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The Dismal Swamp

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A Virginia paper tells soino things vhicli aro not general 1 y known aboul the Dismil Swainp. It is nota vast bog sunk low in tho ground, into wliicli tlio'droiuage of tho suiToniiding- country ilows. On tlic oontrary it ís abo ve tlie lovel grouud somo iiftoe or twemy fect, as was doiiioiiRtrated by actual surveys. Instead of benig a receptada hito wliich rivers and strcains enter and flow, it is in rea I Uvan immense reservoir tiiat, in its vast sponge-liko bulk, gatliers the waters that fall í'roin tlie hoavens and pours thciu into tho iive different rivers which flow onward to tlie sea. Any one would imagine t lia t the Disnml was a veritaulo charnel-liouse lliat spreads its miasma throtuhout the country. On the contrary it is tho bealthiest place on tlio Ainericau continent. The swainp is eniiroly of green tiniber. Tliere is absolutcly no decotnposed wood ; tho appearanoe of the lallen tiniber doos Uot a( all resoluble thatwhicll ono 9608 usunlly of trees lying arotind the foresta and swanips, aithough thero are man y trees down. Tlie two principal woolIs that grow in the place are tho juniper and cypress, which nover rot. Thoy fall prone on the ground like othcr trees, but lastend of the wood dceomposing, it turus iuto peat, and Hos indissoluble by air or water lor ges perfcctly sound. Tliere is notliing in the swainp lo créate miasma ; no rising of the tidos no dceoniposition of rank vegetables; no niarshes exposed to the burning rays of the sim. All is fïesh and swoet and the air is laden witli as sweet odors as the fragrant woods ia May, wlieu the fragrauco ot the llowers'iningles witb tno pungent scent of the pine and dogwood. In the ante bellum iaysall planters were unxious to hire thoir slaves to shingle makers in the swainp on account of its liealthlulncss. Mr. lleddick, a well-kllOWU contractor, says hu worked a gang of lilty hands for flfteen years in the Disïnaï, getting shingles, and in all that time tliere wasnot a single case of agne aiul lever, i have seen ïuiinerous ailidavits of overseers and agents who have lived in the swainp tueir whole lifetime, and they nover knew a dcatli caused by miasma, or a solitary instance of ague and lever. Tho air is pure and sweet, and the water, tingccl to a faiiit wine huc by the juniper, is as jiotent a medicinal drink as is to Ue fouiid at the fanious watering places of the Virginia ïuoutain spas. It ii oftcn used by vesels going on a foroign cruise, on account of its healtlitul proporties, and also because it keeps lïesii and clearfor years. It isa strong and invigorating tonic witlia plcasunt, taste.


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