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The Sheriffalty

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The only candidate npon the county tickei the republicans expre is sanguine hope of eleeting is their nomi lee for sheriff, Mr. 5feckley. Because o popularity in the eastern si-i-tion of the county, it s claimed hè wil! ruu considerablyahead of his ticket. Whatreason is there why Mr. Yeel ' ildreceive one democratie vote, of wlueli he d secure severa! hundred to be elected? Has he ever done anything to merit the su ff rages of democrats? Ahvays a partisan of the dèepest dye, he has tnvariably held that demócrata m; and all were unflt to hold office. Kever anytbing but a bitter republican, never h ivinii voted for ;t democrat, he now bnilda hopea of suocess upon receiving aid from men he luis for twenty yeara politically despised. Can it be possible therè are democratsin easteni Washtenaw disposed to help a life-long enemy simply because he resides in that sectionï Rmember hu has done yon no favora such as he la now begglng for; r-ímember, he has stuck to his party ngh tliick and Uiin, never wavering ín behalf of a democrat; remember,he nfiverexpects to support a democrat; remember he is astaimch supporter of the Tep'nblican ticket from Garfield downto '■ ihibition-mavor-candidate for pr MMiialive, E. P. Allen; remember, he never splits a ticke( fora dernocrat; these things being true,- anti who wil! deny them- wiiy, tben shonld demorats yield to his impartunities to help him into a position of proflt and honor? Our candidato, Mr. E. VV. Wallaeeis just as good i man as Mr. Yeckley; he baé served as deputy sheriff a íiumbei' of years, and froni experience is botter fitted to enter upon th( duties of the office. Aresidentof Saline sinceboyhood daysand lias held tnany positions of trust in that town acquittine himself with credit from all. X niaii of unexceptionablegood moral charactér, a consistent, conscientious democrat, competent to perform the fxmctions of the o.iice. what more is required in the person of a candidato? What earthly reason exists then f or a democrat to bolt so excellent a man upon bis own ticket to gratify the ambition of an opponent who would almost ent bis ri glit hand ofl before he would voto for a denioeratr It is to he hoped the demócrata of eastCiii Wahtenaw wil) candidly eonsider the above facts before aiding tbu cause of au open and avowed enemy. As a complete letter writer General Hancock must be admitted to be a decided success. The republican wiseacres who credited bis New Orleans letter to Judge Black and bis letter of aeceptanco to Mr. Tilden, have gone out of business, and now admit tacitly that the general does bis own writing. Itremaius of record, however, that tliey have found in the correspondence or this "mere soldier" all the qualities which mark the productions of men of such admitted ability as Judge Black and Mr. Tiiden. It has been observed, too, that when ieneral Hancock writes a letter the bullet goes straight to lts mark, and the thing hit never moves afterwards. Fallis is president of a Cincinnati bank that holds a million in bonds and one of those republicana who pretenda if Hancock is elected,governinents wil] drop to ninety. "I'll take every one of them at par" said Tüeodore Cook "and the money wil] be roady the day Hancock is elected." Vheeupoll Fallis, wlio nevev meaiit what he said, weni out to see a man. Tliere is ono more document to be penned by Hancock the republicans will hope not to see- the inaugural address. _____


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