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The Biggest Liar

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Bishop Seljrwu was a benevoiont mul Uimllv-si.okcn intuí, ai well as a himself much In tbc ppor.cspecially m minors Coming Olí a öoinpany of tne o' ie heardthem talfelug in ver n lei way, so lomUv that he JjW to them; '!■' MovOa, Bometliing 1„ u iútcresí, you all toT much _; 1 hciu-d your voicos quite in tne aw tance; may I iuquh-e what it irf' i wWcli thoy replied "Y ou seo th a au lWorejustsiiy...Sttl; vvho eould teil tl biggoat itoihoaU havo l " "Oh " said tho bishop, "I au 8ori-ylüi-that;Ilioieyouwill ' ajmiu teil Hes. 'ïis a fearful hftbit and so unmaiily. Why, l new totói fiïlumylito." Whttpon the toa the gDTOi-aor tUe tea-kettle all 01 them iMuUug Ui asssrtlou "üic big rust lie" tliey Iwtl over heard. T Speer, of New Orleans, lias exMbiOfluá Bpcci.ncns of flbre ft the bauaua plant. He estiiate Uiat frriuwlU mate tho ouftjvation oí Una splcadid plaut very profttabia. Among the ancient Polos tho bride walked tliree times round a ine, the ZdTwn aml wbed her ftot Tl her father ittafe8tive, and. was the biidegrootu?8 feet, tho Uriüe uother poSi-ing out tUe waier for Ui a urpose., Mrs J V Aloxmvlor. of P.lír Sndv, Tex foimd that lier H-m ntli-ld mfant frettod unless it was xilnS ' ui the diniiKf-room floot daily to piay. StoviiiK beliind the door an onusnal time, sfie lookS l for it, aml was j lied to see the oliild pattiug a very hirgo black snake nioii the liead aii I (lir.lin' lia bread witli it, and (lic reptilé showiiiii its appreciation _by wájrging iu tail suake carne iuo tile room tlu-ough a hole ia the loór. The ncw eirls'school bnUdlngj whloii Mooilyaml his memls have puuip ut Northfleld, Mas., U built ot brlcfc. thrce lories hiiili, and with (l grouiKt nlan 100x40. The roof is sitrmoimteU l,v three tow.-rs; tlm cómnü one nin.rsovoiitv-ttvo toet flroihtliogrouiul. 'L'hc ftrst Hoor coilüiins i Uilchoa, ttinliig mom, pavlür.two itjceplion rooms, studyirooiii and tffo scliool-rooins. On tlie BCCOllU anu uiuu uuio ...-■ tiiirty-aevon dornntorie'. II i"er'mci furntahod turougbont iii bruwn asUjtho Windows benig prorided wiw iii.snlü blinda. . ,. Moissonicr, wbon in Parts.livea near the l'arc JMom-enu. Tlie front ige is at the top of the Boulevard Malestierta, j iust ut the bi'ftintiiHg of tlie Ayna de V. Uiers. D. inris amt öara öoriihardt are liia ueigu'bors. The house is ltalian renaissance. Tliere is httle to seeoutsido bevond a laro öxpauae ot maaonry, as ueatly 3'"l'll iis 1)U'CO üt cabinot Work; but wilhin are tlie tcrraces and wcadea whicl foi-m sncli i cliarming backgrounüs in the picture of the ltalian scliool. A Fronch lady, with her hiisbaml, was sitting ï-ccently smoking horoicaiette in the Tivoli public gardens 111 Copcnhaien, when a detective ui plain clotlies appenred and ordered her n o t to sinoke. The lady, nol underatanding Dauisb, Üiought the man waiited a light, aml liaudud lmri her cizarette, which the detective t ook and ttarew away. The husband asked for au explauation, and fiually it waa made to the visitón that tlie Bight of a lady smoking a cigiu-cito 111 I public would luii-t the sensiuvc moral loe. inga of tbe Daiiisli public. ( The first duel in tlio ü. 6. was lought at Plyinouth, Mass.) on the löth ot June, 1(521, between Kdwai-.l Doly and Edward Loioester, two servanis, boUi of wlioui were woundod. h or this proceeding tiicy woro sentenced to the puuisliineut of having tueir heaus and teettkd together, aud lying thus lor twcnty-iour noiirs "mu' lood or drink. "Alter Buffuiing, however, iu tliat posture for au hour, at their masier's iutercesaiou and their liuinble request, witli the promiao of nineudment, Uicy wore releaaod by tiio Govenioi'. . A rl astonishcd an audicnee in tnc Gniety iheairo, Lomio, two yeara ago bv iumpiug lïom a liigb bridge at uiö backofihe stege, landing on cue iW-, and thenesfiouUngadaiioej wlucu was vaned by leans of tweiay lect m tue was calleü, vvere for a while the tlieatrical wonder ol' ihe town. luey were done by means of a jumping upparatus invented by her husbaud, YValtór Dando. lie gubsequently applwd Uic macliinery to otlier (lancera in London Mud Paris, and next scasun several duplicatea oí Ariel vrill be sueii in thia coiuilry: . Froiu the rrtisty past comes a quaint story ooiiceruing tlie origiii of corseta Acei-unn butcaer wlxo Uvcd m tlio thirtceiith century had a wife that talked too muob, and to care uer oí the sorry habit, iie ruthleaaly compeU led her 10 wear a pair of stays so u-htlv- di-.iwn about her waist tliat she could bretithe only witli diifioulty: Otlier huibaudi eagerly bemin couverta to the ilau aa wuolesome meaua j oi i-esu-aiut to tUe unruiy tonguos ot Üieir guouses, and Boon almot _every Wife in üie city of Lonilon was m tlio dintréssitig predioaiiieiit ot the flret Tiotitu Finiliy the woineu denautly rebel ed, made a fasiiion of the thing, and IVoni that tune tothis corsets have boen one of the essentials ot cvery lady s w earing apparáL


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