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Executive Ability

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Very few men are blesscd with tlie alont ot' doing more thaa one thing veil. In the economy of natura oor cifts, as a rule, are few. One may bc ible to i)lan hut cannot excciitn, w.hile lis neighbor's execiuive ability is nis Btrong point.. The inan is aoo I at the vheel but lacks flnancial ability; auothci eau design china and earthenware of superior style, but lal Is short of success as a busines i manager. Simlar experiences are met with in every rade. Meu inay succeed in the rou,ine of designing, and in other departnents of potfluf?, but whèn tlieir success in any ot' these eucourage thein to essay manufacturing, they are all at soa, simply because the lattor posiiion calis tor the exereise of entirely different qualifleation. Now and again we íind notable exceptions to this rule.- We meet occasionally with men who possc'88 a combination of different and varied exccllencies, superior wlierever they are placed ; but, on the whole, such iusianoes ure rare - so raro in tact that the exception only provcs the rule. Sueii men are successful. - Tliey mast be for they possess overy reqüisite in the whole range of mechauioal and executive ability. Other men, wlio know nothing, practioally, about the details of construction and qualiiies of material, sometinies succeed, but they have an executive power well de velo peil, and supported by a clear judguient trained by experience, they mustcr all difflculties. - Gne class f meu may not know how to draw the siinplest pattern, but, on the other hand, they may possess good laste, which will cnable ihom to decide whether a pattern is good or bad, and their discerninent fondells its recepiion with tlie trade. Gtve them a ba-is and a plan and they will conipleLo tlie siructure. On the othor hand, thoso who have the practical routine thoroughly by kaart, but lack the executive power, general ly laii in tlieir attempt to do business. What we wish to impresa is tho ünportaiwe of executive talent. It is the all-po werful ever. lt is not ahvays a gift.- In nearly every man there is a gerin, which, with proper cultivation will develop this trait to a certain dagree,


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus