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A womnn In MarshuÜ coiintv.Knnroslmslmd b:.l lurk witli hu-baiitlfl. Two of 'hem wcrehing-tl bv vigilaiice emnmitii'W.A tlilrd t0 wtiliomlury. niid é fmirtli comtnUt-d o. NothiiighMyothappeitedto tlieflfiln A New York pnpor taya the lato C .,„..■; HUly,nii Mntwlitorof ti culi! S lier voniiin-, "i v - ----- ,, A] „ora Uinii 200,000 sets h9 león Iwiiod, it ... ule l.lin ricli man ; Ho wastlioouly mpralvr oí tl.e , loidaliouseoiififiUavonue. Ma..v men who rad a W tol, Mkvsüi.eMl.oba8iea.lagooadcal,are omoüines floored l.vacintot a jrirl v w ? tabbllUtloinboota,becantI 8hèna..flgo8to.i8k thcn abuut woL-ks whtoblioouiíidotlielrllneorwadií Thoy Lavo íK-rhap }"", V bootaof whMiislio Uno Uttlo ibnt t.etitlo8,but,wiih woiiiBiili AHU KnocoumvosiowavcLhci.ibct.nctaon 'fívo boys reeontly discoverod nj íniúuerofoia euiíu in an " " ,,. m.i )vCiiv. l'cim. Hic aro ,ö tív Knh yieces Hl Uw dates frMiutuMered ud Uw rnoimy dioveied is belwvcd to bo pan of the plunder laken iVora bis body and buiiud by bis inuïdcrer. Navarro countf, Texas, lias a yopultttion of 2á,üU0, composed ot ïunuiErante irom iiearly all liie norilnvestSrntí.ates. The pcoplc ore induslnous polite, and hospiiabie. ïbey come i to mako homes, and ahvays welcoiiw rcsueüt. llorcioibi-e, there has bm BojEedifficultyabouteJucating thea ciúldreii, but hov uearly evwy ncg ■ ibovliood luis iis achoolhouse and church, and good teac.ierí are socurod vcgaidloss oí expense. ïhc pcople of tho United States consume more cotfce ilian ihose ot any oihcr country, using auuually 33,WUÜUO pouiKls; nexL comes Oennaii), whicüiatoi218,0ü0,00U; ueFiice, with 110,UUU,UUU; uext, Ausiria-niii,garv, witb. b-',uuo,uou; then lloUaud, with 68,000,üuu, aud, linally, Belgiuin, with 48,UUu,U0U pounüs. Tnese takc 8U per cent oí the wUole product of the world. England tekes but Tcry little coilee, and ilussia siiu iess, bui in both of those lucconsuuiptiou of tea is iinmeusely large. Mi-s; Cannon,of Ilübinsonvillc, Ter., while on her way liome IVom ciuirou on horscbauk, feit sometüHig Btnke lier in the face, and ilipposiug it to bc the limb of a iree, thruff up ner hauU to ward it oïï. Wliüe uudressing for bea otter her arrival iiouie she was hurriíied to find a ratilesuake m the sltevc of her diess The repule droppctl out on the üoor and was killed.- "i'iie lady liad nut previousij ui wuwi iucouveuicnee froui theslight abrasión ou her luce, but it now comineneed swcllin" arni beeanw so paimul tliat a physici'u was called in to atieud her. it is sunposed the suake had taken reiuze in tuc tree, and that it bit her and tianstcrred itself to her sleeve as she roda under it. The Italiana at work ön the New Haven aud Nortüampton railroad exiensioii in Ffanklin couuty, Mass., deposit 110 money in the local b inks, uut all woar belts, and carr.v theiimoney with theiu. Tlioy are all inimbercd and taggedj so that wnen thev are uaid off or receive rations it is on preseutaiiou of a hitle Uu cuecs propeïiy numbered. A littte water oov, wlioliad togiveup buot-blacKiiiö- in Boston because lic cuukl not i-ead or wriie, acts as iu.erpreter tor a larae gang. Twey live very econouuoally.aud their bread is bougnt,sevoral liumlred loavos at a mneby tno eonö-actor, whHe they do tlieir owu ookiuff. Many of tlicm say they lv pronosc to stay in the country long euougfi 10 earn HOU or so, wiien tlicy wülIeLum to Italy. The report of thecommittce on sites for the YVorld'a Fuiri IW8 to bo held in New Vork says : "Xho site we ,soisa littlc uorth of the Centi-al Cud nay becalled the Wa8hng. ton úoighta ite, allhou-h PrilüU of Uie gronndi He eastward o c Ueiahte, aiu, moro prvperly, i tiic ,d avenue, run tbrougU the distnc m-onosod. The trac gives . 1 ; türehuudrod and iivo . available tor the punióse ot Uie exüibiiion Tiw pioiunaqiie beaiuy ot tuc pruportd silo auuleu-cs coiuyarisou. nuoansble of lan.Ucipo iworunicut uuai-ly a ceiitury ago luid out as a, ca u-y losidenco by Aloxauder UamiUon, and Mili (NW.U ÜM venoraülc aud atti-aotivo i'eauuv. ot a geutlc;l11Llll'.s pnvato parK. Auother yo t in íavor of lius site ia as aoocssiima) audnuíausotdisulbutiuífgi-eatmnubcra lt, Í8 rcacued by lAvoelevuied roih-oads and by Uorse cara tVomev-:y uartof tíiecity. ÜUicr poiats luna Xvor are its i.ealtaiuinüsá comioiL, gui-rouuding atu-aouoüs, and ecouoy." .


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