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- TIn: pul wng redi: Iü3,7.i,í durin; ' Lw4 - President Hayes returneá to FreQonl . '. hi!i. in time to vi -Ouray wasrrt "the pooï Indian.' 200,000 worth of propetiiiling in Chicago, last week ai I1.601 -Bi ■ ii iwiafc lias ís ■ jned an ediot fcaiissi imir-ci' li;r'r anl - Tli" Ni-' ejnber interest on the ptíb :, and as begttö lay, lor i'ii-.tcr oí Indístra, ís tt blond and dnerfy widower rin;i luis a :.'M'.'lit"V, - P. K. Bargar eonfl.-lefitial del of John I - of Scvaiiton. l'a., i found gniV iüi 10,900. - There was a $-2(X),ü00flrie Xíonday at Bayoil Star, La.; and an$S0,0W) Pire n tlamilton Co. s oil roiil u öhreveport, La, - EIe?en workmeti íti a mfli at StMib'titis, X. 15., me poisoimrïiast Veek by eating diseased pork, 8(iiun est-i are fatal. -Il is Mtid iliat fhf Monolnítes M Kansas raise but few éaitle, ul uehaVing hafd work topaythe interest o their i - Tlie . een fVfu aiut onder the mcdiation of fcfiited States Minister Christiancy, has elosed without any íb - Twciiiy-cilit treigki cars wasd wreeked on the i'i-vi(t(Miic & Woruesler ■ailroad Oct. 81. hy wie train Upiüiig; .vi r íi.Lfairist aiiírtliiT. - JParnell, tUi Irisli agitator, vlio Oieated a grent furore in tlii rotftiq astTfi welconaedat Utoerick, [relalid, öu Monday y 5JD00 persons. , j! roung man twciily-iive cents i-vcry time be goes te nu entirtaltfl ment of the íibiary a9ociátí at ihermaUflTe, with'i;U;iknt;kyuuiig lady. ! Massachueetts eongjegpional :;tic!i has Secided thafbelicf in i iHüishmcnt is not ect-ssary for iiiiuiissioi! to the eongregátiónal ministr) . - ilrs. Aliniham Lincoln has retunicd to this country irom Europe where Ue. luis been some time for lier health and Lek at the Clurendou hotel i ork. - An iirtesian welï at Atchigött, Ks., Bupplles both fresh and galt WÍiter. A deep pump to the bottom penétrate the áaíty veih, and i shotte one wrike the fresh water. - Èx-piösideut Örant'S second son, i l.vssis s.. w;ts imitnd in marriage to Miss Fannie J. ('haiïce, only clüld of senator Ch.aLCee oí Colorado, in New York, on Monday. - rei)nor. the Cítoadíafl -vveather propiiet, allows us a warm November, Hut Vennor lias deceived us so long and of ten. that we have gottën to looic Upön him as a Vennörablè aeöeivïr. J_í nk. tli.lllJ 1VUV.IU1 L 1 11_ -_tl.lï _t inn risco Cali, umlyzdl the paper on whieh it is printed afld found in it partióles of gold, platinum, silver, tin and te aft alp Coates from a miner's ditch ■-The collections of the interna! revenueolikiiOiVineiimuti.lhr livsluistrictof Ohio, for Oetober, amounted to $Í,U6,' . the largest suin ever colleeted in ir any q toer, district .in tUe luitcd Stutes. - Ayoutiglady iiguied aa tbs Godii rty ia a political processie al Dunbarton, 3T. H. Her ypuagman thottght it wasn't beconiins. and ther procession had fco wait whüe be toofc her down. - Oíd Bctz, the Sioux Sfdr whcv died recently at tbe repnted age of nearly ÍOO, had bes BúcoeajAvely the wife of in vrmy oflicer, an Indina chief ,■ a border hlghwaymaa and a methodist toíssíonary. -John Dnff, an eminent frriiroad con-fcraotor, especially distin.uriished for" building the Saanibal & St. Joe and Union Pacific Railroads, ched at Jamaica Flains, Mass., last weck. He leavesproperty estimatort at $4,000,600: -The British have prohibited the holding of the lnod league meetings called at Döng;tniïon,coutity Tyrone, Ireland, this week. Thegrouiu! il is that 10,000 orangemeii wöuld interfere and lead to a breach of the1 peace -The records of CSstle Garden for" October söow tiiat the total arrlvals of emigrants for the month foot up 30.700,. plaking a grand total of liSöCT sinee January 1, 1880, or an increase of 173,-Oiï over the arrival foi' the same perioiï of 187!). - The Chicago ï rlbiiatf tlnis recapitulates the resnlts of the great storm: on the lakes ( )ci.U: Overf50O,000 worth of damage was loue tö vessels and car-goei, ninety-tbree persons perished, seYönteen vessels were totally wrecked nValVingaloss of $imfiM and sixtj' sis. vessels were datüaged. -Boston has tl i'1 riu'lit sort oL a baby show, in Wbich the liandsomest eyes.fche blackest the bluest "éyes, the' most hair, the least hair, the most weight, the least weight, the smallest hands, md the smallest feet, all éöïnfe for consideration and prizes. A grandprize is rcSeived for tlie flnest tetby. - Mrs. Meaker, who, with her son' Almoii, s in jail at Montpelier, Waterbury, last spring, made a despedíate and nearly snccessful attempt to' Imrn the jail last week. Slie set fire' to the cell, but the flames were discov-ered In time to prevent seiïous damage.- Preparattons for war are said to be' active i" ("nina, sorne of the metobei'S1, of the grand eonneiï arguing that it is; better to take the chances of war than' submit to the demanda of Russlat iLi [Iung Chaag feas advised the King" of' Corea to open bis country to foroigiiersas the onlv means of k'eeping Erom absorbing it. - Dr. Tanner is making artange-ments, now that bis prospecta fe thelecture business have Ignotaihiouslj faiL'il. to fast for 40 days Lowloat. Hesaysthe advocatesol alcohol may select six men as near his agcand pliy-sicul conditioiias possible, whocanitake' wine, beet oí anj spirit kous iquor'rüirIng tlie fast, and be will t.ike water.' only. - Tbere was a shaincrul rioi in T)énver,Opt. 31, caused by tbc discuBsiov infhe papers and onttie streétstliei-e of O,,' Chinese labof qjieatióB. Ther werel 5.000 rioters in st reets. Every Chinese house in town as emptied, and several Chinamen lost quet and several otbera badly beaten an I wounded. Policemea rescued tías Chinaraen through the liack doors, whllo1 tdt; toicea ilie front doors.


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