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Old John Brown's Son

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Gibraltar, tne Xjihm J&riö ïsifinu which Jay Üooke mado lus soumier home iu Aio days of nis prospertty, haa had little attoution of laie. ilie mansión BtUl OOUtililtó lts line furillture, but has uo Lunant, aud is only oi)cncd at long intervals tbr au airnig. Tho once well-kept grounda aio a wilderuess. The oniy dwoller on tho island is üwcn Browu, a sou ol John Browu, the abolitiouiat. A recent, visitor describes hiui as "ta.l and stoop Bhouldersd, wUh a sandy beard, in wliieh iay a few streaks of wlnte, blue eyes, a ploasant voice, aud air ol ..oiiLleiicssjüiiücouid luuMiy imagina tliat hu had played a pai-t iu such troubled scones iu Kausaa and the South." Hu s a bachelor, au.L LlKes the lonely lifc he loatls. Ho recoivos a sinall salary as guardián ot_ tUe property, and apeuds ïnuoh ot ui Unie lisuing. Regarded froin a astronomie point of view, it appears tliat there is nothing parüouffu-ly desirablp in dining with the queen, althougb it is a privilege mueb coveted by anibitioua men. A disüuguished divine, who uccasionallv preaches at Windsor, and dines and slei'ps there afterward, said recent]y, tliat tlie diunor waa a remarkably u'nsalislactory afiair to a hnngry mail. It is nol eonsidei-ed etiquette lo continue eatiug of any particular oourae atier the queen luis partakeu of it to lier satistaolion, and as her majes ty eats very little tlie couise are uurrieu over. Aftcr diuuer the re is hard') y timo to take even ono gln&sof wino bofore cotfee is brought in. The qneeu does not put her cup on the table, bul bips a little as the servant liolds it on the salver. Then her niajosty risos. and, ofoourse, the guests all riee aml Btand back iïom the table. The quéen tliun makea tno round ot' tlu; mom, stopping to talk lora few minutes lo any one oftlie guesis wliom slie may delight to honor, and then goes out, leaving the guests Lo amuse theniselvc. as thuy Ukc lor the eveniug. Alexander Dumas, Jr's. last hooi:, "La Question du Divorco," in wliich lie advocates divorco undcr certa In conditions, has been placed on the Catholie Index Expngatoriua. . - - - -■■ ■ - The ÏSiblc has been. transíated info 22G difieren) languagea and dialecftafor the purpose of toreigu mlasioiiary work, and H8,ÜU0,00O liave bren distribulcd ia various quarters of the I giobe.


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