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Mu AT SPIT". '-"'. -Mr. Te-wksVmry is building an addition to his liouse. - Wm. WTialey Vías commenced makinp rfdei ín he mili. - Mím EW TToM'S lias returaed to herhoinp in KallRkÍ!i. -líalariftl fcvprs aro stil! afilirt'np (3ie peopie of HiIb vVinHy. - V. IT. Kelsey & Co. have just re fiivM a splended ricw show case. - Tliereís prnod prospect öf añimítnre pstüliVlmciii l'oii'i' ■ oiifTPf'' liere Sfn. -Frank Hinkipv of Ypsiliinti wü1 address ttie rppnWirans of this vioinity on Hip evpning of Oot. 5. -No rplieous services here for ernl vpp1.-s. the tipw Meítior1;+ inMíter has not yet made tvs appearance bére. - TCobert Way Hvine south of vilie v.-as so bndly hurt one clay lst wppk by a ruhaway team tbat it result' (!1 in hi death. - At Ilie raros held in Ypsilanti otl ; Pept 23(1, 0. M. Blackmers lay mare Plóta, won the fïrst money ?2Ö, in class first of the raee.8 on that day. - Milan pcliools oponed on Sop. 2Tth, Miss M. McNcil teaching In the prim-. ary dcpartmeht, and Miss Katie Spoor Of Ann Arborintheliigliordcpartment. - T5. W. llarble lias com'menced work on bis new biii1din?,%ne story of which is 1 be finishecï for a puWir, hall, a want this conmimiity Imve ahvays feit I vei-y serionsly. -Mis. Dr. BessáC and chikiren nave gone to Chicago lo visit friends in that city. A fteï stopping tbere a feW dayS tlipy will go lo Towa to visit friends living in that state -A man íiatnod Wihters was arrested by constable G. Redman on Sep 2-5th for obtaining mouey under false pretenses Of Mn Stowell living oh the ridge soulh of Moorevillfe. tíie toalter has been settled. - An oíd tnan named Clancy, living a fpw miles north-east of Milán was so badly inirred by A mnaway team one day last week that it resuttéd in his cloath, fvom what was supposed fracture hf the base of the er'anihm. - A fiííVit took piaee in Mito Baiglit's butcher shop on last Saturday evening, between atnan named MeCall and David Jacobs, abont McCall's stealinp a coat. Result; McCall being immediateiy vanquished witb a cliange of features. -One greenback flag floats in Milan which perhaps has toofe greenbackers, than any otlier locality of its size in Washtcnaw caunty. Qreenbackett herp, claim that tliey will serionsiy disturbthe old parties at the polls, in November next. - Anotlier flglit took place in B. F. Tliomas' billiard saloon on the 28th inst, with billiard cues, between Albert ïlolcomb, Jr., and Archibald Gaxintlett. iïolcnmb getting in first lick knocked Gaunüett down, cutting his ear very badly Xvbich ended the fincas. It has becotne a very danger ous operation in this community fot a person to assert positively that anothet is a liar vhen witliih striking distance. -Chas. ft. Whiiman of Ypsilanti and T. MrKernan of Anh Arbor. addressed tbc pe-ople liere on the politiral topifts of the dav on Friday evening, Sept. 24. Both speakers showed eonclusively tbat a change in the administratioh of tliis country was an imperative necessity, a necessity that the vho1e natioh had hecome convinced of, and were in earnest in endeavoring to bring about the change. Mr. Whitman, in a forcible and logical speech, showed the great lack of intepcrity and honor in the republiean candidate for president, a deflciency fatal to the best interests of our country and one that will not be overlookeeï by the intelligent voters of the United States in November next.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus