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- Gen. Butler looks for a split in the republican party shortly. - Garfield has resigned hia office as Congressmni] f'roin Ohio. - Ilog cholera, of a violent type, prevails in several aeetionsof Indiana. - Texas has a cotton erop estiraated ai 1 .l'.")O,O()(j bales, and valued al $00,000,000. -The Chicago isanont lo introduce type-setting by machinery into its ofBce. - T)r. Buehanan, at Phlladelphia, has pleaded gmltyof selllngfalse medical diplomas, - The (avfield ballots in Louisiana were all headed: " For President in 1881, U. S. Grant." - A';nl(í Ilampton publisltein letter urglng the democratie party to retain its organization. - Judge R. B. Taylor has been selected to sneceed General Garfleld in tlio house of represntatives. -Col. Thos. Scott is aufforing f rom a serions parnlytic Btroke whlcb affeets both speech and locomotion. - The cznr has commuted lo lifo imprisonraent the sentences of death pronounced against three nihilista. -The Boston II raid saya that nll tho Indicationa point to Iloscoe Conkltng as the presidential candidato for 1884. - General Sherman is tobe ehief marshal of the inaugural ball. which will be held in the national museum building. -Gen Garfleld will be the first prosident to take his mother to the whit1 house, that is provided slie lives unl.l ülarch 4, 1881. - Wllliám Et. Tinavs, a bank bookkeeper at Grand Rapide, Mieh., shot himself througb the heart in the faniily lot at the eemetery. - The Ilartfonl Courant advises Boss Conkling to send Mr. Kvarts or George W. Curtís to the United States senate as Keman's succössór. - A Boston lawyer has made a hit by procuring divorces and doing all aorta of tegal business and taking bis pay in wéekly installments. - Lucretia Mott diedin Philadelphia. Nov.K, agéd SS years. She was a Quaker preacher and a zeajoua anti-slavery and woman's rJghts advocate. - The Texans are agitated over rumors that Torn Scott and associates will build a iive-hundred-mile road f rom Dallas or Fort Wortli to the lower Kio Grande. - C. 11. Cummings, a railway man of Chicago, is said to have won $50,000 on the elei tion, and has given his sister, Mis. Kalief, of Pekín, a check for half the amount. - Jesse Pomeroy, the Massachusetts boy murderer, gains fresh notoriety by being detected in an attempt to cut tbrough the boiler-easing of bis cell with a saw made from a knife. -Tho land-grant excursions to the western states and territories are attracting large mimbers of travelers. ''"■ passedthrough Chicago last week at the rale of about 4,000 per day. - The tirasury department calis in all sixes of 1880, and interest will cease on tliem Dec. 31. Proposals to sell bonds for the sinking fund on Wednesday were rejected, the price, 103, being eonsidered too high. - In a church at East Cambridge, Mass., on Sunday, Miss Jennie Smith announced that after sixteen years of intense suffering her sight had been rt - stored and her useless limbs rene wed solely througb pray er. - A merebant of Kingston, Jí. C, was recently sentenced to thirty days in jail for an attempt to kiss a married lady. All be obtained by an appeal to the superior court was a chunge of puni.shment to ü?-5() fine. - At the late election in Nevada the voters were expeeted to express their views by ballot on the questiOn of Chinese immigration. Storey county returns 13 in favor to ö, 114 against the presence of Celestial. - Alexander II. Stephens, of Georgia, bas been re-elccted to congress by 1 1 ,84] votes lö scattering. The presidential vote in his district was 10,.'!S(i for Hancock, and 4,600 for Garfleld. In two counties Garfleld didnotreceive a vote. -The Wall-street prediction of higber rates of interest is based upon the absorbtion of ?1 20.000,000 or more in the construction of railroads to the Pacific coast. The national banks have, in the pust ten months, contractedtbeircirculation only $5,553,859. - A Cleveland dressmaker answered the doorbell at 3 o'clock on Sunday morning, and found her divorced husband, Thomas W. Somers, sitting beside a hitching post with a bullet in bis brain. It is thought he shot himself after ringing the belL -The ex-khedive of Egypt has been abandoned by all the inmates of his harem, with the exception of two coalblack girlsof Xubian origin. Ilisfwuds haring been curtailed, lie found it impossible to retain his bold upon tho fairer companioned ladies. -The Cameron influence in Pennsylvania is said to be backing ECeury V. Oliver, .Ir., for Senator Wallace's seat. The Pittsburgh iron men are also supporting Oliver, as he is one of the leading iron manufacturera of the state, and is niaking bis flght as a down-right protectionist. - Yee Mong, a Chinaman murdered oy robbers, was given Christian bnrial In Chicago, Nov. 11. He was a member of a mission school, and liad outgrown many of his superslitlons, althougb not professing to be converted. The Chinese residents and Sunday-school children attended his funeral. -Alexander Mouton, ex-ijovernor of Louisiana, is the oldest United States senator now living, having served in that body under the administration of Gen. Jackson. Althoughan octogenarian, he retains his faculties, mental and physical, in a remarkable degree, except bis visión, which ia somewhat impaired. - Charles Merriam of Springfield. Mass., the publisher of Webster's dictionaiy, has built and fitted up a handsome iibrary building for bis native town of West Brookfleld, Mass., and bas given live hundred shares of X. Y. Central railroad stock, the interest on which is to be used for the purebase of books. The value of the whole gift is about $83,000. - The sculling-match on the Thames, in which ITanlan vanquished Trickett with the utmost ease, caused tho greatcst excitcment throughout the British empire.' The betting was heavierthan was ever befóte known, Toronto parties winning over 8300,000. Tlie marquis of Lorne ordered the result sent him by cable. Mrs. Hanlan received a shower of oongratulatory telegrama.


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