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- Isaac Tower of OaKfield, Kont n f, wasbaried b the caving in oí well. - It is said that a Jackson relifdous tyrecently a KWby alottery mé. - Large ttumbers of '■ tojng to the lumber campa oí nor.' [ichi - 'i'i-c st. JohTia RepnWican says flie otalcostof the Clinton connty courl 15,805.05. - Shpriff üathaway of BSfrièn cotiiity ias Kathered in a $SO0 reward fpr aresting a murdei ■ marriage is reported from T-ex.,.;(, ,, ... if 20 yeara itnd a Woman o -John Strifiér, ii' ar Cass ";iy. Tu:ide 100 gallons of syrup liis ycar fnun ;i (juartiT of au acre oi sugar cane. -The total amount of oe shipraents Ydiii ttie Menomïhee tange from the ipenínff of navijfatíon to Oet 21 was 5O7,fiO1 tons. - Williiiin BafloW, am eíhpíoyeeofithe Flint á I 'ero Wtarquette railroad, fel! liet ween Mvo cara a) Coletnan, Oct. 28, and was crushed to déath. - Andrcw Glfiver of Portef, Midland eonfity out eootjing, cflt a (reo. wliicl slipped ffotn the stmilp and csrusheí him. fíe ded on ednes - PHtrick Itnuly of Pino Late, Cass founty. was thrown froin hls wagon in Xiles Wednesday.wlicTiliislKivsí's were ranning, and instantly killed. II is ncck and fiíick were brokeñ. - AmosHeroof Hay City ís tfiarsred witli RteaMnft the keys of the city tock up and letting :i prisonet loose. And Amos, for liis kindnéss, langtÉshes in the (Imitrcoi) hirOself. -The Union s;iys that Mre. Fcnfon of South ()id. ;i'j-cl s:1, yciirs, lost lier way in 11h' woods oöe öight recently miei (lied from the ellVcis of the sure soon after gjetting hofiiê. -The winter flshing at Ludingtön, is pist beginning. Whiteiish ure sotd by the fishenjien at four cents per poünd, and next month they hope to gft five and six cents. The cateh is good. - A mutual benefit insurance policy held in tliis state is to be paid to a certainperson if heshall lio living- the poliCj bectuiii's due, or if he is tint living it is to goto the republican partj or its heivs or nssigns. - Tlie Ontonagon Miner says that potatoes are not as plenty in thai conntv as nsual. But fow of the farmers have any to aej] and soms of them not rli for theit own use. Prices range trom 80 to 75 cents per hushel. -The semi-annnal report of the Grand Trnnk railway cojnpany sbowa the largest business within the past three mtmths that it ever enjoyèd. The güffl of Si 0,000 was voted to Manager Hicksoí for extra services, speciaüy in sectttíüg toé Chicago extensión. - Accordingto the Saginaw Couriet 8,000 found BledgÈd in ixtroit to help elect Lord to congreso, was not a (lea hite compared with that in the eighth district to help Horr's cause.Tlie Couriei", with astonishing and [e-leaded editorial gtavíty, asserís that the Horr mre fund of $30,000, -More houndsthan deerdiein northern Michigan this' fall. The Nimrods of the lover part of the state wefe duly warnfid bv the uress long ago that such would be the case if they tooktheír dögs with tlicm. but tliey did not see fit td heed it. The peopTe of the iiorth are indignant, and justly so, that strahgers shöüld comeamong them and slaugnter their game in the Wholesale, inhuman mannei in which they do. -Charles lioseman of Glen Arbor, Leelanaw county, received a few daya ago frora John Sherman, secretafy of the tfeasary ot the United States, a gold lifesaving medal, aüthorized by congresa for eapecially meritorious deeds. In November, 1879, the scnooner w . o. Phelps went ashore at Glen Arbor, and the two survivors of the wreek were reseued by a crew of men led by Koseman, - Síanistee Times and Standard: Great excitement was eaused in onr city on Thursdiiy by the news that the Chas. Raitó salt well was a success; yoüd brine was struck at 1,500 feet, and il carne stronger and stronger. Those whohave tasted it pronounce it superior to Saginaw brine. This will doublé the slze and tlie commercial importance of our city at ati early day. and for tho time bcins, it throws even the election in the shade, -Saginaw fietald: Theve nre aboit 6,000,000 Eeetofïogsiêmaifiingin tfae Au ( res Rivef. It is not decided wliether they willbexafted in the boom at the njoqth of the river or vemain where they are. The owners do not wish to risk thcm in the boots tlus lall and winter, as they would be swept into the bay should the booms becoöie rated. If the wather promísea to be favorable for soino timo to owffieltiS tliat the togs wül be raftcd in tlic boom and towed to the city. - A scrious accident occnrred on the Detroit lV Bay City railroad at Lapeer, Wcdncsday evenïng, by which the engine, tender and t'onr c-mh of the nortUbonnd l'reight were throtnj from the track and the engine demolished. One of the brakernen, a young man named Seaton Edgerton, aged about 26 . whose paivnts reside at Orion, Mlch., was instantly killed, being ben the engine and tender Hiaparenta arrivt .1 on the evening train. The engineer and iireman had a aatrow escape. The accident was raused by a displaced switch, but it is hot yet known who istoblame. A coroner'a jury wasimpaneled andadjourned tmtü to-inorrow. fc- In tho case of the Pfeople vs. The Lake Snore & Michigan Southern Railvay Compány, tried in Detroit recently for collectionof back taes for foiirlecn years, thé jury,underïnstructions from tlie court. remlered a wefdiof for the pïaintifl for $83,Ï74;88, and the conrt gavetwenty days fa which o settje a ; exceptions on which to take the caseto the Supremo Conrt. This tax ïs three-fourtñá of mie per cent. on the sum of $185,459.84, as part of ;t loan made tó tlic oíd company i'or the 1S7-2. 1873, 187Í, 1875, 1876 and 1877; three-foiirths of one per cent. on $250,000 Jackson Branch bonds for the same years: three-fourths of one per cent. for 1872TOD tbe increase ot capital-stock , Michigan, being $738,216; rliree-l'ouvtlis of olie per eent. for five years on increase of capital stock in Michigan, together with interest ou all I of the BÜrns


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus