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How English Lawyers Grow Rich

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It is seldom that an ungnsn juugo upon the bench coiidemns the exces sive cost of litigation, and of legal proceedings generally in tliis country. We would tliat It were done inore oiten hardly less in the interest of the profession than on public grounds. We hope that the strong but becoming lamruage in which Lord Justice James recently condemned the enonnous cost of litigation will not be lost upon our profession, and especially those merabei-s of it npon whom theresponsibility of a seat in Purliament are now restino-. Is it wise, weask; tor lawyers to try tiie experiment of leaving ïwniftii.both in and out of l'arüameut tociitdowu üiecostof legal proceedin'S? Is it not the duty ol tlie legal molession itself to take up this questiou and apply the neoessary remedies, some of vvhich are lreuuy at lmndi- Any 8ufficieiit,and thercloie subswutial alterations in legal proeeedure must neces-anly uliect large nuinbers of ineiiibei-s of the piolession ; 111 some ca.s.8 adversely, anU in olhers to their advantage. Ainoug the sources wluch give nse to costs, the iiicun-üig o wiiicli miglit ufleii be avoided, tlio lollowiiiíí muy be inentioued : l'leadinys, wliicli pructice tlie Judicatura Acu have, to all intenta and purpuaei preserved ; the central, instead oí tlie local aduiimstration of Jusuce ; the iiueresls and privilege oí tlie bar; the sysiein by which soliciiors are reiuunemted ; tlie practica of the Juüges iu ■ raming HW trials; the uniieocs.-aiily una lees olten received by counsel, and allowed on taxation ; tlie scale of coste drawa with a distinct view of eucoumginif sülicitors to employ counsel, iusiead ot vice versa; llio delay in deamig with ihe llhrh Courtof Justice ; the uncertaiiity of Uie luw as at pieisent admiiiisiered, in tlie absence ot a Code, and in view of the euurinous aceiunulation of case lav,aud ly wliich Húg&tiou sometimos becomes litlle bcttcr than a gaiubUng spcculaiioii ; und finally, both branches of the j.iolession are fiüed to overerowdiusi, aud the vesult is a reskluuin m bolt branches of speculative lawyets, who are a daugcr to society. "Love," says the Pliiladclpliii Chionicle, "ma'ke mawy a good riglit arm go to waist."" AVitïtiiïonfi yearNew Orlpnn ïin ■Mwped to Fra'uce and Italy 2,aÜO-.O0O. gallon8of cotton-seed oil. An iroiï fanutliy man recoinmends 'powilei-ed ino w'ool charcoal aa au uiilaiüug rwiiody ïov scaldsand burus.


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