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- Forwant öf tickets M nans (lid notrote the cOnstitutioni I ai ment. _Bev. Mr. fjtathews will yiuji motheryearfortkepresbyte! Maüchuster. -Residente of Manchester afè ai ;,l iiv tlie Cöndüci of a Mrs. Ticé, ftí Bd tobe insano-. =#eoïge Beeköï of Bridgewater is unáef f l5 bail to áWiit trial, charged with voting tWicöi -Mr. and Mrs. Alletl Crittenden of Kttsfleld latcly retunied fifom a three weeks visit lo the east. -The missing rtiari fottnd about two east of ípsiiftnti, liungtoa tree has betn (tehtiilcd as Herman Sumnici's of l)üíú;it. - Eight ytiars pait foreman of the YpsiUmtiCoiüüiercial office, Hev. G. II. Coctarane has accepted a pastoral cali fromthe Vork Baptist cliurch. - GeorgeF. sou of IIm. John J. Kson of Bliaron, will be continued In hia posiüon !tB HsrsisUuii proaecuting attorney to proseeutinj? attorney elect Firnane of Wayne county. - " How in theworid is the normal to eet her regular appropri atieras" asks the Tpsilanti Commercial; and In the same paragraph it answeisthe question: " Just send a Lobby to Lansing.' -Thomas Yoúng, .Ir., son of ex-supervisor Young of Lyndon, Vill begin i winter's school in the Collin's district in the above town on Monday next. This will be the seventh suocessive winter Mr. ïounghastaughttheyoung idea huw to shoot -Hussel Parker, a wealthy farmer ot Lima tonabip, and one oí the oldest residents of Washtenaw county, died on the 4th at the good old sge of 84 vears. Deceased was an unole of 8ampson Parker, and waatheonly resident of thetownship wholived npon land ovifiinallypurchasedofthegovernnnnt. -Ynsilanti Sentinel: During the "lateutipleasantness," a democrat In the southern part of this county, got in a good thing on Bob Frazex, during one of bis speeches. The evening was warm and Bob, asked permissiontolay ofl lus coat. " Yes," said the auditor, ïf you vvon't turn it when yon put it on again." The shot struek the buH'S eye. and brought down the house " irrespective of party." -The authorities of Bridgewatex township havingoiïered a bounty oí ten cents perhead for woodehueks, their destruction is being aceompÜBhed at a lively rate. They are mostly killed hv V,ovs who can beseen almostany day withgun andbag prowling over fields and through woods. About 820 havo been'slaughtered since April 1, and the township treasurer is kept pretty busy paying orders of the town clerk for scalps. TwobrothersnamedUeedhave killed 145. These animáis do much iniury to clover fields by erecting mounds. -J Everett Smith hasreturnedfrom from a trip of four woeks in Colorado ,n,1 New Mexico. He sold 160 blooded süeep. Mr. Bmith'fl son Arttar is m the sheep business in Oldbarn county. Texas having purchased 1Ö00. During his absence he saw Sara. CamfieH, who is running a hotel at Trinidad, Colorado, and doing well. Jake Larzaleer resides at the same point. Just returned from snrveying tonr rugged and hearty. At Newton. Kansas, he met Wright an Dan Spencer. Bqtb doing a good bus ness buyiag wheat.-Ypsilanti Com mercial. -Ex-supervisor Young of Lyndon was in town on Tuesday to consult Dr. Maclean cpnoernlng his right hand whicb lias been ailinp; since spring and wtdcta has weakened and vvitliered the i pa rt six months. Dr. Maclean says he never before saw anythinii like it, and la iroing to have a battery prepared expressly to apply it. Mr. Young thinks n,Q „o,tp in tlio hollow of tliehand was liil vï iiui v ■■■ --- - injuredby nse of a evoss-cut Baw. It is possible a portion oí the nerve, as a tast resort, may have to be removed. ,[r. Young has experienüed almost continuous'pain sinee early last sum"ü'snnday the body of Mrs.OwenKirk was founcí somc distwice frott the Ypsilanti Paper Oompátiy's upper mili, lying face down in a Bhallow pond. As I washerwont, Saturdn.y aftemoon she stavted for the mili where her husband was at wnt Her babit has been, as he is bnsy Qntil midniglit,to get money froin him to do the marketing. For fhi purpose shewalked from the city towan' the mili in the storm of Saturday evening. ana lml tossc1 thebridge leading from Uk main coad to the litüe Hamlet ai Lowell, a ciuster oí residenees of mili emplnyoes. At the place where thé body was found a causeway runs through a marshy nat, from which she mvist have fallen or got off in som way, and beooming confused lost he ;.' -r.,r,;,.,r ui.,] nsriahinc where sh wasfound. Such are the conjectures arising from the flnding of a bottle, basket, her hatand shawl on the ground toward the mili from where she la,y. The deoeased leavea one ohild by b present and two by a fermer husband. I A jury rendered a verdict of accidental drowning.


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