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WANTED! FARTIE8 WHO WILL FUT TEES OR TiftfiBER ON THE I.ine 'of tlie Toleöo, Ann Arbor and Northeastern Rallroad. The Company lina bilis for about SO.OOO fcel of culrert and cattle pass timbcr for whlcb it wlll PAY THE HIGH EST CASH PRICE As soon as deliverefl on tb e line oi the road. The wlll also pay cash for tiea as follows: 35 cents for Oak; 25 cents for Ash and Tamai-Ack. Dlmeusions: 8 feet long, 8 Inch face, 6 Inch thick. Ö?y Au y party who will put mille Into the woods and contract for a large (juantity eau oblain udvuntagvous terms. For specifications on timbcr, &c, apply to H. W. ASHLEY, Corner Waibington and Main Strcets ANN UIBOB, MICH. Health WealtWI Dr. E. C. Wkst's Nervk ano Bkain TnBATment : i speciflc for Hysteria, Dizziiiess, Convulsione, Nervous lleadHclie, Mi-'iitaliDepre&sion, Loñs of Memory, Spermntorrhajii, Itnprjtency, lnvoluntary Emitísioiis.l'reinatiireOld Age, cauaed by overexertion, telf-abuse, or over-índulífence, which loads to mispry, decay and dcuth. One box will cure reoent casos. Eaoh box contains oue njonth's treutioent. One dollar a box, or bíx box es for five dollars; sent by mail prepaid on reoeipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any oase. With each order received by us ior six boxes, accompanied wiih five dollars, we will send the purebaaer our written guarantee to return the money if the treatmunt does nol effect h curo. Guaran tees Í8sued only whfn the treatment ia ordered direct from us. Address JOHN C. WKST & CO., Sole Proprietors, 1S1 & 18ï W. Madlson 8t„ t;hi:ago, 111. Sold by H. J. linowN & Co., Ann Arbor. Abstracts of ïitles. All partios who are dosirousof aBOertaininpthe iondition of the title to theiv [andsf or partiet who wish to loan mo ney on real eatate will dowellto sallatthe Register 'e office and consu H a Compared Set of Abstract Books. ■idbooksare so far advanced that the Register an f urniBh on short noticc a Perfect Statement ae to the Title of any parcel of land in Washtenaw county as shown by the orginal records. C. I!. MAN1Y. Rcgisler. A ET EMPORIUM And'Artist's Supply Depot. 217 Woodward Avenue, Detroit ANDREW J. BROW, Proprletor, Dealer In Picture Frames, Looking' Glasses, Oil Paintlngs, Engnivlns, Chronios, Artlst's Materials, 'and Art SpccinJtlcs. oi. I''haiii:ü hi. t.n.nif)


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus