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The Women Of Lima

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Lima, gay an eschange, i called a paradise of woinen. Tney are called beautiful; so tlicy aro, ií' you admire black eyes and ebouy tres- uirt tlie drcntny black oyes ot' t lie harems, nor the Bparkliiuc black oyes of the Syriana nor tJie liquid black eycs ot' the Egyitians, bul the black evos that casily rcvoül the different types oí' characler. Pcruvian ladied have character aticl are untafraid to üv íl; yet we hear nothing of equaí rigíils aud privileges aiuong tliem. thein to Juy ckum to a right is but to pososs it, tor lliey cau easlly win over llie pneslhood,and thus have the most powert'ul clans of l'eru on tlicir side. Tliey are gcncrally oceupie.l, but do not work ; tlicy look upon work as deyrailing. Tuey rise early, take a c'up oí tea and go to mass. Tlieir toilet requires but n few moments. ïheir walking suits are neat and pretty ; in tilia res)ect tliey gtirpan us. The drets is b)aek nnd liever touches t lm groiind ; therc is no fussing 01" i'Umbitug willi trains. A white akirt is BOinclimes seeu a little below the dress, with a deep liem aud two tucks, audalwnys w hit e and clean. Prunella Maiiors are generally worn; and hands are bare ; the manta ia throwu over the heail, lalling graceíully ilowu almost to the b'.tom of tlie skirt. The subject of dress claims most of their linie and altention ; their ball dresses and opera and soiree suits are magnilicent. Their boots, especially are beautiful. íío people have naturally as sniall feet as the Feruvians. The l'eruvian-made boots are too sinall lorforeigners. Teruvian lanies are not very intelligent; as soon as they pass bevond the school -girl period thcy care liltlo lor books or literature. Many learn to play the piano when young, but do not care to continuo when married, They areexcessively courteous in tlieir manners, but we are not to be misled by appearances. Their mode of saiututiou is inoro oí' an embrace than anything else, and they always say : "My house and all that I have is entire'ly at your disposal, and we are to be as ouo lamily." They are always wealthy inimagination - at least they never speak of poverty. Ttiey love to snioke. Although liandsome wheu young, they scarcely turn twenty wheu they begiu to fade. One thlug always lasts with them, and that is their gait. !■ ■ The Princess of Wales has not in eight years materially changed the stylo of wearing her hair. Shc is a sensible woman, anyhow.


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