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The ' iintoii v ■ '!:, SO tl au etithusiast appearediu ;i eutter, - The youngtnenof Clinton dance on ie porcb oL the chureli dütiiig services - The newslieriffof Livingston qomir 'vr&9 formerly an editöf, ftnd founded ie Urighton Citizen; - Marshall ovcrflows Witii Btreet loa'ers who make themselves espfecially constficuous on Sundaysi -The eaniiii's of the L'.ko Rhoré ailroad company duriujjlïie lirsl Ihred ecks in Octobet iiK-r. !!■;! ■'. 12,600. -The Pontiacpesi houseliaSasinalV ox patiënt) hut Sucli öafce liös beeri ken there wülbe bo Spread of tlití isease. - U as atcidfed öh elerti(5t! ftay to i the -!,!'i" hfeceitsars tö etnwplete Ue Ur&68 Lake toWn hall by h vote uf Lint,, i(l. - A. petiified body tvaa the Iinssell ëtreet cehieterj'j Detfoit, tliO othferday by. laborera whoa'ré at work reirtoving rehiai Fos. C. Sterling of Moiifoe feas been appoilïted Secretary pro-teth OÍ ílifi Michigan State Agrieiütura] íociéty,td auccoed R.F.Johnstöne,latc1) fteceasedi - There is ;i livelj ei mpetittafi talmf ! er business at Hudson. One ahop offers a cigar as a pretniuüi for every gliave, and another otters a big fcliew of tobáceo. Biil nr:ss is goocL - Josepli Speiïce, whu wis nrrestedBome days ago fot flöggirig liis wife,was distóbarged Monday morning it appeariog that she commene d hostilitieá witn a broomstick;- Adrián Press. - Tbe Poutiac BUI Poster ails that : tij usual the tetnperanëe rolks went be radical ticket blind, whisky and alU vhile the "whisky páftf," 80 oalled. ut and slashëÖ the demiwatic iiomiijlüO " - Crittenden & Fanrant, r.pplc hayri's at Albion, have so far bought and shipped betveen Eaton Rapids and Qomer) 16,000 barrels of apples, aild say they have only bought one-half of all they uitend to. . . ... . - The November eaienuar 01 sne Hillsdale county court containfi 6 nniinal cases, 50 Civil cases. 8 issues of iact ahd 17 chancery 76 eases, witta all their grand opporttinities for piek inga and stealing; -The city fathers of Pontiác have pused an ordinatiöe by v.liicli tlitf ïaiasmatie vapora ariaiiig ftom the" much-laVed-about mill-pond will be kept under bttch restrietiftná as to be entirely harmless to the people. - A tbree-year-old boy of luanes drieberger of the torni OÍ WaLerloo,fell inlo the cwteia Noy: 1.;ik1 when takenodt was ftead. The wfttör was very slnillow, luit tlui Child f ell f ace down- Waíd and was it is supposeasrnotliorcd. --ïlui (TnitDii steam oidet milla art doing an immense brisiness tliis ycar.: _mong otbei oifiers thy have receive me from Chicago for ten ear-loads, i witU tHe privilege of tatóng more, and l one from St. ijaül for from ten W tweilty car-loads. -The Tectimseh Ilerald says that John Britton, of Ridgeway, Lenaweef county, vho bas been Supervisor and ],ell otber offices in that,ws chaüeiigedai thepollson Ttíeaááy6 the round that he was aot Haturalizett - and so it proved; - There was a strike arriong die clgar makers at Cöldwatef one daylaist week. rt p-ew out of the en f orce ment of an agreement aüiong the bosses that any man cÜBCharged from one shop should not be ;;ivcn worjï hy the others,excepfe' with the co-nserit of the boss WliO discharged him. -Frank B; Ciarte, register of deed for Mdnröe coririty, died in ütóttröe ort Mondáy. Mí. Clark was elected ciem of Moiifoe county in 1860 and served one term. In Í4 lie was chosen register' of dfceds, and was re-elected ín 1876 and 1878 by incrCased majoritíes. lie has been a victim of consuniptión for the' past ten yeárí. ., _fhe Sims hotel, at Orion, ticü oumed last week, was the pïoperty that nnivedirlthegreatOrionlotterysheme, for whicíí rrmny tickets were sold last summer, birt on which dtawing lias not tekea Witóé. Sims is credited witWsayhmrtiiátte will rebnild and ïUns keep' rood faith with the ticket hoiders'. The' loss Ky the fire was abtm't 55,0W, rittt S-' o(jü faisuranoe. i -On Sionday forentíCO Mxs. Charles1 Friburgei', "living nortb rf 'town, raisseJ her litile fco-year-Olá sbfi frbfii the i hoü ie, fttid after looking aïbubfl a few minutes site fonndhiöï intlYe' cistenr floating ofi the water. H-e was iinmo.fliateiy üfted out a-ad evcry av-ailable' l affort niad i to resusc fete him.-but he' hndíain in the water solóiig that lif er was extinct, and he cornos ue unmgnu t0.__GrassLnkeN.'vs. _The average piice pértórë'ot land in the several íoirt'shipí of Jtom-oe; eountyaa determinad Vy the fitt&Hlof supervisors, place Monroe, town Ih'st on the list Bt 5l.32fW)tó Env4(; Ln- Salie, 41-91? IMnulee, 40.41; frènch 38.22; ifni-InviM-, rn.7S; Ak&,8f (4. èödford, 33.14; Béflift'i-ïfieter, 29; WTiiteford, 27.86; faa, 28.86; Summerfleld, !!-. and London 17.öO. -Talk about the freedom oí the ballot In Pontiac a eolored democratt waS' draggedoutof the toreh Hg-htJ proces-sionbyMs wif&aröï led hoftite Witha rope aroi:i'l títe He was bulláozed in otier (vays. If mic'i an out-rage bsd been cöüamUfiJ down SDuth,our cbristian néïghboi would have gone' Into bystwics. It tsdoubtful if more fa;in i ciiinn-d nvui i" i'ontiacdaredto' vote as he wafeted feo.- Gazétte. - The bwo mt'n cliargfed Ka man-' glaKghterin oonnection v.itfr %e Gar-land-Mamle éls'Bster lfefe iiïti tïïeirexaraination six tiimss, on one' pretest ur anothCt; whidi Iooks very much as thoiigli the trial was to bé' sta-ved oft till the pttólttfha forgotien' ibout il. This nïity bèf tó afccói-dancê'vith custom in sueÉ CaseS, bül it is nor n acoordancö itl) justice or compon sensi The piosécution shoüld 1 é" puabed', or dropped without further triffing.- Deteoit NR- ■WedHBsdaj afterabort oourred oie of Éhose Bad aSÈCldénta whfch happens in this community neurly evefy }&L. Samuel fifeíáfg' h"d started vith his cousin, Henry Rcisi-, tur a üay's ducfc' shooting ln narsli, and', wliile' sitliiiL- In the stern end of the boat, he took hold of liisgun to raïsê it ffómtñe' bottomof the boat, -whifi the liammer caugftt in the false bottoni, cansing its accideotal discharge, the load entering hia fbrehead, penetrated tno Dram. iie was brought home as quiekly aa possible, where he arrived a'jout half-paat, t ó but nothiiificouUl be tionefov him:, and lio died at foui'


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