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BUSINESS TH RECTOR Y. (xccnted fT'm. TVVT.OU. ATTORNEY AT UW, J. Chelsea, Mloh. rtreet.AnnA.rhor. Office hmirs from Oto.. nid fi-om 1 toa p. m. JÜ,; JSÍ" ïï.w.Lfti--i xteradif derirea. K.VTIR .T. nOGKUS, "Porírn-it Painte". Ptmlio'xo 7Kortt TVivision, corner of Aun St " JBAMKB. FRtnÉÍOrF OOWBIN. Attorneys nt Law. K K FBTTÉAUFP.JnrtíMOl tho TVüce. AU hnrtnow pmmptly ttmW, : g5S?JÍÍk8 Eut Vtshiogtoo street. Rinscyand Scabult i WocV. HF.XRY E. HILL, A-ttorney at Taw, Dealei in Real lístate and Insurance Agent. OíHce, No. 3 Oporn Home Bloafc, AKW ABBOR. pïtÊDKRÏck KRAIISK, ATJOTIOirSBB. 7rm attenrt t.o all sa'es, on ahort notice, "!"; Si" ohrw. Kor further particulars oall at the VnoüR Offick. O'JROPEAN HOTKt, Tpsilanti, Mioh. New House.First-ClTab]e,Olenn Befls, Low Prices. W. H. Lf.wis, PropriPtor TTTh. nickels, FSEH W SLT MHATS, Hams, Sausases, T-aril, etc., 1T A Tïï BTRKRT OTFOSTTE TORTH WEST CORWA TJBR OF ÜNIVERSITY CAMPÜ8. Orienvnmptl? flHed. Farmers mmta to sn'.l Blve him a cali. eTeeybody says that s b pevenaugh IS THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. Fourth Street, Eat ot Conrt House, lt floor ■' HE A.W &.RB0S SA7Ï3JGS BAÏÏK ATÍN ABIiOB, MICHIGAN. D.ptta Pd tn - - - "."0.00 Capita .crlty - - - 1OO.000.00 Transncts a cenoral Banking Bnsln"s; huys an.l rttaBuhangeaon Ne York, Detroit n.l Ohicapo; je'lsSiz'it DraftsonaUthepriiK-iital sities of Eutepe;t1,'wlll"'WTifcetto Uverpool, T-on. Jon and Olsgow, via the Anchor I.ine of Steamihips, whosp rates are lower than most other first2lmlinra. ThiaBank,alroaflT)iavirgilar2ot'-i3np.niTr. nerchants and otheretoopep accounts with theni. wlth the assnranoenf mofit liberal dealing COBílsent witb safe banking. fn theaflDf 'Oofwrtmeirt intcrpst isrii.1 ew'imnually, on the first davs of Jnuary Mi4 July.on ill aiuns that were aepoaited three months preilom to those aya, thus ffording the people of tliis city inflconnty pwfectly safe deposltory for ttielf tunds, togêther witli a fair return In latent for the game. Money to I.oan on Approvert Becurltle. DlRBCToBS-OhrUtlan ark, W. W. }"-s.wD TTarrimnn. Daniel llisnock, A. Beul, Wnj. Deubel, and Willard I!. Rniitb. OFFICIÏRS : C IRI.TIAN MACK, W. WTOE9 PrcsMont. Vice Presideiii CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cafihier. Druggist a'd Pharmcdst. 89 SOUTH MAIN STRF.ET, ASN ARBOR, ha on hond a woll eelected Btock of PUBR DKUGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALR, CHOTCE PKRFTTMEP, Toilet Articlop.ShouliiorBrnci's, TriKVfF. &c.,-whicli he offers för sale at prtces tn uit the time. VST Physici'an' Prescriptions carefully preparcd at all hours. Druggists and Pharmacists, 12 Sonth Main St., Save on hand a large and wel! selected stock o . DRUGS,! MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, Atiste anl Wax Flower Mfitorials, Toilet ArtlclPR, Tnissed, TAc. PURE WINES AO UOUOB?, " Rperlal attenHoTi paid to tho fnniisViine of Tlir 5fcian,riiomi'iti. cliools.otf., wltli Philnsnphtca nd Chamical ApTrt. Bo1iPin1nf!hem!caiOln war, Toroclfn Wnrn, Pure RpiurcntH, etc. PlivInans'prewrintifns narefully prepared ftt tl honrfl. n. bTgcodmaitT' Teacher of EY3uslc, „ ashtcnaw Co., MICHIGAN. 3&-13Í,


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