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_ triwivme coTinpp.tR Oio Tlfn o' Fwnthel, Aile.s and Peterson with their "ÍLprof T P. Wilson h rtwn choaen TOperintêndent of the ünitarian Sundav school. ,. -The Btipervisors have fixfl htkwi 4 ; cents per day to remunérate the sbenfl 'fnter meeHr,8 of ti Btate pomolo-ical society wlUe held in thia city on Monday, Dec. B. -December one next John Koe1! Rnd Martin nallerwtllform a copartnership for the sale of furnitnre. _Aftr the seree of Mr nml Mrs. O W Cropsey on Wednesaay erftn'ncr, membersof city band were Invlted to nartakP of an oyster sn wer. PDr.Jo-hnKRpP,bis father rbristinn Kapp and Mr. Groves of Nortnfield md Rübert Bliss óf thia rtty have returaed from a nortliorn lnm'Mi'-T 1'in. -Mr. and Mr,. G. W. 0Mw qtiest the local fiWor to convey their thankfltothecitvhOTdforthewrenade giren them on Wednesday evemn?. - Theresidenceof Nfr. and Mrs. ,T. M. WheelM of West nuron Street was thronged with -unisón Fridyn1n(?. „pon invitation of host and hostess. _The 7th aniverHary of the Young People'a Society will 1 held at the Presbvterian chnrcli nextSnnday evenin?. Dr. Steele will deliver the Adtvess. - Burclnrs enteivt tne nnii of Israel TTall Mondayni&ht and carneó off one set of doiible harneas, one single harneas, severalcarriage robes, blankets and varioua ottwr articies. _Dr WlieelerV bid of $89 for medical Bttendance an1 furnishina; dra?s for p-isnners in jail for enanïng year nccepted by the supervisors, wül not buy the drugs, to say nothinR o services. -Kev Mr. Snnderland will preacli next Sunday mornina; on "recent herética- or some reflpctions concerninjt Dr. Thomas. Kev. Stopfonl Brooke and th ■ rest" Subject of evening lecture: "pnlWeal duties of educated youug -The yoniig peoples clvib of the ITn'tarian society Legan its meeting for fie season last Thursday evening with a social and supper at thft'atate street hflll The attendance was lav-e. rhe nntnumberof "om paper" was read by R. A. Brown. _On Monday evening next at half past Beven o'cloek at the residence of jude Cooley Prof. Stowell will fpve an exhibitiou of microscopio specimens -with the oxy-caleinm Lignxrorwie imr fit of the Ladies' Library. A-dmission fifteen cents. All are cordiaïly invito,! . - V circular lias just been issued an■nouncingtbat the consolidation, October 18, 1880, of the Tol vlo & Ann ArborraUroad company and the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Nortbeastern company Tosnlted in the oranization of the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Granfl Trunk Bailway company. Wilüam P. tsoti, ■ofNew York, nas been vu-er of thia companv. - 'Villiam D. Mams of TacVson, formevlv of tliis fiity was vmitel in raarria. to Miss Minnie E. (ïrew, also of Jackson, on Tuw1ay of last week.Amon- pípients tenrtored bv Ann Arborites wtíre siíver spoon-boMer by Miss Lanra Gi'.son, Bilver nnt-picks by norencn Andrews, two toilet towels bv TtTrs. Adams, family i-locl: by Mm nivl Tanny Andrews, painting by Anna Xdams.


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