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Darkness And Light

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Lom-e tho honre lntntly! on RW no son of mine ftwin thii lime. I will „ot l.arbor one who lioa thu dogiwlod himself, mul dtó-ippolntod me. lianl wonls wcre thew to henr f mm tlielipsofanvone, stilt barder from tliosp. o'.'a fiillier. Mr. John Pliiüips w a prourt man _,,roud of himaelf, of Lis faimly, ot (he reputetion hc had acquned fot honesty and apright floalinji, and of the noticc hc received from peoplo who wero justa lep fcnlier up the ladder of fortune tlinii hiuisclf. fo ini:reaae lus wcalth and conscqucncc, i -i ....1 ."!,.... i- Ui; -ftiitllV t,O tUC lie umi iiioiiiHi uu" "i" " ' . most pitiful aud pinchiug straiti iu privaie, to atone for expciulitures to meet the public gazewith a show ol richesthat honestly belonged to lus i wito and childreu for thcir ordinai-y Dïng eklcst boy was placed in a store wheie thcre we re imuiy otber ctórks. Yoiuie Phillips' Beauty clothing, lus evident dcsiiuuioii of inouey, cveu to withholdhig a penuy ftiu a poor ohild whfin othei-8 irave li-enly, uccoi-dcd UI witli the repoi-uof liUíather'f woaltti; and the huls sometimos touched tho eoroet ulacA i" K:lMlliel 1'lullllW llCilVt, bv roproftching hiuü witli sordulucss. Öiw day- a cold, wintry day- a Uttle mrl, ghlvering and ialo, cime nito tbe atora. Her wan, blue look touched his hcart with pity. How could lie scnd her BWay? He thi'ust two (tUtteriügbalfdollara iuto her hand, and baile her go md buy soine wood. The mouey, lie thought, could be placed; uut lie was wuwjuuu uy - other lad who was glad of au otpor tuniiy to degrade In), nd wneu tho cash gales were made up tliat mglit, youug Carroll roporied ihat the ui iug dol lar luul beeu tafceu by bumuei riiilüpfc . . The uoy's blushes and confusión as he tried 10 make an honest naiemeut oitbecase, weie takèu iorguilt; and a wie lo'his father, whicu he was limi nd to take home IVoin his er, distilictly told that Mr. Sainpson 110 louger wished to cniploy ■ person in his store who liad beciiguilty of tho crinie of stealing. _.„„ , , In his iirst uassion Mr. Phillips had uttered tlie aliove woids to his sou. lu vain the boy pleadcd why lw dul it. Ternaps the excuse embodied j more sin in tlie laUicr's eyes Uiau tUo deed ilself. To give a dollar to a bug„ui What an enornutyl And tlien that Jolin Phillip' son sliould so outnie bis falliers good name! 'Hie maii's yndo was atrouger uuiu uie paieni's aUectiou. Samuel look hiiu at his word ; aud that very iiigbt, m t"o colU and darluicss, tho boy sol oll, taking lus slop inio the iiiikiiowu] fuTiac ot his lil'c. . Jlad his taiUer but bclicvcd hiin, póiuiedout what was wrong in las act ana t'üi-givcn huu, his sou nuglit liever luive siuucd agaiu. llis prulo umi orueHy wut Uimfourüi.a'wwiKwr.üwUttiliii ? ui hiahíiu-t ti roo. of uUttiniw wulttl luijrlit tueu liis Wliole lue bogiill. hen the fauiily wai aruuü to the couvictioi.) U.e uext in.i.-i.ii.S, H"at Bauiuul Fuilhin ww g. Mi Puillip f' lu suoLllu ' a'5" uedioluer vvitD Uw uioujfiit tuat rj woula ou las wu uwiu agaiu, ?,. Icnou-I. toi-c.un. ..ii.l .t,k uuuuu To .s.o.atuct. ilediü uwt Hl lor wilhwl.1uw1i.ia11au„iorgivu1-woid, to imuI tafu tlrli-w wy.,._ Ye;irs passé! awny. i.ea?ed: mul uw only Haitnii mi was aWnvuixl 11-0111. l'wodauglivÏÏlïiuiwM lelt alono, n was not ; 'blolluacucenccd.duotsou,,oor boy, as Jic stood trcuiuinig Uwt iS Ser u.e wellu of_ u ftM I c-Tnic., too, oomuilltuU uudertbo Cuenco ïtbe bui leelin 'the wrong. -Uut pruto keyi ni insteail oí pityjng Mm tor bo ing a ciwUiway, he only pttied U not being able lo keep "1 tlie fcmiiy ":lAt'last Ihovc carne a ñT m cv? Mr Phillips' prouil spirit was crash S? ■ More fhrí.. the loss of wlfe w cbildren did U1L1 trial bow hlinto th enrtta. Loss loss had como 1 Inminhisburiness, lew was obliged to gvc up all Into ti Lktaofttoowfltow. nesurre..dc ed evorythmg-house aiid uu.e lol gootls, not evou taWng the beiie wlúcll the law allpwed him. thon wcre not wanting sorae amoi lheij.-eüiwhooPonlyassertódo leliCl"tliat ALr. rnmins un " savod incey by the opcr.ilion ml even citcl nis utter relinquishinuut ot all visible property as a in-oot tha i lie wasamply rouiuiicrated by that whicli W HirirS1 fovsook hïm ; dropping off cue by one, .nuble to youoli tor lus imiocence. UU hoallli talled, and even I jt it had not, lic could nut havo wit, Ld the public sale of nis household ti-easures which was uow announced. tie had lortured himsoli by throwlnir Luto his oi-editors' hauds even, trifll„g ,nene.tos of the past-luerally leavmg evei-ylhing in lus houae, save his clothiug and his private desk, Uiued littlu Luit faiuily letters, and Uie miniatura ot a liule ciiüd, vvitU a oorl of (tolden hair at the back ot the locket. TuTa olúldl OU, if he could but reeall the paai! If lw lad but spoken kindly aud forgivingly, Uut eUild migbt OW huve uoeu utu to save lam trom fiiere was, as wo have sald. a public sale. lt compnsed tue store aud housebold goous, aud mcliuled a üi - l luit liealLU had induoed huu to buy, mi whichhe wouid not part wuli atïer her death. Xuo mu üad a _ der sihH hl his ncari, aucr vu. i. "u the uiau wuo liad been Jiia elerk carne Luw Ui8 sulitary room ataboardinghoiiNC, the uijfht aller the sale, tus Urtt questiou was, - -VVUo büiiyht Flectwood?" '1 aid hol know the nnm, sir. Tío was a siranger. There were mauy bUiiugcw theie,ad iüidnot aak the uauwuf tiim who purchaïed the horse. lic was inihe house a good part ot tne time, oud 1 noticed that he uid tor auuiuber ol Lhings." ! loieetwoodliasa kind mas ter " observed Air. Fliillips. The cicrlv was (foiug, but returnci af ter a 8loi-t parlcy widi sonie oueat tiiu dooi'. liere'a a man, sir, who wishes you to meet, liiiu aL the house you ucoupiud, at hult-past uiue o'clook tuis eveiüiiS'." , "VVhut cin any onc want 01 me thei-c?" asked xMr. Pliillip ..ii .. I . í ■ I 1.' i r"ir 'l canitoi leu, sai ■ " llvfu "v the, but irom üie glauco i liad of hun ui t.ití duur, i should say ït was Uw mui wlio was biatling iipon tiie lioiihc whcn 1 camo away, aud the buuiü who bougbt i'lectwoud." ■1 ïuu.sigo, i bUipose; yei, ït he is a ..cmlciuuii, i BUouia liaraiy thnik ho WinilU üXjiOiö mo 10 the pain oi gOHlg I tucru." Mr. Phillips walkcil tohis old home WiUl Ll-UliibUilg BlopB. Ho looked old uid ïccble, Uko a man who had numbcrcd lwioo his ycars. He reanhcd theuourtliat oiico oponed to lus familiar Loucii and tüe buil. lno woiiiau Who had so lüllg kept ÜM housu, oponed il, and ushored him mlo the 8ittuuí-roo.iu, iroin wlucn, ye.irs ayo, he liad ordered lns boy noin ais sMit loievur. l'hií thonght flaslicd nito lns muid, and was more vivid iroiu thc circiunsuuice of lns own anu clia.r boing removed out oí iis oidiimiy placo, and sol in tliu Uiiddlo of tlio room, and a low directly in front of it, 011 wliicli Samuel üaü loaned i" passtouate woeuiug. Tiio boy, in Uis uiiwry, on that uigut had lolt Uiáoap Uaiijjing on Uic of lliat iow olían-, and, as it lodeupon uic luiuer s miguMu jnighi, a boy's can Uuiig thero ftgaiu. IIow wcll ho remomberwl Ití How he shook with the memoria Owt n.,c „„ to lúa mimi! Hls teorfül eres scarody took In the figure ol a noble looking wTio now enterod tlie röomT and dositcl lüm to walk around the house. Evory piec of furulture was in its old place. In h s own obainber, the little "uJtj of the dreasinff-tablo were procuely as tliev alwavs were; and ina uuic ■- voorn bcsido it wci-e the two mail beds in which his boys uscd to sleop. He looked tip at lus condactof throufch his tast lalling twn. Sonietlnng in lus luco, i, tl., black Üaslnng cves of the stnuucr, went to lus heart. They had returned to tho sittn.g-voom and the sti-anger held hU hand wit h a warm, loving gi-aep. He hea.d tho word, '-ïhis is all yours, dear lathor! and thcn tho two men sank togethor upon thcir knccs, wnne i" '"""?. In-eathcd out a most fervent ttaaufcsKiving that he had been spared to Somfort and console his m lus of adverse fortune. , Stung with lus fat her's cruel words, Samuef riiillips had desertcd his home, and, drivon almost to dospcration, had wandcred away from the „lace that know him, to a lar city. i'rovidenco raisod up LViends to the desolate boy. Ue found lanisclf trasted, honored, repected; and at tho deáth of oiio who had been asa tatiu-r to him, he became woalthy. lie saw tho noticc of thc sale in a newspajper -hun-iel 011 to prevent ít, and arnved only wlieu it liad already cuiniueucEC iré had heard of bis mothert dcath, and Iroin that time lio resolved nevor to return, liut when lie íouiid that ULa was ül real dbtres.s, all was forgottou, save tl.ö thouglit that ho imíuibeín to wiv Inirt frotu oy eu Uigrace or actual want. b.verytiiin" luid tallón iiuo liis UaiKl-, lot hu uystauders saw tlmt lio was acteriy tohisevidont dewre auü ubiliiy Tl!eUioconoiliation was comple'.c. ,e m-ide of ti.e fat nor was_ .iuetaiud in his old iioine, all met, and bis liusiiM ro-estoüslied by Lbo sou wbom lO luul Ou - l!ëd,hUUeai-6h;vdiueltod toa eindko liuiuility Hiat was Loaülmiy Lo ucokl.


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