Saline, Oct. 4. - Ilenry örtman was fined $130 last week for selling whisky under a beer license. -Dr'. E. Hall has been very sick for a short time but they thinkhe is slowly recover) ng. - Wheretliert- 1 istnylast weeks Atí(rsy lt (lid noi come and I ean 't keep House with the trom&D I liuve without it.-Mr. E. Hassctt our worthy assistant 1J. M. receives stibseriptions for all newspapers and periódicais. (ive hirrt a cali, get priees, and subscribe. - liov". W'm. Gallupof the lst Baptist cliurcli of Saline, spoke on temperance on the 8ïd at Union 96b0al hall to a small but appreciatlT andience. -Frank Kidders horse;'ttook d walk' on Monday aftèrnoön, ttttd nnt a very sluw walk citliet. He went dowtï thö sidewalk on tlie soutta side of Chicago 8.t., as thougb there was soinethiiig afteriiim and Uie' laait vt saw of hiitl lic rU wörk'inghia way towards the farm of the vrtdow Kiddcr.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus