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H. J. Brown & Co.

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ïs ut uaiiuliuK roiuedy toï Klieuumtisiu, Kbeum&tic Pains, and palu of evary dMOEipUou, Rtiob as Neumli, Kctalica, (fout, Lumbago, ChronicLamf' Back, patns in the Haok caused by uarly Indis cretion, mïïor CoropUint, (Jravel, Diphthnria, Cronp, Sore Turont, Swollen and Infiamed Joints, Contractos OrdJ r Mnaolo, tleadache, Earacho.Toothacho, Faceh, Spraioa, CutB, Bruiios, etn. DOCTORS PRESCRIBE IT ! LAWYERS ADVOCATE IT ! MINISTERS RECOMMEND ITr AND EVERYBODY SPE AKS WELL OF IT. It hiurd moft itubbornoase, whenerery othyr known liniment lia failwl. Wby ufrtr dear nfiti Wd n remeiy bo sure and elmijle is uow witliin your reaoli. Kead please the testimony ot those ■wko hare ned tt iind prove Ut value. Wm A. Tbroop of Detroit sars, nnthlng 1nt SpVliiig'u Lightnin Liniment ever did bim any ood. Ln. I. Hark, )o-iuily o( Howarü Ilouee, Detroit, shv it has flone wondars for Uim. Charles Bedfleld, .drián, Mich., saysit cured hls jaughter who has been sufiering for yean with BkCKmatipm. Wm.f. 'Vwtin, Orand Hapids, Mloh., aars he hnsbeon a chronio uilferer from lnflammatory RbniinlHim !n his kneee und.tett foi ten yearB, and nothing bnt 8paldiug's LightDin(f Linimant ever did hjra Mr. F. Tl. , Pri .-■r. Detroit, pnyst hi1 wife fwho bad rot been ahle to walk aoro&s the room foi Mith,) oan nnr', afler haring uid a iêw bottle of Liniment, walk about quite comfortably. M9" ThlLiai nentls r.ow for ealo by all drngrists, pricc 50 conts par bottle, only one siso. Sold Ju Anu Arbor by


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