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Influence Of The Register And Post

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THe RtffiietK of tho Ann ArborKegtaterhMbmn fully measnrpd in two grueral pleetfons liy attacka nnon Jnlw Kamman. Four yoars aero just prior to aleetlon it preferred charges ;r:inst liis private eharacter and rcli;"!"s f!th, alleiiiiL liim to b nnt'it to perform the ilntim of the office of probate jMdtre. NotwïHiKtnniiiiH' thoss attaehs foliowol ly others week after week, Mr. Harriman was elecxefl ly í'-ít mHjority; and. too. runninc in the face of the fact tliat he had then been bul few years n member of the democratie iwirly, au objertion tlüit cist him many dbmocriitic vot%s. ín the present canipai({i) tlie Register, the weck before lootion contsiiKvl a Ifnjrthy articlo, riginally ])i])aro(l for, lint refuspd piuco bf, MI YpsilíUíü Ticwsiipor witli ttie design of being copiod by the Retcjvter, in whlch Judge Harrimau's eourt -n-a eharged with takfnn illpstnl fees. The nntlior of the article doubjtleas beBèved it would he the meatis of deft-atinK Jud'.e IIarnin:ii'"s rp-nlection. What lid the voters of Washtenaw sny rti reply? On Tuewbvy followinft they ent to tlie polls and gave him 899 inaj.. alarger majority tlism any other candidiite on tlie ticket, running 370 aliead af the electoral ticket. The increased majority of 412 over 1K7( shows wliat ttie voters of tliis coitnty think of liis four yeais administratton of tíie office of jiulge of probate. And we may add, of the influence of the newapaper tliat twice sbamefully attacked him on the eve of election. The simple fact is, tlie Ann Arbor Register has verv little Influence, Ipoii general principies it can be safely laid clown as a rule, tliat a weekly paper sold fot Öfty cents perannum lossisses no jwwer aniong t!ie people where it irculates. lts low price coademni it in advance and the few sliilüngs people pay for t rightly (fuages its influence. " It is cheap they say," and wliat it muy ay good or bad about anyb )dy is put down on the same basis of cheapness. The low price, below rost. at wliich it is sold makes it nn Ilegitímate member of the profession as niueh so as the tradesman who offers lus wares bclow market ratos. He is looked npon with Buspieion. and. though lus capital appear Ineihaustible, liis credit becomes suspicioiis, and sooner or later lie loses the respect of the public, wfaich is always wilüng to pay a fair profit. ïhe Regis ler's personal and politica! ftssaults upon one man, with whom we certainly have no political sympathy, have done much to belittle what influwice it might otherwise possess. While it may be pleasing to a few, the general public care little for personal quarrels and soon tire altogetber of ceaseless scolding. We are of the opinión that Mr. Real is strenger politically in this county because of the attacks upon him by the Registor. Tliey serve to burniab and keep him polished for a contest. They inipel lus frienda to draw the elosw to. and labor the harder for, !iii. They develöp liia fiphting qualities. They keep Ilim en the alert. They cause hitn to exercise a greater degree of vigilance. Thfjy bring him into notoriety and itrwigefs are led to ask the question : " Who is that man that receives so much attention from the press : he must be of ureat importance in your community?" The American oharacter is so builded that repeated assaults draw forth sympathy for the jierson assaulted, and people come to admire Mta who plyekily stands up and fights liis way, persenalíy e politicaHy. Thns, iw ofr judi'nicnt. the Aun Arlior Register fs to be eredtted in a great degree with the making politioally of Bi co A. líeal. It lias had an Influeno, we concede, In thts direction, but contrary t the expectation of its foundera. Itu assaults botb upon Judge Harriman and Mr. Beal have dono them 110 harm, the one jjrowing in popular confidence bs the late canvass demónstrales, the other accomplishing his ambiüon local]y so f ar as we have been able to observe. The IleRister's influeace is therefore sumnied up- nothJng, In the late campaign the Washtenaw Post (Germán) laborad dillgently in its columns to re-elect Mr. Clark, and.congequently to defeat Mr. Duffy. Being printed in Germán it is fair to presume its circulation is wider in towns where Germans preponderate, sueh as Frecdom, Bridgewater and Lodi. A glauco at the official canvass publlshed in the last issue of tho Aböus, demonstratea that in tbetownship(Freedom) inhabited almost exclusively by (iermans, the loss of Mr. Duiïy om the electoral vote, was: Freedom 6 Bridgewater 4 Lodi 22 32 or an average of nearly eleven in eaeh town. lint tlie loss in Lodi was due not to the lofluenoe of the, bui to the faet that that towmhipjoini Saline, niftny of its eltizeng doing thetr trading in Salino vlllage and are personal frienüs of Mr. Clark. Take two towns where Eriahmen predomínate and compare the losses also: Dexter 12 Northñeld 48 or an average of 27 i votes in each town. An analysis of the returns provea that the inftuenee of the Post loward defeat of Mr. Duffy is not wortb taking luto eonstderation. All the eulógiea it beBtowed upon Mr. Clark from week to week carried little or no weiglit with its democratie readers and very few voted ;itíiiitit Mr. Duffy because of persistent and stiimg recommendationa of hls opponent. Ou the other hand the Bort supi.uiied Mr. IlarTiman who ran bi-hind tho eleotoral ticket in the Germán town of Freedom, 1-1 votes, ghowing again that the Pott is without inlluence politically. From bèta deduced from the late election rtturn ít U sultled that hereaftr candiduteH for county offices need not feel aalled upon to pay tribute to proprietor or proprietress of tlie AVashtonaw l'ost, either in cash or patronage for th privilege of belng pulled In its columns. As a factor in Washtenaw politics it fs entiüed to no considerai-ion whatevei The young nuui in whose name it appears may now divost hiniself of the egotistioal idea, that ha, through the Post, controls tho political destlny of r audldates for local OÍTices. -President llayes and wife retunied ta tho white house oui Friday af tcruoou. Tli ere is talk of dividing the great state oi' INmiiisn lviiniu nul making two commonwonlths thereof , but it is amusng tbat the vigorous protest comes fioiii the little New England states. In Ohioat the lasteleetlon Neal Dmv receivfti within half as many votes as General Weaver, and the latter had but 5,456. This, too. in the very birth-place of the rng baby. The greenbacker is a goner. Jurïge FoifTPv, repnblican candidato for Oliief Jndpeof tiwcoiirtof Appeals, ":s n maioríty of about 40,(100 in X. Y. ,Tu1ge RapRllo rnn some 20,000 hehind Hancock ín the citieaof New Vork and Brooklyn. AVitli the exception of Jndge Terry, who ran hehind liis ticket 20-1) votes, because of the, killing of Broderiek in a ñnéi the Hancock electora in California have a pluraüty of 122. General Rosecmns has 1.50Ü majority for congresB. Last Friday anotlicr terrible casualty and loss of tlfe was added to the already long list credited to 1880. At Stellartown, Xova Scotia.a as explosión took place in i coal niin!, and 47 men and boys who were in the mine lost their It is not uaiwl to return so large a number of old members as now po back to congress. The whole number of members of the house is üff!. The members re-elec.ted are 81; ex-members electedll8; total of 202. The tyros number 91. Juilge Noab Davis, who goea out of his way to abuse Abram S. Hewitt, is a CAndidate for a position on the bench of the United States Snpreme court. A vacancy musí soon occuronthat bench. Does Davis propose to cani promotion bv (leinonstrating his bitter partisanshtp? „__________„ Libby prison went to the auctionbiock in Richmond, last, week. (mier a deed of trust, a tobacconist makiug the best bid. $6,725. The auctioneer deelared that each brick could be sold for a dollar in the northern cities, part of the wall havingbeen carriedaway by relic-lmnters. P. T. Barnnm,the showman, who ran for State Senator in the Bridgeport (Conn.) distiict, was defeated by Morris W. Seymour. The New Haven Register is cruel enough to say the defeat of Mr. Barnum is gratifyiug, as the repoblican legislatura will be circus enough without the presence of Planeas T. Ex-Minister Romero last week gave a dinner ii Xew York to Grant, ,Tay Gould, C. 1'. Huntington, Bussell Sage, and other rallway kings, with v.hom he pleaded for American capital to develop interior eommunication in Mexico. - Genera] Grant vouches for the safety of investments in our sister republic. The darky in the First Arkansas district tasted the sweets of victory, but like dead sea apples they turn to ashes on his lips. ïhe returns are in, and the darky is out. His razor and his mulo did magniPiCent service, but the lather and the smile is on the other side now. Foindexter Duim takes the congressional cake. Dennis Kearney has set a good example to those political trampa and bummera who have made the land ring with their loud hraying. Ile announees that he shall forsake politics and earn an honest living. In San Francisco, he put in heavy work for Weaver, the greeuback vote on!y increasing tliree l'rom the last election. The Wappingers Falls Era makes a gnod point thus: "Xew Jersey. California and Nevada vote for Hancock, and he is thus the only candidate for the presidency who will receive electora] votes (rom both northern and southern state. Garfleld'B election will be a setionaltrfumph. The election of II ani ick wouldhave beenaUWon victory.'' Mille. Sara Bernhardt, the celcbrated French actress, made hor first iippearanco before an American audience in X. Y. city last week. She met witb crowded hou 868 and a warm reception. The press of X. Y. devdtes columns to criticism of her acting, and all agree that she is a woman of genius añil a great actress. Her professional tour of this country opens well and bids fair to be highly sucoessful. President Hayes was asked by a reporter of the Washington Post a day or two ago what impression of Washington life he would carry away. He replied: "In the main, very pleasant. - The first two years were hard - as bard, perhaps, as any year of Lincoln's administration. T have said this frequently before, and I still thinkso. The last two years have been as easy and pleasant as perhaps any president has enjoyed. In my case the sunshine has followed the storms and clouds." ThsLewistOB (Me.) Journal reports Bolou Chase as mapping out for its informatkm on Monday the greenback program n ie for the future. "We shall," he sald, "push flrst to get the silvcr dollar the basis of ourrency in thia country. This will raise prices about i per cent., and they will stay trp. It will drive gold out of the country, but that is no matter. It will go somrwhere else, and do somebody else some good. Xext. we shall go against the coin reserve. That we want used to pay the bonds. Tbon we shall go for the national banks." A correspondent wiites: Whither is our country drifting? The American doctrine of government was basedon Jeffersonian principies. Wlien the republican party first organized in 1S5(, its foundation plank was Jeffersonian principies. In 1880 the party elects a Hamiltonian Federalist for president. Garfleld in his speeches took his political cue from Hamilton, and openly avowed Hamiltonian monarchy. The London Dispatch say, Xov. 4, 1880: "So f ar as national issues ara concerned, the democratie party have fought and lost its last great battle. No future presidential campaign will beconducted under a banner which was orginally 'm lisled by Thomas Jefterson. and which Bymbolizes hatred to England as the forernost plank of its platf wm. That this í'eeling has passed away is clearly evinced by the fact that in the struggle bet ween Garfleld and Hancock the sympathiea of Englishmen havo been all along in favor of the former." Garfleld boasted in his speech that "as Hamiltonian principies wax, Jeffersonian principies wane." Shadesof our father.


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Ann Arbor Argus