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- At Ludington nnd Otnego J ake Tuesday snow was a foot deep. - A Chicago man lias boimht ]0,000 bushels of apples in Romeo and vicinity. - On the 15th, James Vanatta, au old resident of Fenton, died suddenly of hearl disease. - A Marquettebee farmer Bold i ighl tons of cliolcest white honèy in the cmil) in the Detroii market thisseüson. - A two-yenr old child of Waterman Butler of Grand Rapids feil into a tub (if hol water and was scalded tn deatb. - Louis Snvdy of (wand Haven received tliirty years in tlie penitentiary for au attempt to rape a seven-year old girl. - Three thousand, acres of lands were sold for faxes lasl week at Lamting at pricea rangiug from $1,23 to $(;,ai per acre. - ir. I'. Merrill of Say City lias sold liis trotting liorse Palma to James Golden of Boston, -Mass., for $8,000 cash. - Rav. G. C. Draper has ra-i sed? 1.700 and paid off a mo-rtgage debí whieh lias long distressed tiie M. E. ('liurch of St. Louis. -The trampa ave now playing the "only survivor of the Alpena" dodge. Too ihin, boys! Those "survivois"are all dead. -The Michigan wilt product for Octoler was 206,75 barrels, making the total product forlSSÜ to that date, 2,447,332 barrels. -The Kast Saginaw Congrepr.tional ehürch society lias paid oiï a $15.000 mortgage and simt down on Sunday collections. - Callioun county has been eompelled to pay the fnll salary of its judge of probate, whtch the board of supervisors attenip ed to reduce. - B. F. Stone, a prominent eitizen of Fenton,died Tuesday night. Mr.Stone was supervisor of Feuton, and a inember of the board of education. - A snit Involving tille to one-half of the Clifton house, at Viles, bas been decidëd in favor of Selina Waterman, af ter being twelve years in couit. - Maj. Kelsey of Ionia, is to wheel a barrel of 8Our thirough -Main street, in that accordance with a bet made on thePresidentialelection. -The Presbyterian cbiirch at Tonia has been "trytog--on" ctuidldates for the pastorsbip of that church ever since last June and it is still without a shepherd. -The keeper of the Branch county poor house has been sued by a pauper inmate of that institution for having forcibly liindered him from going down town. - Omar D. Congerannounceshimself a candidate for the Michigan senatorship, and mentions II. P. Baldwin, James F. Joy, and Jolm J. Bagley as in the Held. - -Kniest Loveredge the tbird son of X. P. Loveredge, one of the prominent lawyers of CoktwateT, was on Monday last taken to the asylum for the insane at Kalamazoo. - Postmaster Thomas Saylor of East Saginaw, has proven to his mvn satisfaction that the amber sorghmn can be successfully andprofltablyraised in the Saginaw valley. - Alonzo Kennedy of Greenville, af ter attempting tokill bis wife by striking lier with a liar of iron, failed to cut his tbroat and finished bis lifo by throwiug himself into a mili pond. - Pontiac Bill Poster: AVanted- The individual wno reported Pontiae had eigbt cases of small-pox and the streets were barrica led. Ile'll get drawn and quartered by our citizens at sightl -Charles Stewart, who síole a horse some time ago frúm Lieut.-Gov. Session's barn in Berlin Towiuliip, Ionia Co., has been sentenced to tbree yeara imprisoument in the louia house of Correetion. - Kalamazoo, with a population of twelve thousand, flounshes nnder a village charter, and is not anibitious to become a city. It is one of the least governed and best governed communities in America. - A farmer named Lewia Clark, living iive miles Southwest of Lainsburg, starled to walk homo from that vilhiL-e in a reeent storm, and perished from cold and exposure within calling distance from his own house. - William Yon, a sawyer at ,T. C. Geam's lumber mili at Au Bable, was on Nov. 8 by some mismovement thrown back on the circular saw, and had one leg and bis vight wrist cut off and was otberwise ba lly injured. Ile died in about 15 minutes. -Artemus Thayer, one of the oldest and most inlluential citizen of (enesee county, died Wednesday at his residence in Flint. lie erected a large munber of buildings including the Thayer house in Flint, and was director in the Port Hu ron and Lake Michigan railroad company. -At Berrien Springs, Judge Smith on Tuesday genteneed Winfleld J. Castellar to seven years imprisonment at Jackson. A few weeks ago he was one of a party of safe-blowers from Chicago who were gettlng in their work at Galien, but were surprlsed before securing anything. - The Menominee Ilcrald says: "It is safe to say that at least $700,000 a year are paid in our saw-mills and for loggint? operations. The amount expended annually in tliis marmer on both sides of the creek will aggregate at least si.aoo.OOOeash. This sumwill be increased considerabiy another year." -Last week at Charleston, Banilac Co., a fatlier and son gob into a fight, and II. H. Ilarrison, Justice of the Peace, commanded the peace, when they both attacked and pounded him till lio was insensible. lie is very low at present, and spitting blood. Action will probably be commenced against the partiea who assaulted him. - Gov. Cróswell has been called upon within tho last year to appoint four circuit judges to;fill vacanclescausedby resignation, and ('ach appóintment was conlirmed by the people at the recent eleetion. This is the more complimentary to the governor lx cause it is diflicult to ftnd lawyers of ability who will consent to serve on tlie bench it its starvation wages. -The constitutional amendmentvoted on this f all was to empower the legislatura t pass an act authorizing Detroit to tax itself for a bridge or tunnel acrosa the Detroit river. Itwas opposed by the best citi.ons of that city and received little support where its purpose was known through the state. The vote of Detroit was: For, 2,056; against, 8,491.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus