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Health is Wealth I Dn. E. C. Wbst'b N'r.itvK and Bbain Tbeatmi-:nt : aspeeifiefcw ffysfceria, Dizzlness, Convulsiona, Nervous Headaehe, MentalfDepreMton, Los oí Memory, BperxnutorrhcBa, Impotency, Involuntary Eimianooa Premature Oíd Age, caused by overexertion, self-abuse, or oíer-fadulgenoe, wluoli leads to misery, decay and death. One "x wlll cure receñí cases. Baehbox contaras oue monto 0 treatment. fine dollar a ! ox, or siï boes for ftve íollare; Kent by mail propala on reeeipt f pnce. We guarantee siz boxee to cure auy case. With uach order rcceived by us for s!x boxea, aocomp:iniea wiih uve dollars, wc wiU send the purchaaer our written }uniínitee to return the motiey il the treatment does oot eílect n cure. Guarantee issued only when th' treatment is nrderea direct from iis. Address JOHN C. WKST & CO.. Sole Proprietors, 18) 4 183 W Mudwon ., duwgIU. Sold by H. J. Brotu & Co., Ann Arbor. Estáte of Hussell Parker. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O at Waghtenaw ss. At i session of the Probate ■ Court for the County of Wastavenaw, holden at the Tribu' e Office in the city of Alm Arbor, on Mouduy, the fifteentb of November, in the yenr one tUousund ek'ht hundri'd :ind pislity. Present, WïUiam D.Harriroan. Judge of Probate Tn the matter ol thu uetivle of Iluisell Purker, TiiteiKlinguna illin? ihepetition.lulyTerifled, of Orrin T Parker, pniying ttiat adniiaistratwn of raid estirfemy legiantadt(5nnsuitU pemn. i'!,.-. upiMi it isordered.thiit Monday.thetbtrI,.,",,. i, dy .4 Decembp oext, t ten o'clock in tra aseigne.d lor the hennnjt of snyJ nfititínri nil fluit the taerr at luw of siml dreensed, - ind uil .nher pcrsonn intufeated in a .id éstate, ure teqniredtoappeiiratasesaion of sald court the to ha holden at tho Probate office in (hu city of AnnArbor, and ihowMÜse, if im there be, why th nrayer of tl. e psüttoner sliould not be granted ï Xiiditiatiiriherorduredthiit "nA petitiouer JIT notice to the persons interested in skW etut-er ol the pemlenoy "i id petition and the herin theriof, by cikuin oopy of th-s order tobe ,ed mi tho Ann Abbod Augtjs, newsppr printwl and oironlated in aaid county, thre mw - 9ive week, lS-SÍ"HiaSSiAlri ( A true copy.) Judge of Probat. - Wm. i. I'oii. Probate P.eKister. Estáte of Charles E. r.urlinsarac. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wnshtennw, B8. At t seMionof the Probate' (Jourt fnr the County of Washteoaw, holden at the Probote OlHce, in the city of Aun Arbor, on Muniluv the nrtoenth dayaf Nove mb.-r. in the yeiur ona th'.iwind tialil hmii'.r.-d .111.'. 1 L' Present, vm ra 't niTimin, .liidfrof ProbaU In me nutter of the estáte of Charlea K. tturbui'in rwiilh'ii-i.ul Sling the petition iliily veriRfcl of Lena nurlinar ulmiuibtTAUoii d bonia nn of aaid ■■-' -.K' m.iy bagrnDted tu tnnatt or Boma other uiiafele peraon. . Then-upon it I ordercd. Hint Monnay. the tlur' teoiilh dnT of noxt. ut teu oY.lock in thj loronoo, be nssifraed lor hearing of siud - netition,nd Ihnt thehelrsntlaw of Bid deccased, . indalVother intmasted in Biüd estata.aK reanirvdtoai'penrut . ession ■; mihI couri. then tobe íioUlcu 'tihe ProhBtcOtliei) intheoity of AoB .Vn-(.r, -irid now 'iiiiue, if uny there bc, why the ■ nriver f the pbonld nt lie (trant And it i" turl thut sid petiüoner (ti ■ nolice to f-e purwna intrpcd in saitl estute, . „f the nend :: pentton nod t-lie ■ oathevi'OÍ I'V cauing :i cpy oí tuis order to l0 e mblwhed in thi i k A boot, newppei ntnied ana cwenlMed in said oonntT, tnrMiW - f A 'rué copy.) ! "iïul t'rubiLt-. . Wm.ii.íMí, Probate Rogltcr. Kritatu of Jolin Adam 15r w. OTATE OF MÍCEIOAN, COUNTY O of v':isht naw. At bwñoiyof he i'robM ■ Conrt for tlie Cuuntj of Waahtenuv, hoüïe m theProbate "Hice, in the t'ity of iia Irhor, on V.' :n 's l:iv. tlie sevmhM-n1 h Uny ot N"ovem1er, in tfc year ooethoiwand 'iihl i 'nii-.-il mft Urbj. ' ti ent, kïiliiu D.HaTüiBuir, Fudijeoí Pnlwf; . Iu thp n kl fctr ií' i iie u;.Luij ui ,iu!m Aditin BraM, On reading iwl 81ing lie no'ition.duly verifica, , of I i un 1.. i-''l.i:;;um, praying Ihat lie miy lie licenscil to sell iku real estote whereuíai(Jwa! ' Tbereúuoi) it sordredvth Tiu'siluy.-tlw IwentyHrt diiy oí ] i: -inií-r next, l toa oHslopk in the f,„ ooii heasai csd for lio iiearinKof siil . andthai the tu-in üt luw of sato dcefued, und all oti"i pe ■ii.i inlerested in BaM state, ure1 i,, ,,prp;ir at n sewiön of nid court, ih.'n fco be holden al the ProlmU offlo in thecity uf Aun Arbor, nrul sliuw Muse, il' y there b, whï the pmyer oí tho peliti'iner should rot b8' KTanled: Lnd i( i lurther urdpredthal suid peti-' otwreivp noUoe to the person interestd iasnirtBtote, of the '"" 'uli " " enrina theoi, hy onnnfaK " '")'' ot Chn crrto o be pnblished in the (m W:,;n Ahncs, n' wper printed and oireuld tal hm wmnty, threo ÍCMkipí;,Vu:laiA.ímS(A tnipeopr-í Jndiítí of ProbateWm. G. U'.'i'v, Probati Register. . SiNimlin. CiTATÏÏ OF MICHIGAN, COUNTT O of Wuslit.'imw. ■" Al : B iion "i' llm Pro-oateCourt fortlieConntj '■! Ua-lu, naw, holden uï of Ai, i Arl.or, on' i ,j the eigtiteentK H m " ethnnsand M-lit l,,nJwdanffeigllfr. ' Preseat Willlam D-Hwrlman, Tnage ofPïobat; In the matter of the estáte of Kzra U. Seamnn, log the pptition, fnlj IflWto{Joliu M. Wheeler, ■ pvHyimt tliiit he mayhe loenaea Wsellrea] ostuto whcreof middei il ieil aeized: , t. - Thereupon ü sordered, thal WednefiilaT, teentb day of Dccemhr next, at ten o'clock in O assiRned for the hearln of ! uetltlniv, and that the hoira at luw of said ,11 oth personn interwted in unid eotate, ure rconh-ed te a-ppar at a aowion of aidoonrt, tl, to be hol a the itod.m Office, in the city of Am. Arfara, In iideoaf, u,fl show oanre. if T tliere be. wliy tBe ,„.,,.,.,■ „f the petitloner shmiM not tie rswtca And it il iuïther orderpd, tlmt snid petilioncf rive notioeto the persons interwled 10 omd'ml "te, Of the pendeuey of min petiti6ji nnd the """t thcreof by cansiiiKn oopy of tWs "nier to bc pub(Atrnacnpy.) ■ ol Viobot. WM. U. Doiï, TrobateKegiater.


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Ann Arbor Argus