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ClnrpiiccE.Conkliii ;ml oiIkhn Inro diecovoi-;ll ii iniiic o[' rolil mul sUvei in 11 10 towii Ot"l&ii=oii. 1 1 Mini] i on cotinU", N. V. Bolón lüiiliaiii and otliers claim lo linvc cliscovoretl IV niluo oi ij'iil ;iik1 silver in Llio lowu ui' Wells, Uaniilton Co. Tlm A'incrican Co)i=ul at. Gonevii siysthal American beefund live siocl( liave poiicirniod as lar as ihat ivííoii mikI tfie valué of'dioico cnttltí nisod in lartfe nnmboi'3 in Swiizerlaud for the Pnris and Frencii markets has bei n ii! y (liuiinMii'il liy the importa tion from Anioricn. ïhc widow ot' Clmr'esDe Long forn erly minislor tg Jiiptii, lirts a uu mul s meer - f i u:li ore iucm),iI ! u lier liimbaud lv il, e ikiuiu. Tlioi nro of jude. i clai-k icen :tu ivwd cd by lin: J:i)iin:'(' üs poswssiiijf mir. (xculuiis powurs. Tliuy ara vuliied ai aboui $l,(X)ü. ACiiiiie.-e visit. i-siol tlicm Iruui Mis. JA; Loiiy, in 6h: Francisco, bui she luuiid tíiüiii ia ti pottery si uro. Tlie railrond monopolios do no) havo it all owii way aftei' till eays the 8A11 Francisco lJst A lady Mied t lie Cení mi l'uciiic f'or $7á diiiu Bgxss for nllowing i louomotivu if, eeald alj the Imir off a rtiltiablc dog exprc-sed hor from tliis city. .Siio obtniued judnieul and eollected ihe monoy beforu tlio eompatiy loimd out lililí, t Wi S !t Jiipaiio-e dug, íind uevól 1j;u1 iiny luí ir. Tïie lai-gcst ïatilenako probnbly Uial hfis ever been secu in Washington irrivc I al, Ik; Siiiithsoniaii ins.'ilutioa lVoni Flori la, forwarrteil ly Mr. James üoll. ïlie snnke belongs to tli" Crot ilus adamautuea, or diuiiioikI mttle laniily. Il saboiit cig it í ei loiig1, vill mensure twelve inciics ÍHOlllItl lio bu V, :ili(l ll&S twelve ritllcs nuil a butiun oii the oud üi" ifs Ui 1. The York (T'cnn.) Daily iells of a yoiing ïuarrieii maii in thm towu wlio woia liuiiio iiiiox.ciitüd. i lis wife whippcd hun and lie wout down lar mul liuiiií liiniseJí'. Sbo soou after fol oweil liim, mul tinding liini Imng. procimd ,-i buieher-kmlb md cut therope. 8lie then gavc'liiu tl, o kniie a I id tolil liini tu cu I his tlu-ual, "and bedoiio witli it," if lic was tired of lile. Uut lie (lid mi suolj ibiiig. TIk Hiulax vine is ol'i-ecent dale Iti New York, uhere it has beeu kixnvn ís ''Jiostuii viiie." lis iiii-oiluciinii there is B:iid id have boen biult itbout liy Clu-istine N'ilssou at Ule íXwaí i:iv in aid ut tliu Vi-oncl suitorui-s I) y the i' ranocr-frnian war. Tlie Swedish iiighüugale, while teuding a flowei1 tiible, sold her head-dress ot' roses Ktid Síuilax tbr $150, aiid iho vine al. once bectiine ihe rago. A yoiuiir mini íVoni Tosas marrird a grl in Nm-iii ( .':M-oliii;i. and ttlflU pro1 .!■ I lo icave lier wWle lie woi-ued liis way back io bis Texas Itonie, in the hope ot'eiiniing eiiougü moiiey there to seiid for her. 8he said, liuivevur, (hatshe wou ld iMtliw acconipany hïiii aioot. Thcy, tlierefurc, ruado the journey of eixteen hu uil red miles us tramp.-;; but their good appearanee gained for them considerable help the way, and lor the last iilty Jiuleci thoy rode Iriuinphant in a age. pro vi i cu iiy an eutnusiastic admirer ot thcir plucfc. A flghling clergyman Hybs at Media, Pa., as u ceriain thief can teslir'y. llis Hume ia J!. h Btriiig, and hu is tlie jjasiüi-of a Methodist cliurch ni, that place. The ttiic-f eteicd lio Uouso tJirough the cellar wíndow, lighteda caadle and theu entercd the ki.clieu. - lio then cxcluin-eil thc caudle íor a coal-oü lunp. (Lresscd liimselt' ín a slieet by cutung holes ín it íor his head and anus, and íhus arraved wcnt to the bolsillo ol" Mi-. Sll-iiig. Holding tlio lamp in one Iwnd and a knife ïu the othef, ho trieil to sootlie Mr. String by saying : '-re don't wam (o commit any vio.ence:" but Mr. String sprang from his bed,altneked Uie tluei' nml drove hiin from the Iioiise. "Women and children are omploycd in toliTubly large ïuiinbeiB in ihc English iniiics. Out oi' 18,795 porsoiis ngagoil al)ove grouml abont iho inctaijilci'oiis niiiiesj2,193 are women and Jiiil-, and in adiiiüon therc aro 317 males of tlia tender agus of bctwccii tí aud 13. Ot' girU ;! ;uv i!iu])loyed be1 u'ivii 8 íi i n 1 13 your ol 1, 32 of whinn are in tin: ('oniw.ill and Duvoil district. Of .uirls l.'etweeu l.'Jand IS cirs tliere aro cniployed 71).', Cornwnll mul Devon cinpluyiüjr 645 ihc X.rtl Willes distr.c;!, 106, the only oiher lai'gely-ciuploying district boitig tliat of Ireland, wliore 27 are 1 worlc. Of irla abovo lö yoai'B okl, t lic reare 1,3ój Cniployed. Carlylc isgrcatly pfcascd with lita hoimi'é of bcing a "laiid-iuiole. A privntc loi ter iVoin Cliolsea says: ".Mr. Ciu-Iyle is so d izcd wilh the novelly ot' ;i baby in the hun -o - it is almost kis sale expcricuco uf sucli tomipnts mul woiider.s iliat lio senda lor ilie ini;uii, wiicnevcr anyboíly calis, aiiá roJiüirks upon the pcrfectiou oi' ilic iin. ger nails aiul the litilc io:j auils, and ill of lbo rest of (lic wee body. ]! tunis it up and down and over, and explahis the mysterions and woikIím-t'ul au iloniy - in short, h-as liko i uliild over i)u' ürst baby il. luis over scon. A liew clenii.'iit in his lil'u secms lo givo liim i lujw loaso of oxistence." Au oild cuse is reponed froni Carliskj, Kng, A doctor was callod one ovcning ut 7 o'clóck to visit a lady aged about 55, who bad, as slie desuribcd it, been foeling poorly all day, but 001,1 ld give no deiinite syiubtonis luid coiiiplaincd of no pain. ihxviwj the exaniination ie noticod a cbane in lier syeeuh. 'J'his. led liiin to au investigativn of the throat. Ouiwardly the ïiuok appe ireil uorinal, and nolhUgcouldbo lelt, to indícale au ol)slruc'.ion; ]iu theu exainined the [iliarynx, bul 10 tuvoigu body could be f-een there, and lbo exaininaiioii only bi'Otiglit ou vomiiiiu? and mg. IIowl-vci-, Iu: ddUjl-HjillCll iu look a sccoihI Linio, íincljuJgü of his surprise lo fiad bedílcd low back in tho pharyjix a sci ui" t'alse leoih, wliiuh lie extnietod witli Jitllu LrouUle. Upon i iiquhy the vv.oman siiid sho l):ul inisscd her leutli abuut Í) p'olock in the uiornini;-. ImiL liad no idea slie had swullowcil ilioni. lt is rouiarkable thiL ihcy had bqen in tlio phaiyux wiüiout cau8ÍHg heraay pain loi'oi'ci' teu liours. l'oh dnine [niiiúii' is an invuntion to obvíate umu) o. tlio.di-awbaclís tu clnv ino lithotapliy, which eutils i larm; uuiubcr of bepar.ite priniiijfs, the drying alter encU inipressioii, the "registratiou," and maiiy expeusivo S10UC8 whioli havo to l;c kept idlo. Tlic ncv pvocesa of Mr. VVüite, of Furia, is a method by w hich all the color.s of a chroino-lithoiiiaph may bu proilucij.l at ine impiessioii. The pigluents of tlio grountl coJor ai placed iu the frame as i solid block and the design traueu upou it. AH tho paris wiiicli do not form Iho grouud color aro theu cut out and tlie spacos tlius lel't ure then filled by pourihg in hot liquid pigmoius coi'i'Qspoiidiu to tlie COIOI'6 ui' shiulcs ïvcjuireil tO b(! produccd. VJien coLl. the roceutly-addü;l color is triuinieil oll' with ;i knil'o aild anoLlier poured in, uni'ü lito wholu is built up. YIh;ji poraplete, tho 1110Baic is pUccd in a prese and iliu surface sliavciL by a kuiíe, su as to niako it míe aud levul, aud wlien moistojied witlt suilablo oheiiiioals it is ready for use. 'l'lio iinpieseioiis are olear, periimnont and pasa tkraugh tlie íabric. Roproductious by t'ils procesa of the il in'si. tapesíriea me saul io liare do ceived dealers aud coimuisieursi.


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