days in a most eu.joyil' marmer at the nniveTsity. - To the peop'e wbo wish to 1nnv the cause of so mnch malaria] stekfifess in our village, we wonld resppfifnlly refer them to the stiflinpr odorlfefotia exhalation froto the decompositig surface of onr pond. -The M. O. H. "R. bejíim tlie ai-finovs operation of transforminí; thpír oíd wooden stmcture over Mili iUrtek, into an iron bridge of someAVhat larger proportions Monday morning last. They offer $1.50 per day to laborerSi - There is in town a weíl-knofrh ffeh tle-nan whose dornestic felicity is in a bad state of perturbation, bis wlfe having heard of liis nanghty perarnbulntions with a disrepütable character of tne fpmale persuasión wbile at tbe Ypsilanti fair. - Pexter contains a gnner of f ull-cf oWn scannps who seem to find raro, sport in removing signs, pilifig boxes in front of stores etc, every avaiiablé nigiit. Depredations of this sort are becomiiior monotonons and as it is but a mild name for vandalism, proper steps sliould be taken for its suppiessia. -At tlie business meeting of the "R. E. club Tnesdav evening, thefollo-vving offieers were duly eieeted to serve in their respective eftpacities chirinp: the ensnins term of six months: Psesldent, Olías. Smitli. Vice-Presklent,1st, Ym. Vanatta. 2d Oías. Stannard. 31 James Jacoby. Reo. Secretary, W. CCCIark. Fin. Secretary, TT. D. Stannard. Treasurer, Henry Ide. - We were pleased to note Satnrdav, that the execntivecontnittee of the red ribbon club ronchuled to act on our siio-frestion in a previous issue of the Argup. and accordinglvfave Prof. son a tliorongh advertising for gonday evening. It vorkedlike acharan. The admirable consequences were a full house, and an enthusïastic meeting. It will benr repetitioh. - An old-fashioned hnnt was ihdniffed in by onr local nimrods Wednesrlay last; sidos were chosen, ronsisting of ten to a side, with W. W. Waite and -T. T. Ilonpy, captains. The forfeit was an oyter snpper; some exrpllent sl'.onting was clone by both parties, trat when it carne to a comparisoö of points, tlie followers of .T. T. Honey earried off the palm and - delicacy nearly prevents ouï utterance- the greater portion of the supper. -Obituary. Mrs.Hannah Oairns preda 62 years (lied at herresidence near fex-ter villaje Fridav, Sept. 24. The funerneral was from theüaptist charch Stmday last. At his home in Dexter Town Saturday Sept. 20th, James Canfleld an old and respected resident in the 70th year of his ajre. The deceased endnred srveat snffering from a complicated kidney disease. The funeral which was umisually lartro. was from St. Jospph's church Tuesday morning, Kev. Fr. Slattery offlciating. - Our Salibefriend's imasrination has carriert him beyond thebonndary of eorrectness. llVeneration and bate" ave U extremes wliich do not exist in our vocabnlary. We have doe respect for the red ribbon association and always exhibit onr appreoiativeness for their charltable aims and good worka wlien deserved. At Hie same time we do not wishto beconsidered impartiai. Xothing can be more foreiffn to onr intention. Tt sliall be onr endeavor to keep amicable relations with all by ffivlng thfl neWB in an hotiest straight-forward marmer. - Üeath in its mildest form is a terrible reaïization, and what exerndating ïiains and inronceivable agony the fortúnate recipiënt of the follówinR sad accident must have suffered we leave to the reader's imaeinntion. Last Saturday as a younff man named Myers attempted to cross Paui's threshing machine which was in full operatjon near Lima. he slipped and fall iiifx toward the feed box, one foot caught in the irontoothed cylinder which clincheditin its iron iavs drawing the otlier foot in, crushin'f? bonea and flesh to a pulp as it went. With rare presence of mind the engineer hurled the belt from the great wheel, but, before the machine stopped tho unfortunate yoimg fellow liad been (Irawn in nearly half way, and bnth leijs were groimd oif his body at the hip9. Itreqvrired one hours üme o take the machine apart nnrt eXtricate his mutilated body. Durigg that time his screams were piteous in the extreme anrl were plainly heard nearly two miles away. Merlioal assistanoe, was prompt ly snmmoned but hèlfvedbut six hours aftervvaril. Pcrhapa some idea can be derived as to üieagonyhe endured during those six hours, when we say the verv cords and sinews were drawn from liis body. Tlis home ip at Eoger'e cortif? and tliat was his first and la -t days expfriencê witb. N tbreshing ma chine. Ele as :i repectable ycuivr man and but 20 yesra oM. He was 1 buried Monduy. - "Ornice Hats" are all the rage for matsculine headpear now, and the nob whocannotaflordan ounce of hat to bovpt his nuncpof bruin. is nowhere. - The repútatíoti of Messrs. (rampton & Beiiler, narriftffl makers, is spre-.Vne. Tliey sliipi""1 two carnajes of imioné f'tilsïi to fnrchawTs at Bast BlootnHeld, N. T., last week.


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