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■-Bank ap your cellafS. ■ =-tïRve -"! paW llKl( 1et? -l'umpkin pies pfedominatö. -Buckwheat cakes are in order. -ThanksgivinThursday Nov. 28 -Money, inthniaution lUMl muid did -Everybody is glad the ÖAmpaigh is Titenamore Cramer Was desigüated _Tl.ree candida' S íor deputy sheriff -_Now that teerton ia o" rnw1n.vs NYilU.ave move time to devote to religión. vt tho opera house Monday even„K !oxt, Jolm A. Stevens in his popular drama "UnknoWh. _noPportunity is offered to leara Utafitf business. The jgrtjcrt ofaboycantodaplacebyapplyingat oBarnhamanotner ïpBllanttan,lyordeiofFrueauft,J.P; spKihig Bfteen daysiajaU mdefáult of payment of fine. -The entertainment of the Ladies ën3Er=d írS2SS."!Sl 14, arrest fcrassaultonOmnStarr'sinfant Bon, Wasletoffonpromiseofgoodbebavlor, by commissioner MacMalion. -Fred A. Maynard, oace an Ann Arborite, was last week elected prosecutine attorney of Kent county, Grand feapids being the oounty seat. -Ttaat gentleman in Salmo ana m Oí this city, botl of whom Had eyes askant on the probate registership, wil] please defer their hopes at least for four years. -Do not forget the large sale of aluable real estáte on Tuesday Kov .10, at ten o'clock a. m. at the east door of Washtenaw öounty court house by the admimstrator of the Buchoz estáte. -The time for which Hon. Gouverneur Morris was elected circuit court inri, of this district, exp.rmg with 1881 his successoí will therefore necessariíy be elected at the coming spring election. „ „ ,. -Phvsicians inform Mr. John X. Gott thit he must transact litüe business mt month. What with the MUlen failui-e.aml suits gvowing out of it. leil business and pension agency He bas overtaxed liimself. -Mr. George 0. Mahon a resulent of jeñerson street lies dangerously ïll of pneumonía. He is a wealthy and caled gentleman who carne trom i ambrtdge, under the shadow of Harvard to edúcate bis children. _Bv consent of parties the examination of polioeman Porter, constable Loomis, and ex-eonstable Imus, before Justice Granger charged wit uitent to rtefraud the tax payera of the county lw presentation of fictitious bilis to the board of supervisors, was adjourned f rom Nov. 4 to Dec. 1. -The meeting of the Ann Arbor Bcientific Association wWch was to havo been held last Baturday evemng, wns adiourned one week on account oí the stormy weattier. The Bubject oí the paper tobe read-wrongly published last week-is " Sorae Resulta of the Inductive Btudy of Languages.1 -The most Ladustnous member ot the bar is Mre. Poster. Slie brings hor knitting alone;, and thereby wastes not a minuto of precious time. Posusiblj she may be preparing a Chnstmas present for sorae legal Gentle mtm, w Mfí not authorizedto say any thing about it. -Mr. John Solineider anii Miss Bar ■hnrv 7,immer were raarried on Wednes dayeveningatttieBethlehemLutheran chureh by Rev. Mr. Neumann. Bridesmaids-Misses Snyder, Staebler and Ziramer. Groomsmen-Titus Ilut.el, John Wah, Reuben Kempf. The éhureh was erowded. The bride lias lived many years in Dr. Cocker's fannly. - n accident ocouired Tuesday orningby wliioh Paul Tessmer and JeftersoB Lewis, colored, sustained senous injuries, whlch may prove fata). They were engaged on scaffolding ol the new chapel adjoining the Episcopal church and in procesa of erection, -wbieh gave way. By clinging toa cMmney Warren E. Walker did notfall. William llayden alao feil thirty fetóbut escaped w iti) sligbt bruises. - SI, f 10 per day paid and einployment öflered to all who vill;iccept,by the Messrs. Ashley' for laborera to lay the Iron over the extensión, which will be begun Xnv. 16, both at Pontiac and thia city. and pushed forward as rapidly as poBBible until the gangs meet. The long and high bridge over the Huron is competed, and the grading nearly fmished. Laying of switches was begun last weck. We expert to join an excursión to Pontiac on Baturday, Jan. 1, 1881. - Barely does one die so suddenly as lid Mrs. Emannel Manu, of heart disease, who was buried f rom her late idenee on Friday last. Her husband left her at the diniier table feeling as well as usual. At 3 i'. M. she complaincd, and sitüng in her chair vith Kuitting work in hand she expired Buddeuly and without serious pain. She j wasborn ta Wirtembuig, and was 5-5 years 9 montlis of age. Mrs. Mann ■was highly respected by all who knew her and was a woman of exemplary worth. -One of the many queer phases ot politics in tbis campaign was that of the liquor dealers and red ribbon men shoulder to shoulder supporting Kinne lor representative. Of all the 1 sistent class of men politically we commend the noisy temperanca advocates. They stand by Allen who goes about making temperance addresses, and yet as prohibition mayor of Ypsilanü, winka at the open manner in which the liquor law is violated in that city. Hundreda of them voted for a candidate on the repubücan ticket who viaited and Bpent money in every saloon in the county. I -At the pomological meeting Baturday therewasan attendince of about one dozen persons, President Dorr in thechair. The committee "On what Bhall we do with our fruit" made a 1 i The necessitv of suitable cars for shlpping. 2. Proper persons to accompany shipments and superintend üelivery to consignees. 3. Proper apparatus for drying. 4. Recommend a cauning establishment. 5. Proper preserving houses. The above recommendations elicited mucli discussion frora Messrs.Baldwin.Conldin, Baur, Covert, Bev. Mr. Lockwood. Subject was laid npón the tablo to be f urther considered . at the adjourned meeting to be held on Saturday, Nov. 20. -Pólice made one dozen arrests in Oct0-ïlnstenn of court #Ü1 probably continue foür Wbeks. - Mr W 1). Harriman is the onij democrat-elBct pïobate judsre in Mich. _Vtrlep!Hn,econnects the business office of the Aricultural works with theiïinntifctoryinlowertown. -Francés Boyer of this city charged with larcenying some ladies apparei fromBetseyStewarwaBatter trial, on Friday before Prueauft, J. F., found Iai th.'ir mo-ithly meeting Wedöesdav evening the board of education febated the tuitionof ome poor peopVe non-residents, anable to paytheïequired amount.


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Ann Arbor Argus