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-The Bay City Tribune reportsasale of 100,000 shingles at from $2 to $8 per ,000. - Not a greenbaeker In thenextlegisature, and only two democratie senaors. The eaucus business Will be very nonotonous. - By the explosión of a kerosene lantén) in a lumbercamp In Osooda coanty on the 4tb instant, twelve iiue draugbt horses were burned to death. -The Bay City Press saya that 47 Tndlana hunters recently went north with 83 honnds, bilt when they returnedonly three of the entire pack were left. - A new census bas been ordered of Vassar, Tuscola county. The returns of the former enumerator are supposed to have been lost intransmissiou. - Patrickllañley, aged 60 yeare, was instantly killed at Niles, Nov. 8, by being thrown from lúa wagon by a runuway tram. His neck was broken. -Richard Lawrence of Dayton, Tascola county, is under arrest, charged with fprging a deed on a farm in that oountv and obtainingmoney upon it. - Robert Lott of Hamsville lias purchased 1,800 acres of pine land in the vicinity of Ilubbard lake whioh lie estiinaies will cut 35,800,000 feet of logs. -In the vicinity of Almontapples are offered at five cents a bushei, but no buyers appear. It is thought that at least half the erop will rot on the ground. - Gladwin county has a man who has declined the nominationfor ofíiceon account of unütness. Shades of American politics, what are we coming to.- Northwestern Tribune. -The census of Roscommon county footed up at 1,417- men, women and children- but they managed to poll 1,026 votes. The elasticity of that population is something remarkable. - J. B. Tyler, formerly of Marshall, where he ran through a fortune left him by his father, but now of te, is in jail charged with giving mortgages on other people's property. -At Forestville, Sanilac oounty,Kov. 1, James Orton had bislegbroken wbüe logging, and the next day Richard Bane of the same town, while engaged in the same work. also had a leg broken. - There is a fair demand fot horses for the lumber woods, and tive or six car loads are disposed of weekly in tiiis market. All of the stables are wU storked. range from 300 to $350 per span.- Saginaw Courier. -The Mt. Tleasant & Saginaw rail. road has just rinished hauling 7,000 cubio feet of square timber for Muir & Co., of Bay City. This timber goes to Quebec, is shipped to England under the name of deals, and sawed up into biil stuff. - A freight train on the Detroit & 15ay City railioad was thrown frota the track at Lapeer. Nov. 8, and Seamon Edgerton, a brakeman, was instantly killed. The accident was caused by a mis-placed switch. The engine was demolished. - Eight horses have been seized by Port Huron customs house officials for under valuation. They were entered by a man named McLean from GoderIch, who it is eharged bought them for SI ,180 but invoiced them at 1,000. He claims that the American consul at Goderich advised him to do so. - A correspondent of the Free Press wrlttag of Bay, Midland. Ogemaw and Roscommon counties, sayfl: " A small sum of money will secure land enough; work may be done on the land in summer, and in the winter a living may be earned in the woods and milis in each neighborhood. In the meantlme one can be growing a stock of sbeep and swine, and a living is secured and an Lndependence only known to a farmer out of debt. With earnest culture, as good qnality and quantity of grain can be grown as in Livingston or üenesee conntie.s." -The Grand Rápida Times relates a horrible story of religious insanity in tbat city, in wliich a girl named Bertha Snyder, a disciple of one Eider PatterIOB,hM been made to believe that she killed a child and threw it Lnto a canal. She tells the story in the most eircumstantial manner, but when she has been advised by lier spiritual adviser Patterson she can as readily deny the entire statement. Tbere is ampie prooi' that she did not kill the child, as it is now living, but she will freely assert that she did, and thinks that by freely confessing she insures her chances of beconüng a member of the angelic host some day. _______ ._- - - -- - -


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