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TIip prcTiice if' indine in Cwficfio ruano ha hoen provod lv II. Oleífero. VIipii n mnss of the guano wns ubjrclcd loa heat of iïoin 110 io 120degroesüilie soluble vapora of iodine wcra givcn o.t'. When bavs of a rmgnotie nature are comprespcd, twistod, (ir siivichcd tbey hae a tendency, says il. Ador, (o resumo their primitivo molecular dispo sition when ihoy are subjeeted to the nction oí' a iiiiignolizing etirreiif. Foiirireii new oteinentsry bodips, diseil as metal s, uro .-{11110111.061 to have boen iliscovored witliin the past lvo ye.irs. Prol'. T. S. llumirulgo tbrows grove doub;s 011 the rcnlily of the discovery oi'any onc of' thnn, and insists tijjon moro (iccurttle and crueicfil tesis un (he [v.irt ot'cheinistB. About one in every thirty ndnlt niales and one in every üt'tecn Ceñíales, says Mr. F. G -il ton, whenever ihey think of numeráis, 86U lliem in :i Villid Hiemal picture, and eaeh niimber 1ways ocoupiea llie sanie rehvuve position in their Beid of view. The folio wing mixture is recommended lor the destrilClion of parasites of planta. Boracic acid, lü partt-; salicyliü ucid, 5 paris ; ïectilieil spiiiis, 'M part, and water 20U piirts. Tlie liquid IS applicd by nieaiis oi'a sprayproüuced. Au insect willed neen, of (be oocna species, lias bern discovrid in ilie district of Yucaiail, Ceniral America, wbicli )S capable of pfuduciug a species ot' india rubber. From the btxlies of neen an uil exudes wbicli bas a high rciiutalion tbr ils curativo properues. Kxpowd 10 beat il volatilizas, lcaving a lough wax, wbicli, wlieu bun.eii, protliu-es a ibicU Remi-Aiid nia.-s hke a fcolulion of india-riibber. ïhia h i ■ 1 1 1 I e incthod of uiftking .1 phosphurecent lamp Ugivwi: Clcanse oyster sbells by weil washing, espose tboni 10 u mi lieal lor bah au buur, si'ptratu ibu cleanest pur is, and pui imo a cnicible in altérnate iayers Willi Biilpliur. Then livat to reiiness lor ai least an iiour. Whou cold, bréale the nmss,and separate the wliitesl part lor use. if inclosid in a botlle ilie ligurcs of a vvalcll niiy be seen by tbu uiil of ihe light em.Ued. To renew ihe liunilli.Sity of tnc mass,expose ihe boitle eacb day 10 ihe gun or olher strong liglit, 'i'be m.ljibide of ualuiuin will Uius be ma Ie to absorb light, wbicb will bc aviuliible tbrougliout ilie uigltt. Dr. Slone, says Engineering, reeen tly exbib.ted an iniuresting electromugue t of novel conslruction, bsed on a principie wbicb will pioliably be appiied witb attvantago in niaking eleciio-iitagueis lor dynaiiio-eioctric machinen and telegiapbio appaiatus. it is known that electro-uiagnets inclosed in jackets of solt irou are iur more powert'ul tban wluai tbc wire of the coil isuniuclosed. Dr. Hlonc does not employ a soft Lron jacket, but, instcad of usuig coyper wiw to wind ibe bobbins be uses the best cbarcoal annealed iirou wirc, about one-üftb inch in diameier. Four wires are vvouod 011 in parallel circuits, and the curreat is spiit up niaong ibein iu 'multiple are." Tncy are insulated íVoni each otber by paiañine wax. By ibis arrangement the lii'ling power of Dr. Ötoue's large magnet is, with a battery of live or six Üuusen cells, iucreased fourfold. öome of the flnest prehistorie remains in Italy have lately been dug up by Frof. Frosdocismi in an :incient cemetery lately discovered near the town of liste. The Romans had long years ago rifled soma of the tonibs", bnt many places of interinen!. were t'ound to bc uudistuibed, and they couiained somc valuable stores ofpotiety and.bronze. The ornainenlanon, as weil as the modeüng of souie of the pottery, is considerad lo be very fine. Groat interest has been cx'iicJ by the tigures on the bronzes.


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