Real Estate Transfers

Samuel T. Masón to Ilonry S. Simpson. 40 acres in Augusta. 500. Cnarles Easton to Godírey Luick.- ïwo pareéis of land, 3 and nine acres each iu Lima. $2000. Alfred C. Torrey to Frank Ruck. 3 acres in Manchester. Y1200. John Youngto Jesse i'oung. 80 acres in Ypsilanti. $3000. David F. Moore to Ella 11. Berger.- Manchester village property. $900. Noble Gilmore to Detroit JJutler and St. Louia Railroad. A strip of huid in Augusta. $140. Rachael A. Shepard lo saine. Strip of land in York. $160. Gr. L. and P. A. Van Worner to same. Land in York. $260. Wm. 11. Hack to same. Land in York. S100. John Callis to same. Land in Augusta. $10. A. and II. 13. Childs to same. Land in Augusta. $300. Josiali Childs to same. Land in Augusta. $50. Emuel H. Byer to same. Land in Augusta. $50. Daniel E. Smith to Henry C. AValdron. A strip of land in Salem. $400. Eliram Kittredge to James M.Asbley. Aim Arbor city property. $550. Henry B. Feldkamp to II. C. Waldron. A strip of land in Arm Arbor. $187. James i. Morey to H. C. Waldrou. Land in Ami Arbor town. S150. R. llenry and M. A. Duffy to II. C. Waldron. Strip of land in Jiorthlield. f181.25. Joseph B. Ilerrick to Waldron. Land in Salem. $112.50. James Gibson to IT. W. Ashley. Land in 5th ward Aun Arbor. $550. Adam M ayer to Ashley. Land in 5tli ward Ann Arbor. $610. Elizabeth Barbaeh to Ashley. Ann Arbor city land. 800. Albert T. Masón to Waldron. btnp of land in Salem. $250. John M.Gould to Ashley. Ann Arbor city land. $150. Henry Wessel to Waldron. Land in Salem and Northfleld. S50. Daniel Hiscock to Asley. Ann Arbor city land. $200. Clarissa A. Crittenden to Bridget A. Denehy. Bexter village property. 650 QUIT-CLAIM. Mary Dormer to E. L. Dormer. Ann Arbor property. SI. Thomas I). Conway to Fred Conway One-sixteentli interest in ÖÜ aerea n Auu Arbor. SI.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Samuel T. Mason
Henry S. Simpson
Charles Easton
Godfrey Luick
Alfred C. Torrey
Frank Ruck
John Young
Jesse Young
David F. Moore
Ella R. Berger
Noble Gimore
Rachael A. Shepard
G. L. Van Worner
P. A. Van Worner
William H. Hack
John Callis
H. B. Childs
Josiah Childs
Emil Byers
Daniel E. Smith
Henry C. Waldron
Hiram Kittredge
James M. Ashley
Henry B. Feldkamp
H. C. Waldron
R. Henry
M. A. Duffy
Joseph B. Herrick
James Gibson
H. W. Ashley
Adam Mayer
Elizabeth Barbach
Albert T. Mason
John M. Gould
Henry Wessel
Daniel Hiscock
Clarissa A. Crittenden
Bridget A. Denehy
Mary Dormer
E. L. Dormer
Thomas D. Conway
Fred Conway