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-Coat $0,75. -329 bar, slrnck the city. -Reniember 'fuesday, Oct, 26, is registmtion day. -The reform club tent bas been stored for the winter. - Good applea are Bellingfroffl wagons as lmv as 20 cents per bushei. - ttoth telegraph offices were erowaed Tuesday to hear the latent eicel ion nets. - An university student spent $1-W dnring tbe past raonth for unnecessary things. - Tbe contingent fnnd to tbe amotlnt Of $2,200 bas been drawn upon to pay for tbe Bteamer, - C. II. (ireatbouse bas become an assistmit in the biirb school consequent tipon Lncreased attendance. -Notlon? au-o Mrs. Alfred Mount Bied a bilí for divorce on grouna of desertion against her busband in a Detroit court. -Members of tbe Presbyterian society will extend a reception tfcis evening ín tbe partor of the cbureb, totbeirnew pustor, ïtev. Dr. Steele. -"Kissiiifj." renwuta the New York Express, uis like seven np. If e begs and sbe tbinks sbe can make points in tbe S'imc slic wil give bim one." - If it Isn't pretty late, we rise In behalf of the public to tbank Mr. Anton Eisele for the new handsome and welllain stone walk fronting bis marble Shop. -The Maynard store on Main street has been purchased by George Clarken, onaiderattoR $8,600, who pmposes to repair it and open a billiard room and saloon. -The Ann Arbor Mannerchoi wffl ■ive a concert at their hall in this city on Friday evening Oet. 20 at 7:80 p. M. All ave invited who desire to enjoy a social time. - EveninK services begin in the Unitarian clnnch next Sunday evening. The Studenfs Bible Class will also commence next Sunday,- time of session from 12 to 1 o'elock. -The alarm of flre on Friday afternoon carne from the bnrning of the sidtng of Kev. VVyllys Hall's residence on" Ann street. The flamea were extingnished by a few paus of water. -On Monday evening next at 8 p. m., at the resMenee of Prof. Adams, Prof. Pettee will read a'paperupon "The Antiqnity of Man," for the benefit of the Ladies' J.ibrary. Admittance 15 cents. -For stoning a little daughtra: of Alhert Mashke. two boys of Mrs. Ier, the temperance oratress, were arrested aiul arraingedbetore FrueauffJ. P., on Wednesday. Set down for toniorrow. -irWithm the past year Bishop Borppsslias ulmimstered the rite of conúírtation ío71 persons in St. Thomas ■chuvrh in this city. 88 in Ypsilanti, 35 in Northfield; il in Dexter, 27 in Chelsea. Total 238. - The county proliibition committee met in tbis city on Monday. Chalrman Marsh of Saline resigning, Prof. T. P. "Wilson was elected to fill vacancy. It was resolved to conduct a vigorous curnpatgn. -Frunces L. Lyon of Ann Arbor allcses ernelty and desertion upoo her hnsftwnd AVm. F. Lyon, and petitions tlie court for a jndicial dtesolutión of cop;irtiipvship entered into in 1869 in the Bad eer state. - At i;.1O a. m. Satnrday the incomintf freiffht train, bonnd east on the MichiganOnti-al, nra off the track owintr to misplaced switch. Five cars and the ohkIh wpr( tlwown from the track, the enítin snstatning srreat damage. i- Carril Ellen Kearney, a colored jrirl froni Detroit, picad Ruilty before Jwtioe Friieauff of stealing a gold Tiwg Unen aprofl imd four aliillintrs in ewrrmcy frnm Mrs. J. M. Swift. Khe ■wffl be a guest of the couiity therefor 40 d.iys. - Tmp 'V,sl'toniw Mutual Tnsurance 'onip.niy m.iV-p an asspssment of $1,20 për $1,000 WrloBscs and eátímated expenses for the enwiiriR year. Total losges vast year, $4098,06, of wliich all is p:iia exeept $188,S& The fompany has lipen Ooiiig Imsiness 21 years and 1he co-4 to tlie insnredforlosscsand expensps tías rtYPiaged $1 ,0 per S1O0O per year. County UeasurorFairc-hild aubmits liis annnal report, dated Sept. 29. to the supervisors. We glean from it the follöwing; Cash on hand, S4,2W.13; cash received during the year, $175,379.81; ilisbursements made during the year, J17:ï,f92.;51; cash on hand, $5,9M.48. Amounts due tor ensuinsr year: Teinjiovary loans. ?7.2O(); bonds due Feb. 1, 1881, f8,000; interest on same, $900. -At tlie seconrt aonual tournament of the state military rifle association held at Jackson on Wednesday, Fred. Iirosa of O. A made the best score at 200 vards. and II. MeXeal the best at m) yards. ,T. W. ilamilton, in the open-to-all, 800 yards range, scored the highest. At the business meeting in t lic veiling, Capt. Manly was elected viee-president and Sam B. Revenaugh director for the ensuing year. - An exchange says: As the horse epizootic is working westward, horse owners may find the following f rom an old veterinary surgeon of the army of service as a "simple and safe cure" for the disease: "Take one pound of gum asafretida; mix in with one gallon boiling water; stir the mixture constantly initil the asafcrtida is dissolved; let the mixture cool; stvain and give one-half ]iiit every threehours. This will relieve the horse withln twelve hours, and give him an appetite." - Another chapter growing put of the Burleigh scandal has arisen over an attempted sale of the residence in which the parties have resided. Negotiations were recently set on foot to sell the premi ses to William Condón for a consideration of $(i,500, but, for want of su ificient title matters carne to a standstill. ín 1877 the property was chased of David Ileiming by John L. Burleigh for $7,000, a contract passing between them, stipulating that when a certain amount should be paid, a deed should be delivered. Just before the family row, John L. Burleigh transferred his interest to Mrs. Burleigh, for a consideration, the bill of complaint flled by her, praying David Ilenning may be compelled to execute and deliver to her a proper deed, alleging what money was paid on the contract carne f rom her estáte. That, although the assignment was duly made to her Burleigh forbids Henning to execute a deed to Virginia W. liurleigh. At Monroe last week Judge Morris ordered an injunction issued to restrain Henning and Burleigh, f rom proceetling further against Virginia W. Burleigh, in any suit to recover possession of said premises, and from instituting any suit so to do. - Five Sundays in Octöber. - Buekwheat season approaehes. - Tlie Douglas vs. Ütiiversity case was argned at Lansing tliis weck. - Landlord McCreery is putting a plate-glass front in the Bliss, Winans and Berry store. - The Detroit Presbytery w'ill conveneatthe Presbyterian church next Tuesilay evening for the installation ot ttev. Dr. Steele is pastor of the chm'ch. -The Bell telephone compaiiy offer to put p telephones at $48 per annüm for business places and $36 for dwelliflg hottses. Tlie agent will begin putting thetn up if 25 subscribers are obtained.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus