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Skin Grafting

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The meuic il ïuouuy oi Dinielson vilie, aiul in fact throughout tho wliole of Win ilia.ui c junty, Conuociicut, are gieuily interested 111 au experiment of skin gnilling wliich has buen yoing on thure, and wliich Ji:is linally proved a giiitüying succes. Ou tlie iilsL ot' December, 187S, Jesse, au eleven year old sou ui Mi', Ü .win Morgun, au inÜueuüal ciii.i.-n of C.inlcrbiu-j', mi auj-uent Vil age, full into u sliallow v;it coiitainiiig a solutioii of potash in boiiing watert lle struck on botli feet, tno liquid coming netvrly up to hiï liips, and iusUllltly the skin bcgiin to peul oti'. Wiili reumrktiblo preence of muid the lad loupotl to tlio lloor, WÜere he l:iy uncunscious for some time. it wus lound tliat tlio üebh on botli les had been so horribly uid thorougbly boi.ed tluu no cells reinaino.t tor u now suiu to ibnn a growth upon. Tliu boy' lií'e was one ot'excnioUiting ugony lor monilis. Tiie tcafoü iiiembera uegan to turn uncler tlic body, and uctuiilly "Aexotl" or tcnit to tuc b:ick oí liis thigii. A youn physioian, George J. itoss, of that town, tiutiiug iiu-ii bil oidor brethreu had hívüii up ttie case as mcuraliie, mui one whicn must spoedily lvsult ui death, delcrmined to uitenipt the sulvalion ot' tiie iud'8 liie by slciu grafting. He was"pislietand poolied ai," lo uso liis own woims, by tlie old iieiuls oí the proiVssioii without mercy, uut the üoy'i uaïenu itnploring hiin Lo undertaku the opuration iib was ihiaily iuducod lo u-y it. Uvcr two iiiousund gratis weru tised, tlio motuur of the ehild, u liobtc-hearted co:cliiu:m in ilio fainily, tho lau hiinseü' au i ïiiuiiy of tneneighuorssubiuiuing portions ol theil' cuiiclc tor the opuratiou. A prevailin ilesire was niaiiit'Cstcd to have thu cilikt live witliuut bucouiiug :i cripplo. lluiulreds oí visitOl'S llocUcd lo a-cG tlie ynliciit, auil imploicil Dr. ltoss to try a piuue oí' llieir i;in lor tlio operatiuu. Tlie pitees oí llesh vrcro pulled uil witli torceps, and werc abuui llirce liinus the size of a pin. Tne procesa oí' gTuftiug is similar to Lliut eiuployed in liuriiculuire. Uae of the iinibs lookctl us tliotigk pilted vciLli sniall pox. Tlie graas groW tastest iu tlio sprina; nioniiis. One of thoin is put on a niuscie, where it sillka in and uepoaita a ccll, aitor vvuiuh the top ülougha oü'. The lt-s ure ucnriy reetored to their normal and natural funutioiis, and tlie ciiilU. cm walk a short üistunoo without i urutch, bttt is still very weak ïroin exa.utstiou ahd einaciutioH. David Massou luis sent to the Atheficiiitm ovidenco vvhicl), lic says, must settlo forevor ihe disputo as to iho age oí' Mil ton' 8 futhei', llo luis found in the proieiTetl Allidnvit Book of the Court in the Record Offlco the following affidavit coücorning the SirTnomas Cijft'ii suit, and dated April 1, 1637 : u Wheruas, Jolm Miltou, gen., halh büen sei'ved with Lis M:jesu's procosa ot' Privy Bcal isuing t'orth of ihis honourablo Court to auswer to a bilí ot'complaint against him exliibited by Bir Thomas Cottoii, baronet, plaiutitf, Christopher Miltou, sou of the said defendant, niakcth oaih that hia said fat her, benig agcd about 74 years, is not, by reason of his saiil ae and inèrmity, able to travel to tiie City of Wesiininster, to mtike his perfect answer to the said bill, without much prejudico to his hcalth, he living ut Horton, in the county of lkicks, about seventeeniniies distant front the city of Wesuninster." The poei's father is known to have lived ten years alter th is date and, tlierefore, at his death mast have been "81 years oi age at least" - the statement of Aubrey - which has been disputed.


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