To help him to re-election next Tuesday, county Clerk Clark lias issued a circular and sent it broadcast over the county, calllng attentlon to what hehas saved to the tax-payers of tlie county. A saving of 334,57 is alleged to have been made on file covers. Mr. Clark purehased a large quantlty and of eourse was able to procure them at cheaper rates than in small lots as they had been theretofore purehased. The files have been re-arranged and no more file covers will be required for years to come. Any otlier clerk wou ld, for a similar large quantitf, asked for bids from dealers and secured them at as low a rate. That is no reason why democrats should vote for Mr. Clark. The same circular alleges Mr. Clark has saved 3473,25 in the purchase of pigeon hole boxes. Over one-half thousand were purchased for probate and clerk's ofBcos, a large number, and of course cheaper rates were obtained. Would any other clerk do differently tlian ask for bids f yr so many? It is only when a few are wauted thathigher priccs are damanded. The same circular allegps Mr. Clark has saved $830,55 by substitutionof coal for wood. Who is there so ignorant as not to know that coal at $4.30 per ton- the prics paid last season- is cheaper than wood? Does it require peculiar financiereering to purchase the years supply wlien it is the cheapest, viz: in the summerV Hundreds of our citizens till their bins during the summer season, just as Mr. Clark did the countv bin. Ís it tobe presumed that Mr. Duffy, a shrewd and succeasful business man, does not possess forcsight suflicient to ask for bids for file covers, pigeon lióle boxes, when required in large quantlties, or that he doesn't know enough to buy coal when cheapest? That is the oiily inference to be drawn by Mr. Clark's circular. Compare the business record of the two candidatos and see which is likely to be the most economical officer for the county. Oneranks ! as among the best merchante of this city, a prosperous dealer in merchand!zlng. The other ran upon his "poverty"' two ycars ago. In capacity of superintendent of the poor. Mr. Dufïy has saved to the taxpayers of Washtenaw over $5,000 in cutting off orders to tramps. J lis colleagues are also entitled to similar credit. For this Mr. Duffy does not parade in circular why lie is entitled to especial credit. lie has done his duty, a duty for which he was elected. If Mr. Clark lias saved money to tax payers, he has performed his duty, nothing uure.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus