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A Strange Introduction

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"Mother, may I tako a pail and go down to the chcrry-trcc at the end of the orchard and piek soine of thoso bcauties for tca? Father loves thein so wcll, and the tree' is just loaded." "I supposc so," said Mrs. Merlo; "butLouie, you are getting altog-ether too large to go rom ping about in the way you do. Do you t'orget tliat you Tïcrc'sixtecn your last birthday?" "J'm real sorry I nm getting so old. Oli, dearl what'siiall I do hereafter if I must be always prime and precise. lam sure I sliall not live half iny days." And pi-utty Lou Mciie tried to'draw down the corners of her mouth, and straiiiliten the dimplesout of her rosy cheeks, in the vahiattempt to louk demure, but it was of no use. for, ca telling u sightot' the fcowu upoa hor motlier's brow, a riuglng laugh bi-oiight tlie dinteles back again. 'Oh, mamma, don't look so disgustCil, Mr t-eally, alter to-day, X piomise to try and inend." l'should hope so, for you know tomonow exijecta ii is college frieiid, and he was baying only this iuorning that your hoydenisl ways would shock llairy Monon, lor hia sister was so voiy lady-like." Did he, indeed? the bad boy! I Will show tliat broiher of mine that I can le as tlijnilU"il as any oiliur jicrson's sister il 1 like; buil must go." And luerry Ijou caugnt up me un pail, skipped lightly down the orcliaid, cliinl'ed uito tlie chcrry-tree and begau operatioiis. 8he liad almost iilled her pail, when hearing a siep alung tlic road, she peeed througu tlie lealy caoopy and savr a straiigc young man briskiy appruaching. To her horror, hc sprang ligluly oer the l'cnce, and bcgan pickiug and eaiin cherries irom tlie lowor brunclies. Poor Lou, not contentcd with the centre of the tree, and üeingquitcdaring, had climbed out upou iln very end ol'alimb. and nerched tlier Jikea bhd. Alihougli screened froiu & casual glance by tlio tluck leavcs, her positioa was iiot in the least enviable. At auy Socoud the siranger might discover 'lier, or lier slcndertuolin.: might givo way. Jjou wttlioü heruftll at Home, lor slie recognized the straiigcr to be no otlier ihii llarry JSloiLon. hs hehad scen his pictnre,find hc wastha rery onc whom she had mado up her miiid to fi-eeze with lier nor role of dignity. Scarcely daring to brcathe, Lou anxiously waited tor him to go; but lie was léisurely eatiug cherries, oud Bcomed in no hurry at all. lier hold and footing were both secure, Uy and by, cracK, snap; uu Lou landed on her fcet in fiout oí tüe astonishcd stranger. . I ïlie young man starled back in amazeincnt, but secing only a beautiful giv with golden curls, sparküng black eyes and rosy cheeks, and that slie was'n't liurt, he raised his nat, and bowing low, said witli mock solemn"i heard a soft rustling of leaves,and lo! a fairy queen has descended trom lier throne and stands bcfore iue. You aie Miss Mei-Ie, are you uoii" witü a mischievous smile. Lou blushcd and stammered assent, nicntally wishing herself miles away. "Yoür brothër lias describcd you so oftcu that I Unew I could not be mistaUeii. I ani llarry Morton, your brothcr's college friend. 1 was ou my way to the house, when, seeing those ciieiTies, and bcing warm and thirsty, 1 could not resist tho tcniptatiou ot pioking a few. Miss Merle, you havo not learucd yet tho art of alighting li-om the branch of a tree without sliglit accidents. Allow me to restore these clierries to the pail." lly tho time the chernes were all picked up l'roin the gi-ass, Lou feit at ease, and as they walked tojjether ward the house, Uiey cnauea qunu like old friends. Artliur Merlo was standing in the doorway, and, when lie saw who was appruaohing, hastened down the path, and gmpnig tlie hand of his friend, gave ït a vigorous shake. "Why, llarry, dow do you do, old fcllowi I am ever so glad to see you, ulihough vou have taken me by prisc, coming a day earher thaii you wroie. 1 am sorry you had to walk trom the station in Uiis hot sun." "I did not mind tlie walk much. I found it coiiveaieut to start a day earher, aud tliought 1 wou ld do so." 'I am glad you did. I sec thero is no ncod of introducing you to my sister. You apirear to be very wcll acquainted." llarry smilcd and glanced at Lou, who blushed a fine rose-color. "1 wonder wliat prauks Lou has been up to now," thought Arthur, but baid notliiug. The tluce entered the house, and boou alter Loa escaped to her room, and', girl fusluon, atier all was over, liad a good cry trom sheer mortificalioii, and Uien and thera made a vow never to cl imb trees auy more- during college vacatious. llarry Morton remaincd at Merlo farm a week, and theu Mr. and Mrs. Merle asUed liim to prolong bis stay. Finally he concluded to iay another weck, eonfcssing to himsulf that the brihteyetof Lou had something to do with nis decisión. The weck was most agreeably speut iu walks, drives and gay little eveuing parties. Tlie day bcfoie llarry Morton's departure, Lou went with hiin lor a , ítroll along the river side. Cetore ihey retunicd slie had promised to be his wife. They looked so inexpressibly happy when ihey eutered the liouse, tliat Arlhur Murle inunediately . uesscit the trutli, and wlieii they wei-e all together in the parlor, thatat'ternoon, tuiuking to tense Lou, he 'Sis, llarry has been telling me of vour iirst meeling. A Btrango düction, Ishould say, but very L.oiueArthur, no more of tliat," said Harry, layin? his hand in a paternal way on Loii's shilling liead. "Tlas hule inaidca is a blosiii', you caniiot duny, lor slie canic to me Irum above. Withiu a year ilarry and Lou were manicd, aiul Lou never regictted the weakness of the cherry-treo branch that broii"-lit about the si range ïntrodnctlou, lor Hárry told her that he feil i u love witli her,as shestood tuere blushiiig so


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